Web console

The Web console is your interface to the Web application. It makes available a wide range of information to help you better understand, manage, and improve your workflow processes and track their progress. As a workflow participant, the Web console gives you quick access to your To do list and other reports. As a workflow manager or owner, it also gives you detailed histories that record the date and time when processes were started and by who, keep a log of workflow-related activities of participants, track system actions, workflow due dates and completion dates, errors, and so forth.

The Web console is accessible from anywhere with an Internet connection; however, your ability to view detailed reports, complete tasks, or manage (pause, resume, or cancel) workflows is limited by the permissions associated with your account.

Features of the Web console

The web console gives you a variety of tools to better understand and manage your workflow processes.

To do: When you first log on to the Web application, your To do list is displayed in the Web console. If you have uncompleted tasks, they are included in the list. You can view details on any item and you can complete your requests from the To do list. For more information, see "To do list".

On the left side of the screen are three other options: Requests, Calendar, and Reports.

Requests: The Requests list lets you look up and display details for individual workflow instances, filtering them by the criteria you specify. It also lets you drill down on individual instances and see detailed action and auditing histories. You can also see a graphical representation of the workflow, showing what has been completed so far. For more information, see "Requests list".

Calendar: The Calendar gives you a monthly view showing which days have workflows with proposed request dates scheduled. You can then click on any date to view workflow details in the event you need to make any adjustments to scheduling. For more information, see "Calendar".

Reports: The Web application includes six different reports you can generate, each with its own set of filters to make it easy to focus on the data you want to view. You can also rearrange columns, change their sort order, or drill down for more details. See "Workflow reports".

The data that is displayed in the Web application is determined by the user that logged on. For example, users who are assigned as approvers or recipients of task assignments will see their own To do list when they log on to the Web application. They will also be able to see reports relating to workflows in which they have assignments, or to which they have been given Read permission by the workflow owner. A user with Manage permission can view all reports for that workflow, and can pause, resume or cancel all or individual workflow instances.
