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Changes to Windows Media Services

Windows Media Services was redesigned for this release, making the server more flexible, unifying the core components, and simplifying the administrative process. Following is a brief overview of changes in the current release:

The following table cross-references Windows Media Services version 4.x terms and features to current Windows Media Services terms and features.

Previous term New term
Advanced Systems Format (.asf) files The .wma or .wmv file name extensions enable the client to tell whether a file includes video or is audio only and are often used instead of .asf. The file format is the same, and .asf files can be renamed with .wma or .wmv file name extensions (and vice versa) without difficulty.
ASFRoot WMRoot
Broadcast unicast publishing points Broadcast publishing points that use the unicast data writer.
Distribution stations Broadcast publishing points that use the unicast data writer.
MSBD protocol This protocol is no longer supported. Either the RTSP or HTTP protocols can be used instead for server-to-server data transfer. The HTTP protocol is used exclusively for encoder-to-server data transfer.
Multicast stations Broadcast publishing points that use the multicast data writer
Programs Playlists
Unicast publishing points On-demand publishing points
Windows Media Station Service

Windows Media Unicast Service

Windows Media Program Service

Windows Media Monitor Service

Windows Media Services service combines the functionality of these four services.

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