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Use your server to publish live content from Windows Media Encoder

This quick start demonstrates how to use Windows Media Services to stream live content that it pulls from a computer running Windows Media Encoder. The user experience is similar to watching a traditional television program or tuning into a radio broadcast. The user can watch or listen to the content, but does not have the ability to pause, fast-forward, or rewind it.

For this task, you must have a separate computer running Windows Media Encoder that has an audio or video capture card. The live stream is encoded from an attached video camera, VCR, or microphone. You can download Windows Media Encoder from the Windows Media home page at the Microsoft Web site.

  1. On the computer running Windows Media Encoder, start encoding your live content by doing the following:
  2. Create a new broadcast publishing point on the Windows Media server by using the Add Publishing Point Wizard:
  3. In the Add Publishing Point Wizard, do the following:
  4. Using the wizard, configure the following settings to enable the publishing point to receive content from the encoder:

Users can now connect to the live encoder stream by using the URL of your publishing point. The URL of a broadcast publishing point uses the following syntax:
connection protocol://server_name/publishing_point_name (for example, mms://server1/my broadcast).

For more information about testing your streaming content, see Testing a stream.

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