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To embed the Player control in a Web page

  1. In the console tree, select the publishing point that contains the content you want to stream in an embedded Windows Media Player ActiveX control.
  2. In the details pane, click the Announce tab.
  3. Click Run Unicast Announcement Wizard if your content is being streamed using unicast transmission. Click Run Multicast Announcement Wizard if your content is being streamed using multicast transmission.
  4. For a unicast stream, follow the steps in the Unicast Announcement Wizard, making sure to select the following options:
  5. For a multicast stream, follow the steps in the Multicast Announcement Wizard, making sure to select the following options:
  6. Modify the Web pages created by the announcement wizard to suit your Web site. Provide a link to your site so that your clients can view it.

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