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System actions

These basic actions constitute the most common actions performed during a process and are specific to Asset Lifecycle Manager. They provide the capability of integrating with other applications, systems, services, and so on. System actions are described below.

Assign manual task

This action lets you define a task and assign it to one or more users or groups. You can also configure when the task should be completed. The task can represent any type of work to be performed. When the action occurs in the course of a process, an e-mail is sent to the designated participants. E-mails include controls so that users assigned to perform a task can mark the task as completed or not completed.


This action lets you implement system-initiated decisions based on predefined conditions that you configure. When the action occurs in the course of a process, the system evaluates the conditions and acts accordingly based on whether the results are true or false.

Execute JavaScript

This action lets you define a JavaScript command to be executed by the system. When the action occurs in the course of a process, the specified JavaScript command is executed.

Execute PowerShell script

This action lets you run Microsoft* PowerShell scripts on the server in the background (without any UI). PowerShell is included with Windows Server 2008, but is not installed by default. To do so, go to the Control Panel, click Programs and Features > Turn Windows features on or off > in the left navigation pane, click Features > Add Features > Windows PowerShell. For all other operating systems, PowerShell must be downloaded and installed separately from Microsoft.

Execute program

This action lets you define a program file to be executed by the system. When the action occurs in the course of a process, the specified program is initiated.

Execute SQL

This action lets you define a SQL command to be executed by the system. When the action occurs in the course of a process, the specified SQL command is executed. You can query SQL and Oracle databases, along with the Asset Lifecycle Manager database.

Execute VB script

This action lets you define a Visual Basic script command to be executed by the system. When the action occurs in the course of a process, the specified VB script is executed.

Get approval

This action lets you assign one or more users or groups to act as an approval authority. You can also configure when the approval should be completed. When the action occurs in the course of a process, an e-mail is sent to the designated participants. The e-mail includes controls so that users assigned to perform the approval can mark the status as Approve, Deny, or Approve with Conditions. These controls are also provided in the Web console. If several users are assigned the task, the first person to respond determines the result for the group. See Selecting contacts.


This action lets you link two different actions to the same action. For example, you can join the results of a get approval action and an assign manual task action and start a new action.

Modify approvals

This action lets you modify a Get approval action and mark it as approved or denied in order to allow the process to continue. Typically, this action is attached to a timer action. When the Modify approvals action occurs in the course of a process, it assigns a value for any approval not yet completed. You determine whether the approvals are changed to approved or denied.

Modify manual tasks

This action lets you modify an Assign manual task action; it marks the manual task as not completed and allows the process to continue. Typically, this action is attached to a timer action. Normally, the Assign manual task action gets modified if it doesn't get marked as completed or not completed in the manner for which it was designed. When the Modify manual tasks action occurs in the course of a process, it assigns a Not completed value for any manual task not yet completed.

Modify request information

This action lets you modify a Request information action, which marks it as not completed and allows the process to continue. Typically, this action is attached to a timer action. Normally, the Request information action gets modified if it doesn't get marked as form completed or form not completed in the manner for which it was designed. When the Modify request information action occurs in the course of a process, it assigns a Form not completed value for any form not yet completed.


While you are in the process of creating a workflow, you may not be certain of all the elements, conditions, dependencies, and so on, that need to be included in order to finalize the workflow. For this purpose, you can insert a placeholder as a reminder that another action may need to be included at that position in the process. The placeholder is meant to be temporary, and should be deleted once the workflow is considered complete. If it isn't removed, it will generate an exception when the workflow is executed.

Request information

This action lets you specify a Web form that you can have recipients fill out in order to acquire certain information. When the action occurs in the course of a process, an e-mail is sent to the recipients, informing them of the information request. They click a link provided in an e-mail, which launches a browser. They can either agree or decline to fill out the form. If they agree, the form opens so they can fill it out. The recipients then submit the information and the action is marked as Form completed. If they decline, the action is marked as Form not completed.


When a child workflow started by a join action is running, the return action returns control back to the parent workflow. Parent workflow execution pauses while a child workflow initiated by a join action is running. For example, this allows a branch of the workflow that includes a decision on a timer to continue, while a separate approval branch can return once the approval is granted.

Run workflow

Runs a workflow you select. Parent workflow execution pauses while the child workflow runs.

Send e-mail

This action lets you create a preformatted e-mail. You can designate the e-mail recipients and the messaging to be used. When the action occurs in the course of a process, an e-mail is generated with the predefined content and sent to the designated recipients.


This action lets you specify a date and time value, which determines when the subsequent action in a process will occur. You can use the current date and time, a proposed date and time, or any other date/time field that you set up. The proposed date is required if you want the action to occur at a specified time. You can configure the number of days, hours, and minutes until the action occurs. The number of days can be according to the work week (five-day) or full week (seven-day) schedule.

Update workflow state

This action lets you change the state of the workflow instance to canceled, closed, or paused. When the action occurs in the course of a process, the status of the entire workflow is determined by the designated state.

Web service

This action lets you define a Web service to use in order to communicate with another application. You select a particular method on the Web service. Some methods contain input parameters, output parameters, or both. The input parameters come from Asset Lifecycle Manager fields or fixed values that you can specify. The output fields come from Web service fields that you can specify. When the action occurs in the course of a process, the specified Web service enables the interchange of data between Asset Lifecycle Manager and the target application.

This action doesn't support asynchronous exchange. Complex types such as arrays or structures aren't supported. Only simple types such as integers, dates, strings, and floats are supported.

NOTE: In order to incorporate more complex Web services into your workflows, you need to write your own wrapper Web service. The Web Service can be called by Asset Lifecycle Manager, which would then construct the complex arguments and pass them to the real Web service. For more information, contact LANDesk customer support.

*The ability to use a Web service requiring authentication is not currently supported.