Windows Media Services
Documentation Home
Windows Media Services
Comparing versions of Windows Media Services
Documentation conventions
Getting started
Understanding Windows Media 9 Series
Understanding terminology
Announcement file
File location
Interstitial advertisements
Playlist file
Publishing point
Windows Media file
Wrapper playlists
Changes to Windows Media Services
Upgrading Windows Media Services
Migration overview
How migration works
Publishing points that point to directories
Publishing points that point to publishing points
Publishing points and stations with the same name
Stations and programs not associated
Publishing points that point to local stations
Publishing points that point to remote sources
Stations with no publishing points
Publishing point security
Configuration elements that are not migrated
Using the upgrade log
New features in Windows Media Services
Platform components
Plug-in architecture
Advertising support
Server-side playlists
Wrapper playlists
Wireless delivery
IPTV support
System requirements
Windows Media Services service and Windows Media Services snap-in
Windows Media Services Administrator for the Web
Multicast and advertisement logging agent
Deploying Windows Media Services
Administering Windows Media Services
Streaming entertainment programming and advertising
Broadcasting programmed content
Supporting personalized on-demand content
Creating syndicated programming
Providing live broadcasts
Displaying banner ads
Displaying interstitial ads
Working with wrapper ads
Replacing ads
Distributing corporate communications
Broadcasting executive speeches
Presenting training seminars
Holding financial briefings
Streaming programming to subscribers
Providing video on demand
Providing a subscription service
Creating a client activity report
Wireless streaming
Delivering IPTV
Understanding streaming media
Streaming vs. downloading content
Streaming media system overview
Streaming from a Windows Media server vs. a Web server
Ensuring the stability of your streaming media system
Obtaining content
Setting up Windows Media Services
Delivering content as a unicast stream
Delivering content as a multicast stream
Announcing your content to users
Networking and content delivery
Understanding protocols
Protocol overview
Using the MMS protocol
Using the RTSP protocol
Using the HTTP protocol
Using HTTP streaming and other services on the same computer
How protocol rollover works
How unicast works
How multicast works
About multicast IP addresses and ports
About time-to-live values
Understanding Fast Streaming
Understanding Fast Cache
Understanding Fast Start
Understanding Fast Recovery
Understanding Fast Reconnect
Understanding Advanced Fast Start
How Advanced Fast Start works
Encoding content for Advanced Fast Start
Understanding content delivery
Working with data sources
Using distribution servers
Understanding variable-bit-rate content delivery
Understanding intelligent streaming
Understanding Advanced FF/RW
How Advanced FF/RW works
Encoding for Advanced FF/RW
Implementing Advanced FF/RW
Managing your Windows Media server
Administering servers
Allowing or denying unicast client connections
Setting server limits
Using Windows Media Services Administrator for the Web
Using groups
Monitoring performance
Using Windows Media performance counters
About the Windows Media SNMP objects
Subscribing to Windows Media WMI events
Understanding publishing points
About publishing point types
Using on-demand publishing points
Using broadcast publishing points
Adding publishing points
About the Default publishing point
Protecting the Default publishing point
Configuring publishing points
Controlling unicast connections to a publishing point
Starting broadcast publishing points automatically
Setting publishing point limits
Streaming from publishing points
Archiving content
Understanding Play While Archiving
Archive wildcard characters reference
Sourcing from playlists, files, and encoders
Understanding playlists
About on-demand and broadcast playlists
About wrapper playlists
About creating and editing playlists
About playlist elements
Sourcing from files
Sourcing from a directory
Sourcing from an encoder
Sourcing from a remote publishing point
Sourcing from a multicast broadcast
Sourcing from an encrypted directory
Using dynamic sources
Reference for content sources
Controlling streaming behavior with URL modifiers
Controlling Fast Streaming behavior with URL modifiers
Controlling Advanced Fast Start behavior with URL modifiers
Controlling multicast client buffer behavior with URL modifiers
Controlling encoder failover with URL modifiers
Announcing content
About announcements
Sample announcement file
Customizing announcement files
Embedding the Player in a Web page
Understanding MIME types
About multicast information files
About stream formats
Client URL reference
Player URLs for broadcast publishing points
Player URLs for on-demand publishing points
Player URLs for default publishing points
Distribution server URLs
Understanding advertising
Choosing an advertising infrastructure
Hosting advertising on your Windows Media server
Using an advertising service vendor
Choosing an advertising type
Creating advertisement policies
Logging advertising data
Personalizing advertising content
Logging data and events
Understanding logging
Reading log files
About GUID types
Comparing log features
Simulating logs
Logging data about unicast streams
Using client logs
About render logs
About stream logs
About combination logs
Using server logs
About distribution logs
About propagated cache/proxy logs
Logging data about multicast streams
Distributing log files to customers
Log file reference information
Log file header reference
Log file entries reference
Wildcard characters reference
ISAPI properties reference
Understanding event handler plug-ins
WMS WMI Event Handler plug-in
WMS Active Script Event Handler plug-in
Configuring security options
Understanding authentication
Using the WMS Anonymous User Authentication plug-in
Using the WMS Negotiate Authentication plug-in
Using the WMS Digest Authentication plug-in
Understanding authorization
Using the WMS NTFS ACL Authorization plug-in
Using the WMS IP Address Authorization plug-in
Using the WMS Publishing Points ACL Authorization plug-in
Understanding rights
Limiting user rights
Understanding Windows Media Rights Manager
Enabling system-wide security
Transferring data securely
Using the NTFS file system
About Web server permissions
Protecting custom plug-ins
Using firewalls
Understanding firewalls and protocols
Configuring firewalls for unicast streaming
Configuring firewalls for multicast streaming
Enabling access to an encoder outside a firewall
Securing the Windows Media Administration site
Using Secure Sockets Layer
Using integrated Windows authentication
Using basic authentication
Caching and proxying content
Caching and streaming on-demand content
Proxying a live stream
Understanding reverse proxy
How to…
Quick starts
Stream Windows Media files on demand
Use your server to publish live content from Windows Media Encoder
Use your server to broadcast a stream published by Windows Media Encoder
Use a playlist with on-demand Windows Media files
Alternate between live and prerecorded content in your broadcast
Include interstitial advertising in your on-demand playlist
Use wrappers to provide advertising with your live broadcast
Manage servers
To install and use Windows Media Services Administrator for the Web
To provide a user administrative rights to Windows Media Services
To start Windows Media Services on a server
To stop Windows Media Services on a server
To add a server
To remove a server
To deny unicast connections to a server
To allow unicast connections to a server
To view troubleshooting information for a server
To configure troubleshooting options for a server
To enable HTTP streaming
To change the port Windows Media Services uses for HTTP streaming
To add IP addresses to resolve port 80 conflicts
To set authentication credentials for a reverse proxy server
To access content on a computer running Windows 2000 Server
To import a console configuration
To export a console configuration
Work with groups of servers
To add a group
To add a server to a group
To remove a server from a group
To modify group properties
To refresh the statistics in the server list for a group
To remove a group
Work with plug-ins
To enable a plug-in
To disable a plug-in
To configure plug-in properties
To rename a plug-in
To duplicate a plug-in
To remove a plug-in
To configure the WMS Network Data Source plug-in
To configure the WMS Archive Data Writer plug-in
To configure the WMS HTTP Server Control Protocol plug-in
To configure the WMS MMS Server Control Protocol plug-in
To configure the WMS RTSP Server Control Protocol plug-in
To configure the WMS Unicast Data Writer plug-in
To configure the WMS Playlist Transform plug-in
To configure the WMS Multicast Data Writer plug-in
Work with publishing points
Setting up a publishing point
To access the Add Publishing Point Wizard
To add a publishing point using the advanced method
To duplicate a publishing point
To remove a publishing point
To rename a publishing point
To assign a publishing point as the Default publishing point
To archive content
Managing connections to a publishing point
To start a broadcast publishing point
To stop a broadcast publishing point
To deny unicast connections to a publishing point
To allow unicast connections to a publishing point
To disconnect clients from a publishing point
To announce publishing point content
Testing a stream
To test a stream using the Stream Test utility
To test a stream using Windows Media Player
To test a stream pulled from an encoder
Configuring publishing point properties
To enable the Start publishing point when first client connects property
To configure the Enable forward error correction property
To configure the Cache expiration property
To configure the Stream splitting expiration property
To configure the Specify distribution credentials property
To configure the Enable buffering property
To configure the Broadcast Auto-Start property
Set up content to stream
Creating and editing offline playlists
To create a playlist using the Windows Media Playlist Editor
To open an existing playlist from the Source tab
To start the Create Wrapper Wizard
To create a wrapper playlist by using the Windows Media Playlist Editor
To open an existing wrapper playlist
To add a media element to a playlist
To add an advertisement to a playlist
To add a container to a playlist
To add a clientData element to a playlist
To delete an element from a playlist
To change the value of an offline playlist attribute
To use a wrapper playlist with a publishing point
To stop using a wrapper playlist with a publishing point
Editing online playlists
To edit an online on-demand playlist
To edit an online broadcast playlist
To change the value of an online playlist element
Setting up files to stream
To stream a Windows Media file from an on-demand publishing point
To stream a directory of files
Setting up a broadcast
To broadcast a stream pulled from an encoder
To broadcast content pushed from an encoder
To use a multicast stream as a content source
To enable content rollover in case of encoder failure
To rebroadcast archived content
To rebroadcast archived content (live replay)
To rebroadcast archived content (broadcast delay)
To configure a multicast stream from a broadcast publishing point
To simulate a wrapper for a multicast publishing point
To embed the Player control in a Web page
Monitor and set limits
To monitor performance for a server or publishing point
To reset peaks for a server or publishing point
To register Windows Media Services SNMP objects for SNMP monitoring
To set limits for a server or publishing point
Log data about clients
To configure and enable unicast logging
To install the Multicast and Advertisement Logging Agent
To configure and enable multicast logging
To configure the WMS WMI Event Handler properties
To configure the WMS Active Script Event Handler properties
Control access to content
To configure and enable the WMS Anonymous User Authentication plug-in
To enable the WMS Negotiate Authentication plug-in
To enable the WMS NTFS ACL Authorization plug-in
To configure and enable the WMS IP Address Authorization plug-in
To configure and enable the WMS Publishing Points ACL Authorization plug-in
To configure and enable the WMS Digest Authentication plug-in
To protect the Default publishing point
Secure the Windows Media Administration site
To configure SSL
To configure integrated Windows authentication
To configure basic authentication
Implement streaming scenarios
To create a streaming radio station
To broadcast a live presentation
To broadcast a recorded presentation
To provide an on-demand training seminar
To add a banner advertisement to a stream
To add an interstitial advertisement to a stream
To add a wrapper advertisement to a stream
To provide video on demand
To replace advertisements in a live stream
Working with the administrative interfaces
Viewing group details
About groups
Add a group
Specify group properties
Add a server
Viewing server details
About the Monitor tab for a server
About the Advertising tab for a server
About the Properties tab for a server
Duplicate a plug-in
Renaming a plug-in
About troubleshooting
Setting troubleshooting options
Viewing publishing point details
About publishing points
Duplicate a publishing point
Rename a publishing point
Add a publishing point (advanced)
Browse a data source
About the Monitor tab for a publishing point
About the Source tab for a publishing point
About the Advertising tab for a publishing point
About the Announce tab for a publishing point
About the Properties tab for a publishing point
About properties and plug-ins
Archiving category
WMS Archive Data Writer - general properties
Authentication category
WMS Anonymous User Authentication - general properties
WMS Negotiate Authentication
WMS Digest Authentication - general properties
Authorization category
WMS NTFS ACL Authorization
WMS IP Address Authorization - general properties
WMS IP Address Authorization - edit IP address
WMS Publishing Points ACL Authorization - general properties
Cache/Proxy category
Cache expiration - general properties
Stream splitting expiration - general properties
Cache/Proxy Management category
Control protocol category
WMS HTTP Server Control Protocol - general properties
WMS MMS Server Control Protocol - general properties
WMS RTSP Server Control Protocol - general properties
Credentials category
Credentials - general properties
Data source category
WMS Network Data Source - general properties
WMS Network Data Source - configure protocol properties
WMS HTTP Download Data Source
WMS Push Data Source
WMS File Data Source
Event notification category
WMS WMI Event Handler - general properties
WMS Active Script Event Handler - general properties
Plug-in loading properties
General category
Windows Media Services version
Enable Fast Cache
Enable caching by cache/proxy servers
Enable access to directory content using wildcards
Enable stream splitting
Start publishing point when first client connects
Enable Advanced Fast Start
Limits category
Limit player connections
Limit outgoing distribution connections
Limit aggregate player bandwidth (Kbps)
Limit aggregate outgoing distribution bandwidth (Kbps)
Limit bandwidth per stream per player (Kbps)
Limit bandwidth per outgoing distribution stream (Kbps)
Limit connections rate (per second)
Limit player timeout inactivity (seconds)
Limit connection acknowledgement (seconds)
Limit Fast Start bandwidth per player (Kbps)
Limit Fast Cache content delivery rate
Logging category
WMS Client Logging - general properties
WMS Client Logging - log cycle period
WMS Client Logging - advanced properties
WMS Client Logging - log entries
Media parser category
WMS MP3 Media Parser
WMS JPEG Media Parser
WMS Windows Media Parser
WMS Advanced FF/RW Format Media Parser
Multicast streaming category
WMS Multicast Data Writer - general properties
WMS Multicast Data Writer - advanced properties
Networking category
Enable buffering - general properties
Playlist parser category
WMS Directory Playlist Parser
WMS SMIL Playlist Parser
Playlist transform category
WMS Playlist Transform - general properties
Unicast streaming category
WMS Unicast Data Writer - general properties
Wireless category
Forward Error Correction - general properties
Working with the Add Publishing Point Wizard
Naming the publishing point
Determining the content type
Selecting the publishing point type
Choosing delivery options for broadcast publishing points
Using an existing publishing point
Identifying the content location
Creating a new playlist file
Adding media elements to the playlist file
Adding interstitial advertisements to the playlist file
Saving the playlist file
Selecting content playback options
Enabling logging
Verifying your publishing point options
Completing the Add Publishing Point Wizard
Working with the Create Wrapper Wizard
Creating a new wrapper playlist file
Saving the wrapper playlist file
Completing the Create Wrapper Wizard
Working with the announcement wizards
Working with the Unicast Announcement Wizard
Announcing an on-demand directory
Specifying the access to the content
Modifying the server name
Selecting the announcement options
Editing announcement metadata
Completing the Unicast Announcement Wizard
Working with the Multicast Announcement Wizard
Specifying the files to create
Retrieving stream format information
Identifying stream formats
Enabling multicast logging
Saving the multicast announcement files
Specifying the URL to the multicast information file
Specifying an archive location
Completing the Multicast Announcement Wizard
Testing the announcement files
Frequently asked questions
What is the server list file and do I need to maintain it?
Why do I get an error when I try to use a .wav file?
Why do I get an error when I try to connect my server to the Windows Media components that came with Windows NT Server 4.0 Service Pack 4?
Why can't I get artist or track information for my .mp3 file?
How can I add artist or track information to my content?
Why don't some of my .mp3 files play?
Why are some of the playback controls unavailable on the Player?
What is the difference between .asf, .wma, and .wmv files?
Can I use Windows Media Services on a domain controller?
Why isn't there a server list in Windows Media Services Administrator for the Web?
Why are unicast clients experiencing excessive buffering?
How can I find out if clients are having difficulty accessing my content?
What is the difference between encoder push and encoder pull?
Why do ISA clients have trouble connecting to my server using the MMS protocol?
Can I use a playlist as an element in another playlist?
How can I tell if packet loss has occurred?
Can I archive my broadcast to a compressed folder?
Will I lose my server settings if I need to reinstall my server?
Is there a way to enhance performance when sourcing from an encoder?
Why am I having trouble opening Windows Media Services Administrator for the Web?
Why can't I see my Windows Media Services counters in performance monitor after I do an upgrade?
Why do I get an error when I click Test stream?
Getting help from other resources
Playlist reference
Using the Windows Media Playlist Editor
Understanding playlist syntax
Constructing a playlist
Playlist elements
smil element
media element
seq element
switch element
excl element
priorityClass element
clientData element
Playlist attributes
Media definition attributes
id attribute
mediaName attribute
noSkip attribute
role attribute
src attribute
Metadata information attributes
album attribute
artist attribute
author attribute
bannerURL attribute
bannerAbstract attribute
bannerInfoURL attribute
copyright attribute
genre attribute
logURL attribute
title attribute
Synchronization attributes
higher attribute
lower attribute
peers attribute
Timing attributes
Timing values
begin attribute
clipBegin attribute
clipEnd attribute
dur attribute
end attribute
endSync attribute
repeatCount attribute
repeatDur attribute
syncEvent attribute
Time formats
Deployment guide
Deployment considerations
Streaming live vs. prerecorded content
Selecting unicast vs. multicast distribution
Content management and production
Prerecorded content
Supporting different file types
Planning prerecorded content
Storing content
Live content
Preparing live content
Advertising content
Planning advertising
Content distribution
Capacity planning
Evaluating the streaming content
Estimating the audience volume
Calculating required server capacity
Evaluating growth potential
Assembling required capacity
Testing capacity
Follow-up considerations
Performing load balancing and clustering
Understanding encoding
Monitoring server performance
Understanding fault tolerance
Software faults
Hardware faults
Network faults
Operational faults
Environmental faults
Security faults
Implementing a cache/proxy system
Understanding scalability
Understanding content replication
Logging client information
Accessibility for people with disabilities
Accessible features in Windows Media Services
Keyboard shortcuts for the Windows Media Services snap-in
Access keys in the Windows Media Services snap-in
Keyboard shortcuts for Windows Media Services Administrator for the Web
Accessibility features in Windows Media Services Help
Keyboard shortcuts for using the Help window
To change the appearance of a Help topic
To change the color of the background or text in Help
To change the font in Help
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