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To broadcast a live presentation

  1. Start the encoding software and create a new broadcast session. Begin encoding the session and note the connection URL for the encoder.
  2. In the Windows Media Services console tree, click Publishing Points.
  3. On the Action menu, click Add Publishing Point (Wizard).
  4. Complete the steps in the wizard, making sure to select the following options:
  5. For unicast broadcasts, on the Completing the Add Publishing Point Wizard page, you can select the Start archiving when publishing point starts check box to begin recording your broadcast to an archive file when the publishing point is activated. This option is useful if you want to broadcast a live program from an encoder because it creates a digital media file of the broadcast that you can rebroadcast later.
  6. Also on the Completing the Add Publishing Point Wizard page, you can start other wizards to help you create announcements and wrappers:

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