Creating a Linux SRT

The first time you create an SRT on a Linux boot server, you are guided installing the following software:

During this process, the bmrsrtadm command also copies files from the operating system installation program and BMR third-party installation program to the following directory:


Each time thereafter that you create an SRT on that boot server, bmrsrtadm uses those installation files. You do not have to enter the path to the installation program or images. If you want to be prompted for installation program or image location again, remove the media directory before running bmrsrtadm.

The bmrsrtadm command on Linux also lets you specify the path to a file system image file. (You also can specify a device path, a local directory path, or a network directory path). For example, the BMR third-party products CD is distributed as an ISO file system image. You can download the image and use it as the source image or write it to CD media.

Table: Prompts for creating a Linux SRT shows the prompts that appear when you create a Linux SRT:

Table: Prompts for creating a Linux SRT


Action or explanation

Enter the name of the SRT to create

The name of the SRT also is used for the directory that contains it.

Only alphanumeric characters and the underscore (_) character are allowed.

Enter the description of the new SRT

A description of the SRT.

Enter the directory in which to place the new SRT

The path to the directory in which to create the SRT. The root of the SRT (called the SRT path) is the pathname to the SRT location, which includes the SRT name.

The default is either /export/srt or the directory where an SRT was last created successfully.

The directory must exist.

The following media is required:

Linux distribution - disk x of x

Please load the media now.

Load media from:

The Linux distribution (Red Hat or SUSE) and the required disk.

The bmrsrtadm command prompts you for several of the Linux installation discs.

Some systems try to mount the media that is loaded in the CD drive automatically (such as the Red Hat magicdev process). When you are prompted for media on those systems, do the following: load the media into the drive, close the drive tray, and wait for the drive light to stop flashing before pressing Enter.

The following media is required:

BMR third-party products CD (3PPCD)

Please load the media now.

Load media from:

Enter the name of the device in which the BMR third-party products CD is inserted or enter the path to the installation image.

This CD contains open source the components that BMR uses on Linux systems.

The following media is required:

NetBackup x.x Client

Please load the media now.

Load media from:

Enter the name of the device in which the NetBackup client software installation media is inserted or enter the path to the installation image.

After you enter the device name or path, the NetBackup client installation procedure installs the client software into the SRT.

The following appears when the NetBackup client software installation process begins:

Symantec installation script

Copyright 1993 - 2007 Symantec Corporation, All Rights Reserved.

Installing NetBackup Client Software


To install NetBackup server software, insert the appropriate NetBackup server CD.

Do you want to continue? [y,n] (y) y

Enter y.

Do you want to install the NetBackup client software for this client? [y,n] (y)

Enter y.

OS Level Options

1. IBMzSeriesLinux2.4.21

2. RedHat2.4

q. To quit from this script

Always choose Red Hat 2.4, even when you create an SUSE Linux SRT.

Enter the name of the NetBackup server:

Enter any nonblank value; the server name is replaced at restore time with the correct values for the BMR client being restored.

Would you like to use servername as the configured name of the NetBackup client? [y,n] (y)

Accept the default or enter any nonblank value. The client name is replaced at restore time with the correct values for the BMR client being restored.

After you install the Linux and NetBackup software, the bmrsrtadm command provides options to install other software in the SRT. You can either add other software now or quit (you can always add software later).

More information is available about how to add other software.

More Information

Adding software to a shared resource tree