Create a broadcast publishing point (LiveStream) that sources
from a live encoded stream.
Configure and enable archiving for LiveStream. For more
information, see To archive
Start LiveStream.
Create a broadcast publishing point (DelayedStream) that
sources from the LiveStream archive file. For more information, see
Sourcing from files.
Start DelayedStream after the delay period elapses.
Clients can connect to DelayedStream to view the
delayed LiveStream.
You can run the announcement wizards on the
Announce tab of the Windows Media Services snap-in to help
you create multicast information files (.nsc) for your broadcast
publishing points (LiveStream and DelayedStream). For more
information, see Announcing
You can start DelayedStream automatically by
sourcing from a server-side playlist that contains a
wallclock timing value. For more information, see Timing values.
Clients that stream content from an archived
file that is being written to cannot fast-forward or rewind the
content until archiving stops.
Play While Archiving is available only if
Windows Media Services 9 Series is running on the following
editions of the operating system: Windows Server 2003, Enterprise
Edition, or Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition. If you are
running Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition, this feature is not