Logon Manager displays your stored logons. It also lets you modify properties of each logon (for example, your user IDs and passwords) and update your settings with changes applied by your SSO administrator.
To display Logon Manager, click the TAM E-SSO Tray Icon
on the Windows system tray to
display the shortcut menu. Point to Configuration, then click Logon Manager. The Logon Manager dialog
As you add or create logons for Windows applications or Web sites, and add logons for host/mainframe applications, the available logons are displayed in Logon Manager.
Tip: Logons that appear in grey, italicized text require activation by the SSO administrator. See Credentials without a configured logon.
View |
Display logons as Icons, as a List, or with full Details (similar to Windows Explorer View options) |
Sort by |
Sort logons by a selected column; you can also sort the logons by clicking on the column heading itself. |
Reveal All |
In Details View. display username/IDs and passwords. (This feature is only available if the SSO administrator has activated it.) |
Refresh |
Update logon settings with changes from your SSO administrator. (This feature is only available if the SSO administrator has activated it.) |
Add |
Display the New Logon dialog to set up a new application logon. If pre-configured logons are available the Add Multiple Application option appears. See Adding multiple application logons. |
Properties |
Modify logon settings, including the user ID, password, applications specifics, and automatic behavior for a selected logon. |
Copy |
Duplicate a selected logon. |
Delete |
Remove a selected logon from Logon Manager. |
Close |
Exit Logon Manager. |
Help |
Display Logon Manager help file. |
Your SSO administrator may configure two or more applications to share the same username and password in a password group. If the credentials for one application changes, the credentials for the other applications in the group are also changed. In some cases, where you need multiple credentials for a single application (for example having multiple mail accounts in Microsoft Outlook), you may need to exclude those additional "identities" (each with different credentials) from this feature. If this applies to a new logon you are creating for an application you have already added, you will have the option to "Exclude" the new logon. |
If your SSO administrator has provided a new list of pre-configured application logons, the Logon Manager's [Add] button displays a drop-down option to Add Multiple Applications. Choose this option to add these new logons and supply your credentials. |
Some logons may appear in Logon Manager in grey, italicized text with a grey icon. If you attempt to use such a logon or view its properties (by selecting it and clicking [Properties]), this message appears: Credential corresponds to an application that is not currently configured in TAM E-SSO. This message typically appears when TAM E-SSO has been upgraded from a previous version. It means that your credentials are safely stored, but the application logon configuration (that tells TAM E-SSO where to put the credentials) needs to be upgraded as well. Contact your SSO administrator to acquire the updated logons. |