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WMS Multicast Data Writer - general properties

The WMS Multicast Data Writer plug-in is used to transmit content through multicast streaming. You can configure the following options for this plug-in.

Item Description
Destination multicast IP address and port Settings in this area define how your multicast is broadcast over the network.
IP address Type the multicast IP address.
Port Type the port number on the Windows Media server that the multicast will be streamed through. You can use any valid port number between 1 and 65535.
Time-to-live(TTL) Enter the number of routers (hops) that your multicast can pass through on the network before expiring.
Custom TTL

(Windows Media Services Administrator for the Web only)

Type a custom TTL if the value is not available in the Time-to-live (TTL) list.
Enable unicast rollover Select this check box to enable players to automatically switch to a unicast stream if they cannot receive the stream through multicast.
Use this publishing point Select this option to allow the current publishing point to stream content by using the Unicast Data Writer plug-in.
Use other publishing point Select this option to redirect unicast client connection requests to an alternate publishing point, and then type the URL of the publishing point (for example, rtsp://unicast_server/publishing_point_name) in the space provided.

For information about additional WMS Multicast Data Writer properties see, WMS Multicast Data Writer - advanced properties.

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