Creating an SRT for UNIX or Linux

Use the bmrsrtadm command to create a new SRT.

More information is available about how to copy an SRT to a bootable CD or DVD (create boot media).

To start the bmrsrtadm command

  1. On the boot server where you want to create the SRT, change to the following directory:

  2. Enter the following command:

  3. When you are prompted, select the option to create a new SRT.


    The bmrsrtadm command on AIX and HP-UX prompts you to enter the desired architecture (32/64) while creating BMR SRT.

    If you want to install NetBackup client of the versions older than 7.0 into SRT, this OS architecture type should to be selected as 32-bit. For NetBackup 7.0, select 64-bit as OS architecture type.

    While installing NetBackup client into SRT, bmrsrtadm gives the appropriate error message if there is any incompatibility between SRT OS architecture type and NetBackup client version.

  4. To continue to create the specific SRT type, see the following:

More Information

Creating boot media for UNIX and Linux