Pausing and resuming analytics on a case

At any time, you can enable more than one case for analytics. Due to the large amount of data collection and analysis required for multiple cases, it can take a very long time to process all the enabled cases. You can pause analytics on a case-by-case basis if you want to speed up the collection of data on higher priority cases. Later, you can resume analytics on these cases.

You must have the Manage Analytics permission to pause and resume analytics.

To pause and analytics on a case

  1. Click the Cases tab in the Discovery Accelerator client.

  2. In the Cases pane at the left, select the case that you want to pause or resume.

  3. Click the Analytics tab.

  4. Click Pause or Resume at the top of the tab, depending on what you want to do.

More Information

Monitoring the progress of analytics data collection

About the Discovery Accelerator permissions

Analytics Data Collection configuration options