Monitoring the progress of analytics data collection

After you have enabled a case or folder for analytics, you can monitor the progress that Discovery Accelerator makes while it collects and analyses items. You can do this by viewing the Analytics tab in the Discovery Accelerator client. Table: Areas in the Analytics tab describes the information that each area of this tab provides.

Table: Areas in the Analytics tab



Data collection

The Data collection area shows the progress of analytics data collection. The fields are as follows:

  • Started at and Completed at. Shows the dates and times between which Discovery Accelerator undertook data collection.

  • Successfully collected items. Shows the number of items that Discovery Accelerator has collected from the Enterprise Vault archives, and the total number of items to be collected.

  • Permanent failed items. Shows the number of items that Discovery Accelerator has failed permanently to collect.

  • Temporary failures. Shows the number of items that Discovery Accelerator has failed temporarily to collect. For example, these items may be on a tape that was unavailable at the time of collection.

  • Items with no indexable content. Shows the number of items that do not have any content that Discovery Accelerator can collect. These items could be encrypted items, or they may be in a form that Enterprise Vault cannot convert to HTML.

  • Items deleted from Enterprise Vault. Shows the number of items that Discovery Accelerator cannot collect because they no longer exist in the Enterprise Vault archives. These types of items are marked as permanently failed items.

If Discovery Accelerator fails to collect certain items, you can try to collect them again by following these steps:

  1. Click Error details.

  2. In the Error management window, click Retry failed items.

Conversation analysis

The Conversation analysis area shows the progress that Discovery Accelerator has made in identifying the items in the same conversation thread. The fields are as follows:

  • Analyzed items. Shows the number of items that Discovery Accelerator has analyzed for conversations.

  • Conversation threads found. Shows the number of threads that Discovery Accelerator has identified.

Marks and tags

Shows the number of marks and tags that you have defined for the case or folder. Click the Define marks and Define tags hyperlinks to set up additional ones.

Automatic categorization

The Automatic categorization area summarizes the progress that Discovery Accelerator has made in automatically categorizing the items. This process takes place in parallel with the collection of data, if you defined analytics rules before you enabled the case or folder for analytics. When Discovery Accelerator categorizes the items, the marks and tags that it applies are immediately available in the Review tab.

If the rules that you have created match too many or too few items, you can change the rules to produce better results.

Discovery Accelerator lists marking rules and tagging rules separately. In both cases, Discovery Accelerator lists each rule's name and actions, together with the number of items that the rule has categorized. In the case of marking rules, Discovery Accelerator also shows the priority level of each rule.


After you enable a case or folder for analytics, there is a one-hour delay before automatic categorization begins. So, the Automatic categorization area can show that your rules have not marked or tagged any items, even after Discovery Accelerator has started to collect data.

More Information

Enabling a case for analytics

Pausing and resuming analytics on a case

Disabling analytics on a case