Data begins appearing in the Ultrasound console after the first
polling of the providers. The first polling can take place after
one of the following events:
When you select replica sets to monitor, you are prompted to
install providers and choose whether to have Ultrasound perform an
initial data collection after providers are deployed. If you choose
this option, data begins appearing in the console soon after the
providers are deployed.
If you do not select this option, you must wait for the
provider polling schedule to open for each provider, which can be
up to two hours. Until this polling occurs, you will see limited
information about monitored replica sets. See Changing Polling Schedules for
more information.
After polling begins, use the Ultrasound console to monitor
replica sets in your organization. The console is divided into
three parts: the Workspace pane, the Alerts pane, and the incident
The Workspace pane consists of five tabs that display the data
collected from monitoring, health ratings, alert history, and so
on. For information about these tabs, see Viewing Tabs in the
Workspace Pane.
The Alerts pane shows all active alerts and can be filtered to
show a subset of the alerts, such as those that are assigned to the
user viewing the console. For information about using the alerts
pane, see Responding to
The incident log shows entries added by administrators to
document the behavior of FRS or the actions taken in response to
alerts or other issues. For information about using the incident
log, see Making Temporary
Notes in the Incident Log.