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Logging data about unicast streams

To log data about players or servers that receive content as a unicast stream, you can use the WMS Client Logging plug-in. You can enable this plug-in at the server level to provide global logging coverage, or you can enable it at the publishing point level if you want to log data only for a specific publishing point.

Significant changes have been made to the logging tool over previous versions in order to accommodate fast streaming and to gather data from downstream client servers. Because of this, log files can take several different forms and represent a wide range of client data, depending on the nature of the streaming session. Overall, there are two main types of logs: client logs and server logs. Client logs are intended to gather information about player events, while server logs gather data about downstream servers. This section contains the following topics:

The log files that are generated are stored in the folder specified in the WMS Client Logging Plug-in Properties dialog box.

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