Enter the name of the SRT to create
The name of the SRT also is used for the directory that contains
Only alphanumeric characters and the underscore (_) character
are allowed.
Enter the description of the new SRT
A description of the SRT.
Enter desired level of Solaris/SunOS
Enter the levels you can create based on the operating system
version of the boot server.
Enter the directory in which to place the new SRT
The path to the directory in which to create the SRT. The root
of the SRT (called the SRT path) is the path name to the SRT
location, which includes the SRT name.
The default is either /export/srt or the directory where an SRT
was last created successfully.
The directory must exist.
Enter a [hostname:/]pathname containing a suitable Solaris
x.x Boot CDROM or SRT image
Enter one of the following: the name of the device where the
installation program is inserted, the path to the installation
image, or the path to an existing Solaris SRT.
After you enter the device name or path, the operating system is
installed into the SRT.
Enter a [hostname:]/ pathname containing NetBackup client
Enter the name of the device in which the NetBackup software
installation media is inserted or enter the path to the
installation program (named install).
After you enter the device name or path, the NetBackup
installation procedure installs the client software into the
The following appears when the NetBackup client software
installation process begins:
Symantec installation script
Copyright 2006 Software Corporation, All rights reserved.
Installing NetBackup Client Software
To install NetBackup server software, insert
the appropriate NetBackup server CD.
Do you want to continue? [y,n] (y) y
Enter y.
Do you want to install the NetBackup client software for this
client? [y,n] (y)
Enter y.
Enter the name of the NetBackup server:
Enter any nonblank value; the server name is replaced at restore
time with the correct values for the BMR client being restored.
Would you like to use servername as
the configured name of the NetBackup client? [y,n] (y)
Accept the default or enter any nonblank value. The client name
is replaced at restore time with the correct values for the BMR
client being restored.