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How can I tell if packet loss has occurred?

Packet loss can occur in a stream from a server to client because of network congestion, router problems, and so on. Packets are also considered to be lost if they arrive too late for the client to play them on time. There are several ways to monitor packet loss.

Tracking packet loss using a log file

You can use a log file to determine if any packets were lost, where the loss occurred, and if any of the lost packets were recovered. The following log file fields help you determine if packet loss occurred:

Tracking packet loss using the WMS Archive Data Writer plug-in

When packets are lost during the streaming or archiving process, the WMS Archive Data Writer plug-in will post a warning message to the Troubleshooting tab in Windows Media Services to report the amount of loss. The plug-in must be enabled in order for the warning to be sent.

Tracking packet loss by observing archiving behavior

If the content stream being received by your server is interrupted by packet loss for a period greater than two seconds, the WMS Archive Data Writer plug-in will stop archiving and begin archiving to a new file when the incoming stream resumes. The presence of several small archive files is an indicator that packet loss is occurring during your broadcast.

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