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Introducing Quest Reporter : Creating and Using Object Sets : Creating Object Sets

Creating Object Sets
Creating an object set allows you to focus on a subset of network objects, which optimizes data collection and returns filtered results for the reports. For example, an object set contains certain computers; when a computer report is generated, only those computers in the object set are reported on.
Object sets can reference any of the following:
If the container content changes, the objects are updated when the object set is selected for data collection or report generation.
With queries, you can use pattern matching to narrow the focus of the search, for example, include all users that have names starting with "G".
Object sets can contain objects from one or more Windows NT or Active Directory domains or IP subnets.
Use IP subnets to group computers. If you only want to report on a specific group of computers, add the IP subnet to the object set.
After you create an object set, you can configure the RDC to collect data based on this customized collection option. For more information on RDCs, see Reporter Data Collectors (RDCs).
To create an object set
Expand the Reporting node, right-click Object Sets and select New | Object Set.
This opens the Object Set Wizard.
Click Next.
Click Add.
Alternatively, you can click Import and select a .CSV file. For more information on importing files, see Importing Users, Groups, and Computers.
The Object Picker dialog box is displayed.
– OR – 
Create a dynamic object set.
For more information on creating static object sets, see Creating a Static Object Set. For more information on creating dynamic object sets, see Creating a Dynamic Object Set.
For more information, see Setting Local Options in the Object Picker.
For more information, see Setting Global Options in the Object Picker.
Click OK to return to the Object Set Wizard.
You can modify your selections using the Add, Remove and Edit Options buttons. However, computer objects can only be added and removed. If you want to edit a query, double-click it.
Click Next, then click Next again.
The object set is displayed in the console. You can now run report templates based on this object set.