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A surface represents a linear area of display memory. A surface usually resides in the display memory of the display card, although surfaces can exist in system memory. Surface objects are contained within the IDirect3DMobileSurfaceinterface.

An IDirect3DMobileSurfaceinterface is obtained by calling one of the following methods:

The IDirect3DMobileSurfaceinterface enables you to indirectly access memory through the IDirect3DMobileDevice::CopyRectsmethod. This method allows you to copy a rectangular region of pixels from one IDirect3DMobileSurfaceinterface to another IDirect3DMobileSurfaceinterface. The surface interface also has methods to directly access display memory. For example, you can use the IDirect3DMobileSurface::LockRectmethod to lock a rectangular region of display memory. It is important to call IDirect3DMobileSurface::UnlockRectafter you are done working with the locked rectangular region on the surface.

See Also

