 Change View 

Inserting SQL statements

Use the SQL dialog box to insert SQL statements, which are assigned to specific actions. Whenever an action occurs in the course of a process, the assigned SQL statement is executed. These SQL statements can be used to perform internal functions, such as returning a value to populate a field to be used in the process as it advances forward. It can also be used to perform external functions, such as updating a specific value in an external database for a trouble ticket application.

To insert your SQL statement, just paste or type the text into the dialog. You can also insert fields to provide the values to execute the SQL. All insert, update, and delete statements can be handled and a limited number of select statements. Select statements can only have a single return type or a single column. For example, if there are multiple columns, only the first column can be handled and this column has to be in a collections field mapping data type, such as Users.

Example of an internal statement:

Select username from Users where userId = ‘5496’

Example of an external statement:

select * from CallLog where callstatus = 'open' Update CallLog set callstatus = 'pending' where callid = {|callid|}

( the value callid is obtained from a field mapping from an external system)