When you are using advertising with your streaming media
solution, you must balance your advertising priorities with the
type of content you are streaming, your advertiser's preferences,
and the kind of experience you want your audience to have. For this
reason, Windows Media Services offers a wide range of advertising
options. Refer to the following topics for help in making your
critical advertising decisions:
Working with wrapper ads.
Learn how to add opening content to your stream when users first
connect to it and closing advertisements when the stream ends.
Typical content used as wrapper advertisements includes
introductory pages that generate custom playlists, site branding
information, and sponsor identification.
Displaying interstitial
ads. Learn how to intersperse advertisements with other
content in your playlist. The advertisements in the playlist can
come from a local server or from an advertising service vendor, and
you can make playback of the advertising mandatory during reception
of the playlist.
Displaying banner
ads. Learn how to display banner ads in players and on Web
pages using Windows Media Services. Banners can include content
such as animations, video streams, and audio streams.