Symantec Ghost 8.2 Corporate Edition - Console online help
Documentation Home
Managing computers and configuration resources
Opening the Symantec Ghost Console
Setting properties from the Console
About Console resources
Managing Console resources
Setting the resource folder view mode
Creating new folders
Moving Symantec Ghost Console resources
Renaming Symantec Ghost Console resources
Deleting Symantec Ghost Console resources
Viewing Symantec Ghost Console resource properties
Managing Symantec Ghost Console client computers
Setting up computer groups
Creating computer groups
Adding computers to groups
Renaming a computer
Removing a computer from a computer group
Setting default client and data transfer properties
Setting the default client heartbeat interval
Setting the default data transfer properties
Setting properties for a subnet
Setting Symantec Ghost Console client computer properties
Setting the client computer heartbeat interval
Maintaining the default client configuration settings
Setting up the virtual partition
Setting the virtual partition size
Setting the default DOS version
Editing files in the virtual partition
Setting the DOS network driver template
Setting the DOS version for a client computer
Removing the Symantec Ghost boot partition from a client computer
Setting up configuration sets
Creating a new configuration set
Viewing or modifying configuration sets
Specifying a user name
Specifying the computer name
Specifying the computer workgroup or domain
Applying IP addresses
Setting the default gateway
Setting the DNS Configuration
Setting the WINS server address
Applying Novell NetWare client configuration details
Creating tasks
About tasks
Creating and executing a Console task
Local deployment of Console resources
Setting up image create tasks
Creating a model computer
About image definitions
Creating image definitions
Managing image definitions
Viewing image details
Creating an image create task
Setting general image create task properties
Setting network properties
Optimizing data transfer over the network
Enabling Wake On Lan (WOL)
Setting up tasks
Creating a task
Setting Clone properties
Preserving files and folders on client computers
Adding Advanced features for cloning
Setting Configuration properties
Setting File Transfer properties
Adding Commands
Viewing task details
Deploying AutoInstall packages
Storing AI packages
Creating AI package definitions
Managing AI package definitions
Viewing AI package details
Setting up a Deploy AI Package task
Executing and scheduling tasks
Executing tasks
Executing a task from the Symantec Ghost Console
Executing a task manually
Executing a Clone or File Transfer task manually
Executing a recovery task
Canceling a task that is executing
Initiating a task from a client computer
Initiating a task from the command-line
Scheduling tasks
Creating a schedule for a task
Setting the schedule task properties
Specifying schedule details
Viewing or modifying a schedule
Incremental backups and rollbacks
Introducing incremental backups and backup regimes
Setting the location for backup images
Setting up backup regimes
Setting backup regime properties
Viewing or modifying backup regimes
Creating a backup manually
Viewing computer backups
Restoring a computer
Moving the user
About Move the User
Specifying data files and registry keys to capture
Setting up data templates
Creating a data template
Enabling relative paths
Move the User variables
Specifying the data files to capture
Specifying the registry entries to capture
Managing data templates
Viewing or modifying data templates
Setting up user profiles
Creating a user profile
Managing user profiles
Viewing or modifying user profiles
Capturing user data
Setting up a Move the User: Create task
Setting the user package name
Managing user packages
Setting the storage location for user packages
Viewing details of a user package
Restoring user data
Setting up a Move the User: Restore task
Setting the user package name
Executing a Move the User task
User settings that can be moved
Accessibility settings
Desktop settings
Display settings
Taskbar and Start menu options
Desktop options
International settings
Keyboard settings
Mouse settings
Sound setting
Screen saver settings
Mapped network drive setting
Internet settings
Using Client Inventory
Overview of the Client Inventory
Client Inventory requirements
WMI Core 1.5 system requirements
Installing WMI Core 1.5 to client computers
Client Inventory resources
How to use the Client Inventory
Managing Inventory resources
Managing collected data sets
About collected data sets
Showing the Collected Data folder
Setting up collected data sets
Creating a new collected data set
Populating the Inventory database
Setting up collected data set properties
Managing collected data sets
Viewing inventory information
Creating views
Viewing or modifying views
Managing views
Setting the common Inventory view for computer groups
Setting the default Inventory views for new client computers
Viewing inventory information for client computers
Creating and maintaining filters
Creating filters
Setting up filter conditions
Grouping filter conditions
Grouping (nesting) filter conditions
Grouping filter conditions on instance
Viewing or modifying filters
Managing filters
Creating and running reports
Creating reports
Viewing or modifying reports
Managing reports
Running a report
Printing the report results
Exporting the report results to a file
Saving a report as a dynamic machine group
Setting up dynamic machine groups
Creating dynamic machine groups
Viewing or modifying dynamic machine groups
Managing dynamic machine groups
Additional Console options
Monitoring Symantec Ghost Console activity
Launching the Configuration Server
Setting Symantec Ghost Console options
Symantec Ghost Console security
Updating the boot partition certificates
Generating new certificates
Knowledgebase articles
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