List of full reports

The following is a list of all reports that are available in Ipswitch WhatsUp Gold v11.

System reports



Action Log

Problem Area

A record of all Actions that WhatsUp attempts to fire.

Active Discovery Log


A record of all Active Discovery task results.

Activity Log


A history of system-wide configuration and application initialization messages generated by WhatsUp Gold for the selected time period.

General Error Log

Problem Area

A record of error messages generated by WhatsUp.

Passive Monitor Error Log

Problem Area

A record of Passive Monitor errors reported by WhatsUp.

Performance Monitor Error Log

Problem Area

A record of Performance Monitor errors reported by WhatsUp.

Recurring Action Log


Results of Recurring Action executions.

Recurring Report Log


Results of Recurring Report executions.

Remote Site Log

Problem Area*

A record of messages generated by Remote Server connection attempts.

Remote Site Status

Problem Area**

View the Remote Location State of devices and Active Monitors.

SNMP Trap Log

Problem Area

A history of SNMP traps that have occurred during the selected time period. If the SNMP Trap Passive Monitor Listener is configured to listen for messages, any messages received are recorded in the SNMP Trap Log.

State Change Acknowledgement

Problem Area

When a device state changes, regardless of any action that has been placed on the device, WhatsUp Gold uses the Acknowledgement feature to make you aware that the state change occurred. This report can be used to view the devices which require acknowledgement and then acknowledge them.

Syslog Entries

Problem Area

Syslog events logged during the selected time period. If the Syslog Passive Monitor Listener is configured to listen for messages, any messages received are recorded in the Syslog Entries log.

Web User Activity Log


Shows the history of user activity on the system.

Windows Event Log

Problem Area

Shows Windows events logged for all devices during the selected time period. If the Windows Event Passive Monitor Listener is configured to listen for messages, any messages received are recorded in the Windows Event Log.

Group reports



Actions Applied


The Group Actions Applied report shows how Actions are applied to devices and Monitors in the current group.  Each entry shows an action and the device, Monitor and state that triggered it.

Active Monitor Availability

Problem Area

Compare the amount of time the Active Monitors on your devices have been available.

Active Monitor Outage

Problem Area

Compare the amount of time the Active Monitors on your devices have been down.

CPU Utilization


CPU utilization statistics for devices by group.

Disk Utilization


Disk space utilization statistics for devices by group.


Problem Area

The current status of monitored devices in the selected group, along with each Monitor configured to those devices.

Interface Utilization


Interface traffic and utilization for devices by group.

Memory Utilization


Memory utilization statistics for devices by group.

Ping Availability


Ping availability statistics for devices by group.

Ping Response Time


Ping response times for devices by group.

Quarterly Availability Summary


Shows the availability summary for a group.

State Change Timeline

Problem Area

A timeline of when each Monitor on a device in the selected group changed from one state to another during the selected time period.

State Summary


A summary of device states organized by device group.

Device reports



Active Monitor Availability

Problem Area

Find out when the Active Monitors on your device have been accessible.

CPU Utilization


CPU utilization statistics for a device.

Custom Performance Monitors


View information on your devices collected by Performance Monitors.

Device Status


A detailed look at a specific device.

Disk Utilization


Disk space and utilization statistics for a device.


Problem Area

Displays the current status (a snapshot) of the selected device and all Monitors on that device. Each Monitor shows its own device state, the current status of each item, how long the device has been in that status, and the time that status was first reported.

Interface Utilization


Interface traffic and utilization statistics.

Memory Utilization


Memory utilization statistics for a device.

Performance Monitor Error Log

Problem Area

A record of Performance Monitor errors for an individual device.

Ping Availability


Availability statistics for a device.

Ping Response Time


Ping response times for an individual device.

SNMP Trap Log

Problem Area

A history of SNMP traps that have occurred for the selected device during the selected time period. If the SNMP Trap Passive Monitor Listener is configured to listen for messages, any messages received are recorded in the SNMP Trap Log.

State Change Timeline

Problem Area

This report shows a timeline of when each Monitor on the selected device changed from one state to another during the selected time period.

Syslog Entries

Problem Area

This report shows syslog events logged for the selected device during the selected time period. If the Syslog Passive Monitor Listener is configured to listen for messages, any messages received are recorded in the Syslog Entries Log.

Windows Event Log

Problem Area

This report shows Windows events logged for the selected device during the selected time period. If the Windows Event Passive Monitor Listener is configured to listen for messages, any messages received are recorded in the Windows Event Log.

* Available in WhatsUp Gold MSP and WhatsUp Gold Multi-Site editions.

**Available only in the central installation of WhatsUp Gold MSP and WhatsUp Gold Multi-Site editions.