When adding media elements
to your playlist, you can choose from any of the following types of
content and then specify the appropriate path:
File. The content is in a supported file format and
stored in an accessible location, such as a local drive, a shared
network drive, or database. By default, Windows Media Services can
stream files with the following file name extensions: .asf, .wma,
.wmv, .mp3, and .wsx. Type the path to the file or click
Browse to locate the file, for example,
C:\Folder\File_Name. If you click Browse, you can
make multiple file selections by pressing the CTRL key while you
click other files that you want to select. The files will appear in
the playlist in the order they were selected. To select multiple
consecutive files, click the first file, press and hold SHIFT, and
click the last file.
Encoder. The content is being streamed from an encoding
program, such as Windows Media Encoder. Type the URL of the
encoder; for example, http://encoder_name:port.
Remote publishing point. The content is being streamed
from a broadcast publishing point on another
Windows Media server to be redistributed from this publishing
point. When distributing content from a remote publishing point, be
sure to use a reliable connection protocol such as RTSP or HTTP when specifying the connection URL;
for example, rtsp://originserver/pubptname.
Dynamic source. The request for a content item is being
generated by an Active Server Page (ASP) or a Common Gateway
Interface (CGI) script. Type the URL of the ASP page; for example,
Playlist. The content is referenced by a playlist. By
default, Windows Media playlist files have a .wsx file name
extension. Type the path to the playlist file or click
Browse to locate the file; for example,
Directory. The content is located in a locally
accessible directory. Only the content in the directory specified
is streamed. Subdirectories are not included. Type the directory
path or click Browse to locate the directory (wildcard
characters are not necessary); for example,
In order to ensure reliable rendering on certain
versions of Windows Media Player, content used with Windows Media
Services must meet or exceed the minimum content length supported
by the Player. The minimum supported content length for Windows
Media Player 9 Series or later is 5 seconds. The minimum supported
content length for previous versions of Windows Media Player is 30