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To simulate a wrapper for a multicast publishing point

  1. Select the broadcast publishing point that you want to use for the multicast.
  2. If you have not already done so, run the Multicast Announcement Wizard to create an announcement file (with an .asx file name extension) for the publishing point. Note the location of the announcement file.
  3. Identify the URL of the content you want users to receive before connecting to the multicast. The location of the wrapper content is determined by the type of content you are using:
  4. Using a text editor, such as Microsoft Notepad, open the .asx file associated with the broadcast publishing point mentioned in step 2.
  5. Do the following:

    The multicast content requested by the user will continue streaming while the on-demand wrapper content plays. Consider keeping the length of the wrapper content short so that the user misses as little of the requested content as possible.

  6. Save your changes to the announcement file.

    Users that connect to your multicast will receive the content specified in step 5 before being connected to the multicast content.

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