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Pre-assigning jobs to the Pocket PC handheld device

For Pocket PC devices on which the Agent for Pocket PC is installed from a storage card or by Internet download, the administrator can enable jobs to be executed on the Pocket PC device automatically. This is based on input from the Pocket PC user, or when the device is hard reset or in the process of recovery.

The administrator does the following tasks, which are described in detail below:

Set up a method to install the Agent for Pocket PC on the device:

  1. Use one of the following methods both of which use the AutoRun utility.

Storage card method

Internet download method

  1. In the AutoRunConfig.txt file, enable autoconfiguration with the following settings:



PromptUserText=<appropriate text>  

Make other settings in AutoRunCfg.txt as necessary.

Create profiles

  1. Using Symantec LiveState Delivery Web Admin or Symantec LiveState Delivery Command Center, create a profile.

  2. Assign packages to the profile.

  3. Set all parameters in the profile. This is required for the AutoConfig Service to be able to launch the program.

See the online Help available in Web Admin or Command Center for more information.

Create groups

  1. Use Web Admin or Command Center to create one or more groups.

Use group names that will match identifying information that will be provided by the Pocket PC user.

Do not assign any members to the groups. The group's purpose is to provide a reference in the database for publishing profiles.

Publish the profiles to the groups

Use either of the following methods:


Where each name in the comma-separated list is an existing computer group to which the profile will be published.


In this example, the administrator sets up a storage card to install the Agent for Pocket PC, and automatically install applications based on input from the Pocket PC user.

  1. Create a profile named Inventory Tracking and assign it several packages for applications that support this function. Make sure all job parameters are set in the profile.

  2. Create another profile named Human Resources and assign it several packages for human resources functions. Be sure to set all the parameters.

  3. Create a computer group named Store Manager.

  4. Publish both the Inventory Tracking profile and the Human Resources profile, by setting the profile description field to the string

!WebCcm(Store Manager)

  1. Set up a storage card. As part of this process, make settings in the AutoRunCfg.txt file for AutoConfig=1 and promptUser=1.

  2. Start the AutoRun utility on a Pocket PC device by inserting the storage card. You will be prompted to enter your group name. The text entered must match one of the computer group definitions you have created. In this case, enter Store Manager.

  3. You will be prompted to select a configuration from one of the published profiles. In this case, the list will contain "Inventory Tracking" and Human Resources".

  4. The AutoRun utility will continue to install, configure, activate, and run the Agent for Pocket PC. When the agent polls the Configuration Server, it will find that the AutoConfig Service has already created an entry in the database for the device, and pre-assigned all of the jobs in the "Inventory Tracking" profile. These jobs will be executed by the agent immediately, preparing the device for its job function.