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About the AutoRun Utility Configuration File - AutoRunCfg.txt

The AutoRunCfg.txt file is installed as part of the toolkit. Its default installation location is <drive>:\Program Files\Symantec\LiveState Delivery\Pocket PC Agent\InstalledFiles.

The AutoRun utility is used when the Agent for Pocket PC is installed by Internet download or through the use of a storage card.

For yes/no values, 0 = no (disable); 1 = yes (enable)

Syntax and Default Value



Activate the Agent for Pocket PC so it will start every time the device is powered on.

If you are using the AutoRun utility with the CabGen utility to enable Web download of the agent, use ActivateAgent=1


Enable use of the AutoConfig service to provision or re-provision a device with a select set of packages.

If you set AutoConfig=1, it is recommended that you set PostConfigDelay=5 to avoid prematurely launching the Agent before the AutoConfig service finishes assigning packages.

To use autoconfiguration to preassign jobs to the Pocket PC device, you must set up profiles, groups and packages. More info...


Update the Agent for Pocket PC settings in the registry using those defined in the file AgentCfg.txt (and/or provided by the server using the autoconfiguration process).

If you are using the AutoRun utility with the CabGen utility to enable Web download of the agent, use ConfigureAgent=1


Prompt for input during the configuration process to indicate progress and determine whether or not to proceed with the next step.


Force reconfiguration and reinstallation even if an existing agent is already installed. This is used by Agent Update Packages to patch the Agent files.


Install the Agent for Pocket PC files from the storage card to the device.

If you are using the AutoRun utility with the CabGen utility to enable Web download of the agent, set InstallAgent=0


Set the number of seconds to wait after the autoconfiguration process is completed before installing and starting the Agent for Pocket PC.

If you have enabled autoconfiguration, (AutoConfig=1), set PostConfigDelay=5


Used only for interaction with the AutoConfig service. This prompts the user for a Group name defined on the server. If the group has associated profiles of packages, the user is prompted to select from a list of one or more profiles. If the selected profile has packages assigned to it, these packages will then be assigned to the device and installed when the agent is started.


A text string that will appear if PromptUser=1.

Please enter a Profile Group name: For example:
PromptUserText=Enter your user name

Note: Although there is no character limit, keep in mind the size of the display on the Pocket PC device.


The IP address of the Configuration Server where the AutoConfiguration Service resides. If left empty or commented, the _ServerAddress of the AgentCfg.txt file will be used.


The port number of the Configuration Server where the AutoConfiguration Service resides. If left empty or commented, the _ServerPort for the AgentCfg.txt file will be used.


Start the Agent for Pocket PC after AutoRun completes any install, discover, configure, and activate steps (as indicated in AutoRunCfg.txt).

If you are using the AutoRun utility with the CabGen utility to enable Web download of the agent, use StartAgent=1