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To add a media element to a playlist

  1. In the Windows Media Playlist Editor, expand the playlist, and then expand the smil element to show the elements in the playlist.
  2. Click the element after which you want to add a media element.


    Click the seq, switch, excl, or priorityClass element inside which you want to add a media element.

  3. On the toolbar, click the Add element button.

    The Add Media Elements dialog box appears.

  4. In Location of content, type the path to the media element you want to include in the playlist.

    The Content type examples area displays list of valid content types.

  5. If you want to put this element inside an existing seq, switch, excl, or priorityClass element in the list, select the Add as a child element check box.
  6. To add the selected media element to the playlist, click Add. When you are finished adding media elements to the playlist, click OK.

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