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Keyboard shortcuts for Windows Media Services Administrator for the Web

By using the following keyboard shortcuts in Windows Media Services Administrator for the Web, you can quickly accomplish many common tasks.

To do this… Use this keyboard shortcut…
Move forward through the items on the page TAB
Move backward through the items on the page SHIFT+TAB
Scroll up one item in a list UP ARROW
Scroll down one item in a list DOWN ARROW
Scroll up a list PAGE UP
Scroll down a list PAGE DOWN
Refresh the current page F5 or CTRL+R
Activate a selected link ENTER
Move forward through the items in a spin box or drop-down list UP ARROW
Move backward through the items in a spin box or drop-down list DOWN ARROW
Remove the selected items and copy them to the Clipboard CTRL+X
Copy the selected items to the Clipboard CTRL+C
Insert the contents of the Clipboard at the selected location CTRL+V
Close current window ALT+F4
Select/Cancel the selection SPACEBAR

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