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Wildcard characters reference

You can add wildcard characters to a log file name if you want to change the name to suit your needs. Wildcard characters must be delimited by the less than (<) and greater than (>) characters. For example, the log file name template WMS_<a><B><Y>.log might correspond to the log file name WMS_MonApril2000.log.

The following table lists and describes the wildcard characters.

Character Description
a Abbreviated name for the day of the week (three letters).
A Full name for the day of the week.
b Abbreviated month name (three letters).
B Full name for the month.
c Date and time representation appropriate for the location of the server generating the log file.
d Day of month in two-digit format (01 to 31).
H Hour (24-hour format) in two-digit format (00 to 23).
I Hour (12-hour format) in two-digit format (01 to 12).
j Day of year in three-digit format (001 to 366).
m Month in two-digit format (01 to 12).
M Minute in two-digit format (00 to 59).
N A four-digit sequence that starts at 0 and increases every time a new file is needed. The counter resets to 0 when the rest of the file name changes in any way.
p The indicator for 12-hour format (AM or PM) of the server generating the log file.
S Seconds in two-digit format (00 to 59).
T The computer name of the server generating the log file.
U Week of the year in two-digit format (00 to 53, with Sunday as the first day of week).
V The name of the publishing point for which data is being logged. If data is being logged for a server, the word "[Global]" is inserted in the log file name. If data is being logged for the default publishing point, the word "[Default]" is inserted in the log file name. If the publishing point name contains a forward slash (/) character, the character will be replaced with an underscore (_) character in the log file name. If the publishing point is renamed, the log file will automatically cycle to reflect the new name.
w Day of the week in one-digit format (0 to 6, with Sunday as 0).
W Week of the year in two-digit format (00 to 53, with Monday as the first day of the week).
x Date representation for the location of the server generating the log file.
X Time representation for the location of the server generating the log file.
y Year in two-digit format (00 to 99).
Y Year in four-digit format.
Z Time zone name or abbreviation. There are no characters if the time zone is unknown.

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