Windows Media Services 9 Series is available with Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition, Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition, or Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition. You can upgrade your operating system from either Microsoft Windows NT® Server 4.0 or Windows 2000 Server. If you are running Windows Media Services version 4.1, it is upgraded to the latest version automatically when you upgrade the operating system.
If you installed Windows Media Services for the first time, the server is set up with a base configuration, which includes a default on-demand publishing point and a sample broadcast publishing point.
If you are upgrading from Windows Media Services 4.1, your previous configuration is moved over to the new version of Windows Media Services through a process called migration. Much of the previous configuration is migrated over to this version, such as on-demand publishing points. However, this version contains design improvements and features that were not available in version 4.1, and several elements of the previous configuration must be modified to work in the new environment. For example, broadcast stations and programs from Windows Media Services 4.1 are reconfigured as broadcast publishing points and playlists in this version. There might also be elements of your existing configuration that you need to change manually. For example, Windows Media Services no longer supports distribution using the Media Stream Broadcast Distribution (MSBD) protocol, so you must manually change any Windows Media metafiles or Windows Media Encoder configurations that use this protocol to the HTTP protocol.
The topics in this section describe the migration process. This process is mostly automatic; however, understanding how migration works can help you quickly get started using this version of Windows Media Services. When the upgrade process finishes, an upgrade log file is created that provides details of the migration.
This section includes the following topics: