HP Operations Manager for Windows


Methods that have been added in this release


HRESULT  IOvPmdPolicyManager80::AddDeploymentPackage2 ([in] BSTR sDescriptorLocation,[out, retval] IOvPmdPackage **pPackage)
HRESULT  IOvPmdPolicyManager80::AddPolicyType2 ([in] BSTR sTypeId,[in] BSTR sName,[in] BSTR sInternalName,[in] unsigned long ulVersion,[in] BSTR sDescription,[in] BSTR sEditorClassId,[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR sPolicyProcessorId,[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR sTypeVersionId,[in, defaultvalue(PMAD_MGMT_NONE_OPT)] unsigned long ulOptions,[out, retval] IOvPmdLogicalPolicyType80 **ppType)
HRESULT  IOvPmdPolicyManager80::GetPackageList2 ([in] unsigned long ulOptions,[out, retval]SAFEARRAY(IDispatch *)*ppPackageList)
HRESULT  IOvPmdPolicyManager80::GenerateAgentProfile ([in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR sTargetDir,[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR sNodeFQDN,[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR sIPAddress,[out, retval] BSTR *psFilePath)
HRESULT  IOvPmdPolicyGroup80::RemoveFromNodes ([in]VARIANT varNodeNameArray,[in] unsigned long ulOptions)
HRESULT  IOvPmdPolicyGroup80::RemoveFromAllNodes ([in] unsigned long ulOptions)
HRESULT  IOvPmdPolicyGroup80::DeployOnNodes2 ([in]VARIANT vNodeIDs,[in, defaultvalue(PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT)] unsigned long ulOptions,[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR sUser,[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR sPwd)
HRESULT  IOvPmdPolicyGroup80::DeployOnNodeGroup2 ([in]BSTR sNodeGroup,[in, defaultvalue(PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT)] unsigned long ulOptions,[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR sUser,[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR sPwd)
HRESULT  IOvPmdLogicalPolicyType80::AddLogicalPolicy3 ([in] BSTR sName,[in] long lMajorVersion,[in] long lMinorVersion,[in] BSTR sLogicalId,[in] BSTR sInstanceId,[in] long lMinPolicyTypeVersion,[in] BSTR sUser,[in] BSTR sDescription,[in] BSTR sCategory,[in] double dCreationDate,[in] IOvPmdStream2 *pPolContents,[in] unsigned long ulOptions,[out, retval] IOvPmdLogicalPolicy80 **ppPolicy)
HRESULT  IOvPmdLogicalPolicyType80::AddDeploymentPackage2 ([in] long agentType,[in] IOvPmdPackage *pPackage)
HRESULT  IOvPmdLogicalPolicyType80::GetInstanceId ([out, retval]BSTR *sInstanceId)
HRESULT  IOvPmdLogicalPolicyType80::IsServerType ([out, retval]VARIANT_BOOL *bIsServerType)
HRESULT  IOvPmdLogicalPolicyType80::AddNodePlatform ([in] BSTR sOSTypeName)
HRESULT  IOvPmdLogicalPolicyType80::GetOtherVersion2 ([in] long lMajorVersion,[out, retval] IDispatch **ppInstance)
HRESULT  IOvPmdLogicalPolicy80::SaveAsVersion3 ([in] IOvPmdStream2 *pContents,[in] BSTR sDescription,[in] BSTR sInstanceId,[in] BSTR sUser,[in] long lNewMajorVersion,[in] long lNewMinorVersion,[in] long lMinPolicyTypeVersion,[in] double dCreationDate,[in] BSTR sCategory,[out, retval] IOvPmdLogicalPolicy80 **ppPolicy)
HRESULT  IOvPmdLogicalPolicy80::DeployOnNodes2 ([in]VARIANT vNodeIDs,[in, defaultvalue(PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT)] unsigned long ulOptions,[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR sUser,[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR sPwd)
HRESULT  IOvPmdLogicalPolicy80::DeployOnNodeGroup2 ([in] BSTR sNodeGroup,[in, defaultvalue(PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT)] unsigned long ulOptions,[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR sUser,[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR sPwd)
HRESULT  IOvPmdLogicalPolicy80::RemoveFromNodes3 ([in] VARIANT vNodeIDs,[in] unsigned long ulOptions)
HRESULT  IOvPmdLogicalPolicy80::RemoveFromAllNodes3 ([in] unsigned long ulOptions)
HRESULT  IOvPmdLogicalPolicy80::RemoveFromNodesForAllVersions2 ([in]VARIANT vNodeIDs,[in] unsigned long ulOptions)
HRESULT  IOvPmdLogicalPolicy80::RemoveFromAllNodesForAllVersions2 ([in] unsigned long ulOptions)
HRESULT  IOvPmdLogicalPolicy80::Remove2 ([in] unsigned long ulOptions)
HRESULT  IOvPmdLogicalPolicy80::GetInstallTime ([in]IOvPmdNode *pNode,[out, retval]double *dTime)
HRESULT  IOvPmdLogicalPolicy80::GetInstallationUser ([in]IOvPmdNode *pNode,[out, retval]BSTR *sUser)
HRESULT  IOvPmdLogicalPolicy80::IsInstalled ([in, defaultvalue(0)]IOvPmdNode *pNode,[in, defaultvalue(PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT)] unsigned long ulOptions,[out, retval]VARIANT_BOOL *pbInstalled)
HRESULT  IOvPmdLogicalPolicy80::GetPolicyGroupList2 ([in, defaultvalue(PMAD_MGMT_NONE_OPT)] unsigned long ulOptions,[out, retval]SAFEARRAY(IDispatch *)*ppGroups)
HRESULT  IOvPmdLogicalPolicy80::GetSignedContents ([out, retval]IOvPmdStream **ppStream)
HRESULT  IOvPmdLogicalPolicy80::GetOtherVersion2 ([in] long lMajorVersion,[in] long lMinorVersion,[out, retval] IDispatch **ppInstance)
HRESULT  IOvPmdLogicalPolicy80::EnableOnNodes2 ([in]VARIANT vNodeIDs,[in, defaultvalue(PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT)] unsigned long ulOptions)
HRESULT  IOvPmdLogicalPolicy80::DisableOnNodes2 ([in]VARIANT vNodeIDs,[in, defaultvalue(PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT)] unsigned long ulOptions)
HRESULT  IOvPmdLogicalPolicy80::GetRequiredTypeVersion ([out]long *lTypeVersion)
HRESULT  IOvPmdPackage80::GetBugfixVersion ([out, retval] long *lBugfixVersion)
HRESULT  IOvPmdPackage80::GetOtherVersion2 ([in] long lMajorVersion,[in] long lMinorVersion,[in] long lFixVersion,[out, retval] IDispatch **ppInstance)
HRESULT  IOvPmdPackage80::RemoveImplementation ([in] BSTR sPackageDescriptor,[in, defaultvalue(PMAD_MGMT_NONE_OPT)] unsigned long ulOptions)
HRESULT  IOvPmdPackage80::DeployOnNodes2 ([in] VARIANT vNodeIDs,[in, defaultvalue(PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT)] unsigned long ulOptions,[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR sUser,[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR sPwd)
HRESULT  IOvPmdPackage80::RemoveFromNodes2 ([in] VARIANT vNodeIDs,[in, defaultvalue(PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT)] unsigned long ulOptions,[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR sUser,[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR sPwd)
HRESULT  IOvPmdPackage80::RemoveFromNodesForAllVersions2 ([in] VARIANT vNodeIDs,[in, defaultvalue(PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT)] unsigned long ulOptions,[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR sUser,[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR sPwd)
HRESULT  IOvPmdPackage80::DeployOnNodeGroup2 ([in] BSTR sNodeGroupID,[in, defaultvalue(PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT)] unsigned long ulOptions,[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR sUser,[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR sPwd)
HRESULT  IOvPmdPackage80::GetInstallTime ([in]IOvPmdNode *pNode,[out, retval]double *dTime)
HRESULT  IOvPmdPackage80::GetInstallationUser ([in]IOvPmdNode *pNode,[out, retval]BSTR *sUser)
HRESULT  IOvPmdPackage80::IsInstalled ([in, defaultvalue(0)]IOvPmdNode *pNode,[out, retval]VARIANT_BOOL *pbInstalled)
HRESULT  IOvPmdPackage80::Download ([in] BSTR sNodeId,[in] BSTR sTargetDir,[in, defaultvalue(PMAD_MGMT_NONE_OPT)] unsigned long ulOptions)
HRESULT  IOvPmdPackage80::DownloadForPlatform ([in] BSTR sOsType,[in] BSTR sOsVersion,[in] BSTR sAgentBinaryFormat,[in] BSTR sAgentCommunicationType,[in] BSTR sTargetDir,[in, defaultvalue(PMAD_MGMT_NONE_OPT)] unsigned long ulOptions)
HRESULT  IOvPmdPackage80::GetImplementationInfo ([in, defaultvalue(0)]unsigned long ulOptions,[out, retval] BSTR *sData)
HRESULT  IOvPmdPackage80::GetImplementationPath ([in]BSTR sPackageDescriptor,[out, retval]BSTR *sDescriptorPath)
HRESULT  IOvPmdPackage80::Remove2 ([in] unsigned long ulOptions)
HRESULT  IOvPmdNode80::Synchronize ([in, defaultvalue(PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT)] unsigned long ulOptions)
HRESULT  IOvPmdNode80::Redeploy ([in, defaultvalue(PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT)] unsigned long ulOptions,[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR sUser,[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR sPwd)
HRESULT  IOvPmdNode80::ChangeAgent ([in] long lAgtType,[in] long lBinaryFormat,[in, defaultvalue(PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT)] unsigned long ulOptions,[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR sUser,[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR sPwd)
HRESULT  IOvPmdNode80::Bootstrap ([in, defaultvalue(PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT)] unsigned long ulOptions,[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR sUser,[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR sPwd)
HRESULT  IOvPmdNode80::RescheduleJobs2 ([in, defaultvalue(PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT)] unsigned long ulOptions,[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR sUser,[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR sPwd)
HRESULT  IOvPmdNode80::GetSubpackageList ([out, retval] SAFEARRAY(IDispatch *)*ppSubpackages)
HRESULT  IOvPmdNode80::GetAgentCommType ([out, retval]BSTR *psAgentType)
HRESULT  IOvPmdNode80::DeployInstrumentation3 ([in]VARIANT vInstrumDirArray,[in, defaultvalue(PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT)] unsigned long ulOptions,[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR sUser,[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR sPwd)
HRESULT  IOvPmdNode80::Uninstall ([in, defaultvalue(PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT)] unsigned long ulOptions,[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR sUser,[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR sPwd)
HRESULT  IOvPmdNode80::GenerateAgentProfile ([in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR sTargetDir,[out, retval] BSTR *psFilePath)
HRESULT  IOvPmdNode80::IsBootstrapped ([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pbBootstrapped)
HRESULT  IOvPmdJobScheduler80::RestartJob3 ([in]BSTR sJobId,[in]unsigned long ulOptions,[in]BSTR sUser,[in]BSTR sPwd)
HRESULT  IOvPmdJobScheduler80::RestartAllJobs2 ([in]unsigned long ulOptions,[in]BSTR sUser,[in]BSTR sPwd)
HRESULT  IOvPmdJobScheduler80::GetJob ([in]IOvPmdNode *pNode,[in, defaultvalue(0)]IOvPmdTypeEnum eJobType,[in, defaultvalue("")]BSTR sInstanceId,[out, retval]IOvPmdJobEntry **ppJobEntry)
HRESULT  IOvPmdJobScheduler80::GetJobList ([out, retval]SAFEARRAY(IDispatch *)*ppJobList)

Detailed Description

The methods below have been added to PMAD to support the new functionality of the release.

Function Documentation

HRESULT IOvPmdLogicalPolicyType80::AddDeploymentPackage2 [in] long  agentType,
[in] IOvPmdPackage pPackage
This method creates the link between the policy type and the deployment package version implementing it. The package version must contain the minimal required sub-agent version that can process policies of this policy type (syntax) version.
agentType  - Agent type for which the package implements this policy type version.
pPackage  - Interface pointer to the minimal required package version.
Possible errors:
Database communication errors
HRESULT IOvPmdPolicyManager80::AddDeploymentPackage2 [in] BSTR  sDescriptorLocation,
[out, retval] IOvPmdPackage **  pPackage
This method adds a new package version (if it does not yet exist) to the PMAD DB, and then uploads the package implementation (binaries) to the package repository (a directory in the file system of the management server system). After a successful upload, a reference to the package implementation is added to the PMAD DB, as well as all the links to the supported node platforms of the package implementation. The method fails if another implementation of the same package version is already registered with PMAD, and its supported node platforms overlap with the node platforms of the package implementation to be registered (if they are not exactly the same).
sDescriptorLocation  - Path name to the package descriptor file containing all information about the package implementation to be registered. If an implementation for the same package version is already registered, but its supported node platforms are not exactly the same (they overlap), an error is returned.
pPackage  - IOvPmdPackage interface pointer to the package version having the implementation that was just registered. This pointer is also returned if the same package implementation (with non-overlapping node platforms) is already registered. In this case, S_FALSE is returned. If, however, the node platforms are overlapping, the method returns an error, and this parameter is set to null.
Possible errors:
Package implementation with the same name and version, but an overlapping node platform, is already registered.
Package implementation cannot be uploaded to the package repository
Unknown node platform
File system access problems on the management server system
Database communication errors
HRESULT IOvPmdLogicalPolicyType80::AddLogicalPolicy3 [in] BSTR  sName,
[in] long  lMajorVersion,
[in] long  lMinorVersion,
[in] BSTR  sLogicalId,
[in] BSTR  sInstanceId,
[in] long  lMinPolicyTypeVersion,
[in] BSTR  sUser,
[in] BSTR  sDescription,
[in] BSTR  sCategory,
[in] double  dCreationDate,
[in] IOvPmdStream2 pPolContents,
[in] unsigned long  ulOptions,
[out, retval] IOvPmdLogicalPolicy80 **  ppPolicy
Adds a new policy to the PMAD. The version (instance) ID of the policy is a GUID. If another policy is added to PMAD with the same version (instance) ID, an error is returned if the name, policy (logical) ID, version, or stream content is different from that of the existing policy. If everything is the same, the interface pointer to the existing policy is returned.
If a policy is added with the same logical policy ID and version but a different instance ID than that of an existing policies, the name is extended with as many '*' as necessary to make it unique to all other policies with the same logical ID and version.
sName  - Visible name of the policy. The maximal length is 64 characters.
lMajorVersion  - Major version number of the new policy.
lMinorVersion  - Minor version number of the new policy.
sLogicalId  - Policy (logical) ID (GUID without brackets). It is the same for all versions of the policy. When it is used in the API, it often refers to the latest version of the package.
sInstanceId  - Package version (instance) ID (GUID without brackets). It uniquely identifies a package version.
lMinPolicyTypeVersion  - Policy type version that the policy requires. It determines the minimal required version of the package that:
  • Belongs to this policy type
  • Contains the agent version that can process the syntax of the policy

The policy type version that is passed to this parameter corresponds to the syntax version of the policy.
sUser  - Name of the user who created the policy. The name can be any kind of string. The maximal length is 64 characters.
sDescription  - Description of the policy version. The maximal length is 256 characters.
sCategory  - Category of the policy version. The maximal length is 32 characters.
dCreationDate  - Creation date as a COleDateTime value.
pPolContents  - Data content of the policy.
ulOptions  - Method flags. Allowed values:
  • PMAD_MGMT_NONE_OPT - This flag cannot be combined with any other flags. Use this flag when you do not want to pass any other flags.
ppPolicy  - IOvPmdLogicalPolicy interface pointer to the new policy. It is NULL if the operation has failed.
Possible errors:
Database communication errors
Not enough disk space to save the policy
Policy with the same instance id but different attributes already exists
Name may not contain '*'
HRESULT IOvPmdLogicalPolicyType80::AddNodePlatform [in] BSTR  sOSTypeName  )  [inherited]
After registration of the policy type version, call this method only if a subset of node platforms are supported. For example, the WMI policy type is only available for Windows managed nodes. As a result, this method must be called as following: AddNodePlatform(L"Windows").
sOSTypeName  - Specify the OS type if this policy type version is supported only on a specific operating system (such as Windows).
Possible errors:
Database communication errors
HRESULT IOvPmdPolicyManager80::AddPolicyType2 [in] BSTR  sTypeId,
[in] BSTR  sName,
[in] BSTR  sInternalName,
[in] unsigned long  ulVersion,
[in] BSTR  sDescription,
[in] BSTR  sEditorClassId,
[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR  sPolicyProcessorId,
[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR  sTypeVersionId,
[in, defaultvalue(PMAD_MGMT_NONE_OPT)] unsigned long  ulOptions,
[out, retval] IOvPmdLogicalPolicyType80 **  ppType
Adds a new policy type version if it does not yet exist.
sTypeId  - Policy type (logical) ID (GUID as string without brackets). Two versions of the same policy type versions must have the same type ID.
sName  - Name of the policy type, as displayed in the UI. All versions of the same policy type must have the same name. The maximal length is 64 characters. The name cannot be localized.
sInternalName  - Internal name of the policy type, as required by the sub-agent. It is written into the policy header during deployment. Two different policy types can have the same internal type name, but they must have different type IDs (and names). This makes it possible to map two different policy types on the server to one on the agent. For example, there is no difference between the "Service/Process Monitoring" and "Measurement Threshold" policy type for the HP Operations agent. For that reason, the internal type name must be the same ("monitor" in this example)! The maximal length is 64 characters.
ulVersion  - Policy type version number, which must be an integer between 0 <= n <= 9999.
sDescription  - Description of the policy type. It is the same for all versions of the same policy type. The maximal length of the description is 256 characters.
sEditorClassId  - COM class ID (GUID as string without brackets) of the policy editor that can create and modify policies of this type version. It is the same for all versions of the same policy type. As a result, the method returns an error if another version of the same policy type already exists with a different ID for the editor control.
The software that does the policy type registration must install the library (DLL or OCX) hosting the policy editor control both on the management server system and on every system where the UI console is running. To remove the latest policy type version properly again (a rare occurrence), the installation package of the policy type version must copy the editor control of the previous policy type version (if it exists) to a backup directory. From there, it is possible to restore it when the latest policy type version is deinstalled from the system again.
sPolicyProcessorId  - COM class ID (GUID as a string without brackets) of the processing component, which is called when a policy of this type is added, deleted, and deployed. It can be an empty string if no policy processing is needed. After it is specified, the ID may not change in a later version of the same policy type. This method returns an error if another version of the same policy type already exists with a different (non-empty) ID for the processing component.
sTypeVersionId  - Policy type version (instance) ID (GUID as a string without brackets). If empty or null, PMAD automatically generates a GUID. Every policy type version has a different instance ID.
ulOptions  - Method flags. Allowed values:
  • PMAD_MGMT_NONE_OPT - Cannot be combined with any other flags. Use this flag when you do not want to pass any other flags.
  • PMAD_MGMT_ALLOW_MULTIPLE_POLICIES_OPT - Specifies whether the consumer of this policy type can handle more than one policy. After it is set, it cannot be removed in a later version of the same policy type. If this property is not set in a previous version of the same policy type, and the new policy type version to be added sets this flag, it forces an upgrade to the new required package version of the new policy type version on the managed node as soon as a new policy version of this type is deployed. This is necessary because the old version of the agent package cannot handle multiple policies.
  • PMAD_MGMT_SERVER_OPT - Determines whether policies of this type only configure server components. It is the same for all versions of the same policy type. This means that all versions of the same policy type configure either the managed node or server components. This method returns an error if another version of the same policy type already exists with a different value for this property.
ppType  - IOvPmdLogicalPolicyType interface pointer to the created type version. If a type with the specified name, version, and ID already exists, the interface of this type is returned.
Possible errors
Policy type with the specified name and version but different ID (or vice versa) already exists
Database communication errors
HRESULT IOvPmdNode80::Bootstrap [in, defaultvalue(PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT)] unsigned long  ulOptions,
[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR  sUser,
[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR  sPwd
This method schedules a deployment job that installs the HP Operations agent on the managed node. The specified user name and password or the security context under which this method is executed must have administrative rights on the remote node. If not, you cannot deploy the HP Operations agent. After the HTTPS-based HP Operations agent is installed on a managed node, the required deployment infrastructure is set up and administrative rights are no longer required to deploy additional packages, policies, and instrumentation to the remote managed node. Administrative rights are required again only if the HTTPS-based HP Operations agent should be removed from the node again.
If the agent communication type is set to "DCE" for the managed node, administrative rights are required for every package deployment operation. Only policy and instrumentation deployment operations are possible without administrative rights in this case.
The last two parameters of this operation specify the user account that is used for accessing the remote node. This account needs administrative rights on the remote node for bootstrapping the managed node. Depending on the parameter values for the user account, the deployment operation is executed as following:
  1. If the user name and password are empty, and PMAD_DEPL_PMADUSER_OPT is SET, the deployment thread uses the security context of the HP-OVE-Deleg-User (the account under which the PMAD service is running) to access the remote node. The HP-OVE-Deleg-User must have enough permissions to install the (bootstrap) packages successfully to the remote node.
  2. If the user name and password are specified, but neither PMAD_DEPL_IMPERSONATE_OPT nor PMAD_DEPL_PMADUSER_OPT are SET, deployment thread runs also in security context of the PMAD service. However, the specified user name and password are used to connect to the remote managed node. Although this option can also be used for Windows nodes, it is required for deployment to UNIX nodes. In this case, user name and password specify the UNIX account.
  3. If user name and password are empty and PMAD_DEPL_IMPERSONATE_OPT is SET, the calling client is impersonated. The client account must have enough permissions to install the (bootstrap) packages successfully to the remote node. Besides that delegation must be enabled. That means:
    • Client account is not marked as "Account is sensitive and cannot be delegated" in ADS (account tab on properties dialog of user).
    • HP-OVE-Deleg-User account is marked with the "Trusted for delegation" attribute in ADS (delegation tab in properties dialog of the principal under which the PMAD service is running).
    • Win2k or higher must be installed on all client, server, and the agent machines and they must be part of a Windows 2000 native or 2003 domain (see raise functional level in ADS).
  4. If user name and password are specified and PMAD_DEPL_IMPERSONATE_OPT is SET, the specified user is logged on the management server machine (using the API "LogonUser()"), and the token returned by this API call is used to impersonate the specified user. The security context of the specified user account is used to install the (bootstrap) packages on the remote node. This option works only for Windows nodes! Also note that the specified user account must have a logon on the management server machine.
ulOptions  - Method flags. Allowed values:
  • PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT - This flag cannot be combined with any other flags. Use this flag if you do not want to pass any other flags.
  • PMAD_DEPL_SKIP_NODECHECK_OPT - If this flag is SET, the deployment job skips the node prerequisite check.
  • PMAD_DEPL_IMPERSONATE_OPT - If SET, the remote managed node is accessed with the security context of the impersonated user (the user that called this API).
  • PMAD_DEPL_PMADUSER_OPT - If SET, the remote managed node is accessed with the security context of the HP-OVE-Deleg-User account (the one under which PMAD is running).
sUser  - The name of the account used to access the remote node. You can specify the account either as a user principal name (UPN such as UserName@DomainName) or in the down-level log-on name format (DomainName\UserName).
sPwd  - Password of the account used to access the remote node.
Possible errors:
Database communication errors
HRESULT IOvPmdNode80::ChangeAgent [in] long  lAgtType,
[in] long  lBinaryFormat,
[in, defaultvalue(PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT)] unsigned long  ulOptions,
[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR  sUser,
[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR  sPwd
If the type of the HP Operations agent (DCE or HTTPS) or its binary format should be changed on the managed node, this method needs to be called. The first two parameters specify what should run on the node:
  • Communication type (DCE or HTTP)
  • Binary format of the HP Operations agent
If the HP Operations aAgent is already installed on the node, but its agent communication type or binary format differs from the one that was specified as parameter to this method, this deployment operation performs the following steps:
  1. Removes all packages and policies that are currently installed on the node.
  2. Deletes the server inventory for packages for the specified node, but keeps the server inventory for policies.
  3. Changes the agent type, binary format, or both of the node in WMI.
  4. Deploys the new binary of the HP Operation agent to the node.
  5. Redeploys all policies that were previously installed on the node (they are still in the server inventory) to the node. The additional agent packages and the instrumentation that is required by these policies are automatically deployed first.
The update agent operation fails by default if there are policies on the node that are owned by another server. However, this behavior can be changed if the PMAD_DEPL_IGNORE_OWNER_OPT flag of the operation is SET. In this case, all policies belong to the same server after the operation has successfully finished.
The update agent operation also fails by default if there are policies in the server inventory for which no data is available. This behavior can be changed if the force parameter of the operation is set to true. In this case, only the policies for which data is available on the server are redeployed. Those without data are removed from the server inventory. Except for the update agent operation, all other deployment operations fail if they require a different agent type on the managed node (for example, a policy is deployed that needs the new HTTPS agent but the old DCE agent is still installed). Calling the update agent operation is the only way to change the type, binary format, or both of the HP Operations agent on the managed node.
This is an asynchronous operation. The method does not perform validation before job execution. The method simply adds the job to the queue and returns immediately. The deployment job itself may fail during execution. An error description is available for the failed deployment job (see IOvPmdJobEntry::GetErrorDescription(...) ).
lAgtType  - Defines the communication type of the HP Operations agent (DCE or HTTPS) that should run on the node.
lBinaryFormat  - Defines the binary format of the HP Operations agent that should run on the node.
ulOptions  - Method flags. Allowed values:
  • PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT - This flag cannot be combined with any other flags. Use this flag when you do not want to pass any other flags.
  • PMAD_DEPL_IGNORE_OWNER_OPT - If this flag is NOT SET, the operation fails if some policies are owned by another management server. If this flag if SET, the owner attribute of the policies is ignored.
  • PMAD_DEPL_FORCE_OPT - If this flag is NOT SET, the operation fails whenever there are policies in the inventory on the server for which no data is available. However, if this flag is SET, policies with no data are ignored (that is, not deployed again).
  • PMAD_DEPL_IMPERSONATE_OPT - If SET, the remote managed node is accessed with the security context of the impersonated user (the user that called this API).
  • PMAD_DEPL_PMADUSER_OPT - If SET, the remote managed node is accessed with the security context of the HP-OVE-Deleg-User account (the one under which PMAD is running).
sUser  - Name of the account used to access the remote node. You can specify the account either as a user principal name (UPN such as UserName@DomainName) or in the down-level log-on name format (DomainName\UserName).
More details on the supported values for sUser and sPwd in combination with the supported options of this method can be found under IOvPmdNode80::Bootstrap(...).
sPwd  - Password of the account used to access the remote node.
Possible errors:
Database communication errors
There are policies installed on the node that are owned by another server
The data of some policies that are currently installed on the node are unknown to the server
HRESULT IOvPmdNode80::DeployInstrumentation3 [in] VARIANT  vInstrumDirArray,
[in, defaultvalue(PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT)] unsigned long  ulOptions,
[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR  sUser,
[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR  sPwd
Deploys instrumentation categories to the node.
This is an asynchronous operation. The method does not perform validation before job execution. The method simply adds the job to the queue and returns immediately. The deployment job itself may fail during execution. An error description is available for the failed deployment job (see IOvPmdJobEntry::GetErrorDescription(...) ).
vInstrumDirArray  - This parameter is variant that contains a SAFEARRAY. Each element of the array is again a variant that contains a BSTR. This string represents an instrumentation category (subdirectory) that you should deploy to the node. The method looks for the specified subdirectories and, if they are found, it deploys all files that are stored in these subdirectories. If the parameter "varInstrumDirArray" is empty or the containing SAFEARRAY is empty, the method deploys all subdirectories found for the managed node's platform in the instrumentation directory structure.
NOTE: If the directory for a category is missing, it is ignored! If you specify an invalid category, you do not receive a warning or error message!
ulOptions  - Method flags. Allowed values:
  • PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT - This flag cannot be combined with any other flags. Use this flag when you do not want to pass any other flags.
  • PMAD_DEPL_REMOVE_FIRST_OPT - If this flag is SET, all instrumentation files that are currently installed on the managed node are removed before the new instrumentation files are deployed.
  • PMAD_DEPL_IMPERSONATE_OPT - If SET, the remote managed node is accessed with the security context of the impersonated user (the user that called this API).
  • PMAD_DEPL_PMADUSER_OPT - If SET, the remote managed node is accessed with the security context of the HP-OVE-Deleg-User account (the one under which PMAD is running).
sUser  - The name of the account used to access the remote node. You can specify the account either as a user principal name (UPN such as UserName@DomainName) or in the down-level log-on name format (DomainName\UserName).
More details on the supported values for sUser and sPwd in combination with the supported options of this method can be found under IOvPmdNode80::Bootstrap(...).
sPwd  - Password of the account used to access the remote node.
Possible errors:
Database communication errors
HRESULT IOvPmdPackage80::DeployOnNodeGroup2 [in] BSTR  sNodeGroupID,
[in, defaultvalue(PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT)] unsigned long  ulOptions,
[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR  sUser,
[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR  sPwd
Schedules the installation of this package on the specified node group. For every node that is part of the specified node group, a separate deployment job is added to the queue.
The new package version is installed over the old one on the managed nodes. The old package version is not removed from the node before the new one is installed there. If the same version or a higher version of the package is already installed on a node, the deployment job does nothing and finishes successfully.
If the specified node is not known, the job queue displays an error.
This is an asynchronous operation. The method does not perform validation before job execution. The method simply adds the job to the queue and returns immediately. The deployment job itself may fail during execution. An error description is available for the failed deployment job (see IOvPmdJobEntry::GetErrorDescription(...) ).
sNodeGroupID  - ID of the node group where the package version should be installed.
ulOptions  - Method flags. Allowed values:
  • PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT - This flag cannot be combined with any other flags. Use this flag when you do not want to pass any other flags.
  • PMAD_DEPL_ALLOW_OLDER_OPT - If this flag is not set, and this package version has no implementation (binaries) for the platform of the specified node, the method fails. However, if this flag is set, and there is only an older version of this package with an implementation for the platform of the specified node, the method succeeds.
  • PMAD_DEPL_IGNORE_VERSION_OPT - If this flag is NOT SET, this package version is installed only if no version or an older version of the same package is currently installed on the node. If the same version or a newer version of the same package is already on the node, nothing is deployed and the deployment job succeeds. However, if this flag is SET, and the same version or a later version of the same package is already installed on the node, the deployment job installs this package version on the node anyway.
  • PMAD_DEPL_IMPERSONATE_OPT - If SET, the remote managed node is accessed with the security context of the impersonated user (the user that called this API).
  • PMAD_DEPL_PMADUSER_OPT - If SET, the remote managed node is accessed with the security context of the HP-OVE-Deleg-User account (the one under which PMAD is running).
sUser  - Name of the account used to access the remote node. You can specify the account either as a user principal name (UPN such as UserName@DomainName) or in the down-level log-on name format (DomainName\UserName).
More details on the supported values for sUser and sPwd in combination with the supported options of this method can be found under IOvPmdNode80::Bootstrap(...).
sPwd  - Password of the account used to access the remote node.
Possible errors:
Invalid node group name
No package implementation found
Removal would break package dependencies on the node
Database communication errors
HRESULT IOvPmdLogicalPolicy80::DeployOnNodeGroup2 [in] BSTR  sNodeGroup,
[in, defaultvalue(PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT)] unsigned long  ulOptions,
[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR  sUser,
[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR  sPwd
This method schedules the installation of this policy version on all nodes that are members of the specified node group. If the package version that implements the required policy type version of this policy version is not yet installed on the nodes of specified group, it is automatically installed by PMAD before the policy is deployed. An package upgrade is performed on the nodes if the policy requires a newer version of the package than the one that is currently installed.
For every node in the node group, a separate deployment job is created by this method. The method simply adds all the jobs to the queue, and then returns to the caller. Note that there is no dedicated deployment job type to deploy a policy to a node group.
sNodeGroup  - ID of the node group where the policy version should be installed.
ulOptions  - Method flags. Allowed values:
  • PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT - This flag cannot be combined with any other flags. Use this flag when you do not want to pass any other flags.
  • PMAD_DEPL_IGNORE_VERSION_OPT - If this flag is NOT SET, this policy version is installed only if no version or an older version of the same policy is currently installed on the node. If the same version or even a newer version of the same policy is already on the node, nothing is deployed, and the deployment job succeeds. However, if this flag is SET, and the same version or a later version of the same policy is already installed on the node, the deployment job installs this policy version on the node anyway.
  • PMAD_DEPL_IGNORE_OWNER_OPT - If this flag is NOT SET, the policy version is deployed to the node only if another server has not yet installed the same version or another version of the same policy on the node. However, if the same version or another version of the same policy was already installed on the node by another server, nothing is deployed but the deployment job succeeds.
    If this flag is SET, this policy version is deployed:
    • If no version or an older version of the same policy was installed on the node by another server, and the flag PMAD_DEPL_IGNORE_VERSION_OPT is NOT SET
    • If the same or a later version of the same policy was installed on the node by another server, and the flag PMAD_DEPL_IGNORE_VERSION_OPT is SET
    The server that installed the policy on the node owns it. This means the ownership moves from server A to server B if the policy is reinstalled by server B.
  • PMAD_DEPL_ENABLE_OPT - If this flag is set, then this policy version is enabled after deployment. However, if both this flag and the flag PMAD_DEPL_DISABLE_OPT are not set, the policy state depends on whether another (or even the same) version of the same policy is already installed on the node. If this is the case, the deployed policy version gets the same state as the current state of the previously deployed version of the same policy. If neither this flag nor the flag PMAD_DEPL_DISABLE_OPT is set, and also no other (or even the same) version of the same policy is currently installed on the node, then the policy is enabled.
  • PMAD_DEPL_DISABLE_OPT - If this flag is set, this policy version is disabled after deployment. However, if both this flag and the flag PMAD_DEPL_ENABLE_OPT are not set, the policy state depends on whether another (or even the same) version of the same policy is already installed on the node. If this is the case, the deployed policy version gets the same state as the current state of the previously deployed version of the same policy. If neither this flag nor the flag PMAD_DEPL_ENABLE_OPT is set, and also no other (or even the same) version of the same policy is currently installed on the node, then the policy is enabled.
  • PMAD_DEPL_IMPERSONATE_OPT - If SET, the remote managed node is accessed with the security context of the impersonated user (the user that called this API).
  • PMAD_DEPL_PMADUSER_OPT - If SET, the remote managed node is accessed with the security context of the HP-OVE-Deleg-User account (the one under which PMAD is running).
sUser  - Name of the account used to access the remote node. You can specify the account either as a user principal name (UPN such as UserName@DomainName) or in the down-level log-on name format (DomainName\UserName).
More details on the supported values for sUser and sPwd in combination with the supported options of this method can be found under IOvPmdNode80::Bootstrap(...).
sPwd  - Password of the account used to access the remote node.
Possible errors:
Nodegroup with specified name is not defined in WMI
Database communication errors
HRESULT IOvPmdPolicyGroup80::DeployOnNodeGroup2 [in] BSTR  sNodeGroup,
[in, defaultvalue(PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT)] unsigned long  ulOptions,
[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR  sUser,
[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR  sPwd
Schedules the installation of all policies that are part of this policy group and its child groups on all nodes that are part of the specified the node group.
For every policy and node, a separate deployment job is created by this method. The method simply adds all the jobs to the queue, and then returns to the caller. Note that there is no dedicated deployment job type to deploy a policy group to the node.
sNodeGroup  - Name (ID) of the node group in WMI.
ulOptions  - Method flags. Allowed values:
  • PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT - Cannot be combined with any other flags. Use this flag when you do not want to pass any other flags.
  • PMAD_DEPL_IGNORE_VERSION_OPT - If this flag is NOT SET, this policy version is installed only if no version or an older version of the same policy is currently installed on the node. If the same version or a newer version of the same policy is already on the node, nothing is deployed, and the deployment job succeeds. However, if this flag is SET, and the same version or a later version of the same policy is already installed on the node, the deployment job installs this policy version on the node anyway.
  • PMAD_DEPL_IGNORE_OWNER_OPT - If this flag is NOT SET, the policy version is deployed to the node only if another server has not yet installed the same version or another version of the same policy on the node. However, if the same version or another version of the same policy was already installed on the node by another server, nothing is deployed, but the deployment job succeeds.
    If this flag is SET, this policy version is deployed:
    • If no version or an older version of the same policy was installed on the node by another server, and the flag PMAD_DEPL_IGNORE_VERSION_OPT is NOT SET.
    • If the same version or a later version of the same policy was installed on the node by another server, and the flag PMAD_DEPL_IGNORE_VERSION_OPT is SET.
    The server that installed the policy on the node owns it. This means the ownership moves from server A to server B if the policy is reinstalled by server B.
  • PMAD_DEPL_DISABLE_OPT - If this flag is SET, this policy version is disabled after installation. Otherwise, it is enabled. If this policy version is not installed on the node because the same version or a later version is already installed on the node, the policy version that is already on the node is not enabled or disabled.
  • PMAD_DEPL_IMPERSONATE_OPT - If SET, the remote managed node is accessed with the security context of the impersonated user (the user that called this API).
  • PMAD_DEPL_PMADUSER_OPT - If SET, the remote managed node is accessed with the security context of the HP-OVE-Deleg-User account (the one under which PMAD is running).
sUser  - Name of the account used to access the remote node. You can specify the account either as a user principal name (UPN such as UserName@DomainName) or in the down-level log-on name format (DomainName\UserName).
More details on the supported values for sUser and sPwd in combination with the supported options of this method can be found under IOvPmdNode80::Bootstrap(...).
sPwd  - Password of the account used to access the remote node.
Possible errors:
Node group not found in WMI
Database communication errors
HRESULT IOvPmdPackage80::DeployOnNodes2 [in] VARIANT  vNodeIDs,
[in, defaultvalue(PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT)] unsigned long  ulOptions,
[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR  sUser,
[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR  sPwd
Schedules the installation of this package version on the specified nodes. For every node that specified in parameter 'vNodeIDs' by its ID, a separate deployment job is added to the queue.
The new package version is installed over the old one on the managed nodes. The old package version is not removed from the node before the new one is installed there. If the same or a higher version of the package is already installed on a node, the deployment job does nothing and finishes successfully.
If the specified node is not known, the job queue displays an error.
This is an asynchronous operation. The method does not perform validation before job execution. The method just adds the job to the queue and returns immediately. The deployment job itself may fail during execution. An error description is available for the failed deployment job (see IOvPmdJobEntry::GetErrorDescription(...) ).
vNodeIDs  - VARIANT containing a SAFEARRAY that contains the IDs of the nodes on which the package should be installed.
ulOptions  - Method flags. Allowed values:
  • PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT - This flag cannot be combined with any other flags. Use this flag if you do not want to pass any other flags.
  • PMAD_DEPL_ALLOW_OLDER_OPT - If this flag is not set and this package version has no implementation (binaries) for the platform of the specified node, then the method fails. However, if this flag is set, and there is only an older version of this package with an implementation for the platform of the specified node, the method succeeds.
  • PMAD_DEPL_IGNORE_VERSION_OPT - If this flag is NOT SET, this package version is installed only if no version or an older version of the same package is currently installed on the node. If the same version or even a newer version of the same package is already on the node, nothing is deployed and the deployment job succeeds. However, if this flag is SET, and the same version or a later version of the same package is already installed on the node, the deployment job installs this package version on the node anyway.
  • PMAD_DEPL_IMPERSONATE_OPT - If SET, the remote managed node is accessed with the security context of the impersonated user (the user that called this API).
  • PMAD_DEPL_PMADUSER_OPT - If SET, the remote managed node is accessed with the security context of the HP-OVE-Deleg-User account (the one under which PMAD is running).
sUser  - Name of the account used to access the remote node. You can specify the account either as a user principal name (UPN such as UserName@DomainName) or in the down-level log-on name format (DomainName\UserName).
More details on the supported values for sUser and sPwd in combination with the supported options of this method can be found under IOvPmdNode80::Bootstrap(...).
sPwd  - Password of the account used to access the remote node.
Possible errors:
Invalid variant structure of node IDs
No implementation found
Removal would break package dependencies on the node
Database communication errors
HRESULT IOvPmdLogicalPolicy80::DeployOnNodes2 [in] VARIANT  vNodeIDs,
[in, defaultvalue(PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT)] unsigned long  ulOptions,
[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR  sUser,
[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR  sPwd
This method schedules the installation of this policy version on all nodes specified in the list of node IDs (parameter "saNodeIDs"). If the package version that is required by the policy type version of this policy version is not yet installed on the specified nodes, it is automatically installed by PMAD before the policy is deployed. A package upgrade is performed on the node if the policy requires an newer version of the package as the one which is currently installed.
This is an asynchronous operation. The method does not perform validation before job execution. The method simply adds the job to the queue and returns immediately. The deployment job itself may fail during execution. An error description is available for the failed deployment job (see IOvPmdJobEntry::GetErrorDescription(...) ).
vNodeIDs  - VARIANT that contains a SAFEARRAY containing the ID of the nodes where the policy version should be installed.
ulOptions  - Method flags. Allowed values:
  • PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT - This flag cannot be combined with any other flags. Use this flag when you do not want to pass any other flags.
  • PMAD_DEPL_IGNORE_VERSION_OPT - If this flag is NOT SET, this policy version is installed only if no version or an older version of the same policy is currently installed on the node. If the same version or a newer version of the same policy is already on the node, nothing is deployed, and the deployment job succeeds. However, if this flag is SET, and the same version or a later version of the same policy is already installed on the node, the deployment job installs this policy version on the node anyway.
  • PMAD_DEPL_IGNORE_OWNER_OPT - If this flag is NOT SET, the policy version is deployed to the node only if another server has not yet installed the same version or another version of the same policy on the node. However, if the same version or another version of the same policy was already installed on the node by another server, nothing is deployed, but the deployment job succeeds.
    If this flag is SET, this policy version is deployed:
    • If no version or an older version of the same policy was installed on the node by another server, and the flag PMAD_DEPL_IGNORE_VERSION_OPT is NOT SET
    • If the same version or a later version of the same policy was installed on the node by another server, and the flag PMAD_DEPL_IGNORE_VERSION_OPT is SET
    The server that installed the policy on the node owns it. This means the ownership moves from server A to server B if the policy is reinstalled by server B.
  • PMAD_DEPL_ENABLE_OPT - If this flag is set, then this policy version is enabled after deployment. However, if both this flag and the flag PMAD_DEPL_DISABLE_OPT are not set, the policy state depends on whether another (or even the same) version of the same policy is already installed on the node. If this is the case, the deployed policy version gets the same state as the current state of the previously deployed version of the same policy. If neither this flag nor the flag PMAD_DEPL_DISABLE_OPT is set, and also no other (or even the same) version of the same policy is currently installed on the node, the policy is enabled.
  • PMAD_DEPL_DISABLE_OPT - If this flag is set, then this policy version is disabled after deployment. However, if both this flag and the flag PMAD_DEPL_ENABLE_OPT are not set, the policy state depends on whether another (or even the same) version of the same policy is already installed on the node. If this is the case, the deployed policy version gets the same state as the current state of the previously deployed version of the same policy. If neither this flag nor the flag PMAD_DEPL_ENABLE_OPT is set, and also no other (or even the same) version of the same policy is currently installed on the node, the policy is enabled.
  • PMAD_DEPL_IMPERSONATE_OPT - If SET, the remote managed node is accessed with the security context of the impersonated user (the user that called this API).
  • PMAD_DEPL_PMADUSER_OPT - If SET, the remote managed node is accessed with the security context of the HP-OVE-Deleg-User account (the one under which PMAD is running).
sUser  - Name of the account used to access the remote node. You can specify the account either as a user principal name (UPN such as UserName@DomainName) or in the down-level log-on name format (DomainName\UserName).
More details on the supported values for sUser and sPwd in combination with the supported options of this method can be found under IOvPmdNode80::Bootstrap(...).
sPwd  - Password of the account used to access the remote node.
Possible errors:
Invalid variant structure of node IDs
Database communication errors
HRESULT IOvPmdPolicyGroup80::DeployOnNodes2 [in] VARIANT  vNodeIDs,
[in, defaultvalue(PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT)] unsigned long  ulOptions,
[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR  sUser,
[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR  sPwd
Schedules the installation of all policies that are part of this group and its child groups on the specified nodes.
For every policy and node, a separate deployment job is created by this method. The method simply adds all the jobs to the queue, and then returns to the caller. Note that there is no dedicated deployment job type to deploy a policy group to the node.
vNodeIDs  - VARIANT that contains a SAFEARRAY with the ID of the nodes, where the policies should be installed, as elements.
ulOptions  - Method flags. Allowed values:
  • PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT - Cannot be combined with any other flags. Use this flag when you do not want to pass any other flags.
  • PMAD_DEPL_IGNORE_VERSION_OPT - If this flag is NOT SET, this policy version is installed only if no version or an older version of the same policy is currently installed on the node. If the same version or a newer version of the same policy is already on the node, nothing is deployed, and the deployment job succeeds. However, if this flag is SET, and the same or a later version of the same policy is already installed on the node, the deployment job installs this policy version on the node anyway.
  • PMAD_DEPL_IGNORE_OWNER_OPT - If this flag is NOT SET, the policy version is deployed to the node only if another server has not yet installed the same version or another version of the same policy on the node. However, if the same version or another version of the same policy was already installed on the node by another server, nothing is deployed, and the deployment job succeeds.
    If this flag is SET, this policy version is deployed:
    • If no version or an older version of the same policy was installed on the node by another server, and the flag PMAD_DEPL_IGNORE_VERSION_OPT is NOT SET.
    • If the same version or a later version of the same policy was installed on the node by another server and the flag PMAD_DEPL_IGNORE_VERSION_OPT is SET.
    The server that installed the policy on the node owns it. This means the ownership moves from server A to server B if the policy is reinstalled by server B.
  • PMAD_DEPL_ENABLE_OPT - If this flag is SET, this policy version is enabled after installation. If this policy version is not installed on the node because the same or a later version is already installed on the node, the policy version that is already on the node does not change the enabled or disabled status.
  • PMAD_DEPL_DISABLE_OPT - If this flag is SET, this policy version is disabled after installation. If this policy version is not installed on the node because the same or a later version is already installed on the node, the policy version that is already on the node does not change the enabled or disabled status.

    If none of the PMAD_DEPL_ENABLE_OPT or PMAD_DEPL_DISABLE_OPT flags are specified, and some other policy version is already installed on the node, the new policy keeps the same status after deployment as the previously installed policy version. If there was no other policy version installed on the node before, the deployed policy is enabled by default.
  • PMAD_DEPL_IMPERSONATE_OPT - If SET, the remote managed node is accessed with the security context of the impersonated user (the user that called this API).
  • PMAD_DEPL_PMADUSER_OPT - If SET, the remote managed node is accessed with the security context of the HP-OVE-Deleg-User account (the one under which PMAD is running).
sUser  - Name of the account used to access the remote node. You can specify the account either as a user principal name (UPN such as UserName@DomainName) or in the down-level log-on name format (DomainName\UserName).
More details on the supported values for sUser and sPwd in combination with the supported options of this method can be found under IOvPmdNode80::Bootstrap(...).
sPwd  - Password of the account used to access the remote node.
Possible errors:
Invalid variant structure of parameter 'vNodeIDs'
Database communication errors
HRESULT IOvPmdLogicalPolicy80::DisableOnNodes2 [in] VARIANT  vNodeIDs,
[in, defaultvalue(PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT)] unsigned long  ulOptions
This method schedules the operation to disable this policy on all nodes whose ID is contained in parameter 'vNodeIDs'. The semantic of this method is the same as IOvPmdLogicalPolicy::EnableOnNodes, but it provides an additional parameter for specifying options.
This is an asynchronous operation. The method does not perform validation before job execution. The method just adds the job to the queue and returns immediately. The deployment job itself may fail during execution. An error description is available for the failed deployment job (see IOvPmdJobEntry::GetErrorDescription(...) ).
vNodeIDs  - This VARIANT wraps a SAFEARRAY with the IDs of the nodes where the policy should be enabled as element.
ulOptions  - Method flags. Allowed values:
  • PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT - This flag cannot be combined with any other flags. Use this flag when you do not want to pass any other flags.
  • PMAD_DEPL_IGNORE_OWNER_OPT - If this flag is SET, this policy version is disabled on the node even if it is owned by another management server. The deployment job fails if this this flag is NOT SET and another server owns the policy on the node.
Possible errors:
Version of policy is not installed on a node
Database communication errors
HRESULT IOvPmdPackage80::Download [in] BSTR  sNodeId,
[in] BSTR  sTargetDir,
[in, defaultvalue(PMAD_MGMT_NONE_OPT)] unsigned long  ulOptions
For the platform of the specified managed node, this method downloads the binaries from the package repository into the given target directory. The binaries can be used for the manual package installation on the managed node.
sNodeId  - ID of the node whose platform is used to select the downloaded package binaries.
sTargetDir  - Absolute path to the directory into which the package binaries are downloaded.
ulOptions  - Method flags. Allowed values:
  • PMAD_MGMT_NONE_OPT - This flag cannot be combined with any other flags. Use this flag, when you do not want to pass any other flags. This is the default.
  • PMAD_MGMT_ALLOW_OLDER_OPT - If this flag is not set and this package version has no implementation (binaries) for the platform of the specified node, the method fails. However, if this flag is set, and there is only an older version of this package with an implementation for the platform of the specified node, the method succeeds.
Possible errors:
Database communication errors
WMI errors
HRESULT IOvPmdPackage80::DownloadForPlatform [in] BSTR  sOsType,
[in] BSTR  sOsVersion,
[in] BSTR  sAgentBinaryFormat,
[in] BSTR  sAgentCommunicationType,
[in] BSTR  sTargetDir,
[in, defaultvalue(PMAD_MGMT_NONE_OPT)] unsigned long  ulOptions
For the specified node platform, this method downloads the binaries from the package repository into the given target directory. The binaries can be used for the manual package installation on the managed node.
sOsType  - OS Type of a target platform. Applicable values are:
sOsVersion  - OS version of a target platform. The value depends on the specified OS type. If the wrong value is specified, the method returns with an error telling you which values are allowed.
sAgentBinaryFormat  - Binary format of the agent running on the target node platform. Applicable values are:
sAgentCommunicationType  - Communication type of the agent running on the target platform. Applicable values are:
sTargetDir  - Absolute path to the directory into which the package binaries are downloaded.
ulOptions  - Method flags. Allowed values:
  • PMAD_MGMT_NONE_OPT - This flag cannot be combined with any other flags. Use this flag, when you do not want to pass any other flags. This is the default.
  • PMAD_MGMT_ALLOW_OLDER_OPT - If this flag is not set and this package version has no implementation (binaries) for the platform of the specified node, the method fails. However, if this flag is set, and there is only an older version of this package with an implementation for the platform of the specified node, the method succeeds.
Possible errors:
Database communication errors
WMI errors
HRESULT IOvPmdLogicalPolicy80::EnableOnNodes2 [in] VARIANT  vNodeIDs,
[in, defaultvalue(PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT)] unsigned long  ulOptions
This method schedules the operation to enable this policy on all nodes whose ID is contained in parameter 'vNodeIDs'. The semantic of this method is the same as IOvPmdLogicalPolicy::EnableOnNodes, but it provides an additional parameter for specifying options.
This is an asynchronous operation. The method does not perform validation before job execution. The method just adds the job to the queue and returns immediately. The deployment job itself may fail during execution. An error description is available for the failed deployment job (see IOvPmdJobEntry::GetErrorDescription(...) ).
vNodeIDs  - This VARIANT wraps a SAFEARRAY with the IDs of the nodes where the policy should be enabled as elements.
ulOptions  - Method flags. Allowed values:
  • PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT - This flag cannot be combined with any other flags. Use this flag when you do not want to pass any other flags.
  • PMAD_DEPL_IGNORE_OWNER_OPT - If this flag is SET, this policy version is enabled on the node even if it is owned by another management server. The deployment job fails if this this flag is NOT SET and another server owns the policy on the node.
Possible errors:
Version of policy is not installed on a node
Database communication errors
HRESULT IOvPmdNode80::GenerateAgentProfile [in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR  sTargetDir,
[out, retval] BSTR *  psFilePath
Downloads the agent profile to the specified target directory. It can be used for the manual agent installation on the managed node.
sTargetDir  - Target directory where the profile are saved. If empty, a temporary directory is used.
psFilePath  - Absolute path to the downloaded agent profile.
Possible errors:
Database communication errors
WMI errors
HRESULT IOvPmdPolicyManager80::GenerateAgentProfile [in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR  sTargetDir,
[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR  sNodeFQDN,
[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR  sIPAddress,
[out, retval] BSTR *  psFilePath
Downloads the agent profile to the specified target directory for the manual agent installation on the specified node.
sTargetDir  - Target directory where the profile is saved. If it is empty or NULL, a temporary directory is used.
sNodeFQDN  - Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the node for which the agent profile should be generated (optional).
sIPAddress  - Node's IP address (optional).
psFilePath  - Absolute path to the downloaded agent profile.
Possible errors:
Database communication errors
WMI errors
HRESULT IOvPmdNode80::GetAgentCommType [out, retval] BSTR *  psAgentType  )  [inherited]
Returns a string identifying the node's agent communication type.
psAgentType  - Pointer to the return value string. There are two possible values: "DCE" or "HTTPS".
Possible errors:
Database communication errors
HRESULT IOvPmdPackage80::GetBugfixVersion [out, retval] long *  lBugfixVersion  )  [inherited]
Returns the bugfix version of this package version.
lBugfixVersion  - Bugfix version.
Possible errors:
Database communication errors
HRESULT IOvPmdPackage80::GetImplementationInfo [in, defaultvalue(0)] unsigned long  ulOptions,
[out, retval] BSTR *  sData
Returns an XML-document that contains all known information about the registered package implementations (deployable binaries).
ulOptions  - Method flags. Allowed values:
  • PMAD_MGMT_NONE_OPT - This flag is the default and cannot be combined with another flag. Use it when no other flag is required.
  • PMAD_MGMT_ALL_VERSIONS_OPT - Without this flag (the default), the method returns only the list of registered implementations for this package version. If this flag is specified, however, all registered implementations of this package (no matter which version) are returned.
sData  - XML-document that contains all known information about the registered package implementations.
Possible errors:
Database communication errors
HRESULT IOvPmdPackage80::GetImplementationPath [in] BSTR  sPackageDescriptor,
[out, retval] BSTR *  sDescriptorPath
This method reads the node platform information from the specified package descriptor, and checks whether the corresponding package implementation is registered with Policy Management. If so, the method returns the absolute path of the package descriptor in the package repository (file system) of the management server.
sPackageDescriptor  - This descriptor specifies the package versions, as well as the node platform for which the method checks whether a package implementation is registered with Policy Management.
sDescriptorPath  - Absolute path of the specified package descriptor in the package repository of the management server.
Possible errors:
Database communication errors
HRESULT IOvPmdPackage80::GetInstallationUser [in] IOvPmdNode pNode,
[out, retval] BSTR *  sUser
Returns the user that has installed this package version on the specified managed node.
This method does not query the remote managed node to get the user that has installed this package version on the node. Instead, it returns only the value that is currently cached in the sever DB.
Note that the method returns S_FALSE if this package version is not installed on the specified node. In this case, the returned installation user is empty.
pNode  - The method checks whether this package version is installed on the specified node (this parameter). If so, the user that has installed this package version on the managed node is returned.
sUser  - The user that has installed this package version on the managed node. If this package version was installed on the node by another management server or if it was installed manually on the node, then the user is unknown. An empty string is returned in this case.
Possible errors:
Database communication errors
This package version is not installed on the specified managed node.
HRESULT IOvPmdLogicalPolicy80::GetInstallationUser [in] IOvPmdNode pNode,
[out, retval] BSTR *  sUser
Returns the user that has installed this policy version on the specified managed node.
This method does not query the remote managed node to get the user that has installed this policy version on the node. Instead, it returns only the value that is currently cached in the sever DB.
Note that the method returns S_FALSE if this policy version is not installed on the specified node. In this case the returned user is empty.
pNode  - The method checks whether the policy is installed on the specified node (this parameter). If so, the user that has installed this policy version on the managed node is returned.
sUser  - The user that has installed this policy version on the managed node. If this policy version was installed on the node by another management server, or if it was installed manually on the node, the user is unknown. An empty string is returned in this case.
Possible errors:
Database communication errors
This policy version is not installed on the specified managed node.
HRESULT IOvPmdPackage80::GetInstallTime [in] IOvPmdNode pNode,
[out, retval] double *  dTime
Returns the installation time of this package version on the managed node in form of the OLE automation data type 'DATE'. It is one of the possible types for the VARIANT data type of OLE automation. A DATE value represents an absolute date and time value. The class COleDateTime encapsulates the DATE data type (for more information see MSDN).
This method does not query the remote managed node to get the installation time of this package version. Instead, it returns only the value that is currently cached in the sever DB.
Note that the method returns S_FALSE if this package version is not installed on the specified node. In this case, the returned time is set to 0.0.
pNode  - The method checks whether this package version is installed on the specified node (this parameter). If so, the installation time of this package version is returned.
dTime  - The installation time of this package version on the managed node in form of the OLE automation data type 'DATE'. The class COleDateTime encapsulates the DATE data type (for more information see MSDN).
If this package version was installed on the node by another management server or if it was installed manually on the node, the installation time is unknown. The return value is zero is this case.
Possible errors:
Database communication errors
This package version is not installed on the specified managed node.
HRESULT IOvPmdLogicalPolicy80::GetInstallTime [in] IOvPmdNode pNode,
[out, retval] double *  dTime
Returns the installation time of this policy version on the managed node in form of the OLE automation data type 'DATE'. It is one of the possible types for the VARIANT data type of OLE automation. A DATE value represents an absolute date and time value. The class COleDateTime encapsulates the DATE data type (for more information see MSDN).
This method does not query the remote managed node to get the installation time of this policy version. Instead, it returns only the value that is currently cached in the sever DB.
Note that the method returns S_FALSE if this policy version is not installed on the specified node. In this case, the returned time is set to 0.0.
pNode  - The method checks whether the policy is installed on the specified node (this parameter). If so, the installation time of this policy version is returned.
dTime  - The installation time of this policy version on the managed node in form of the OLE automation data type 'DATE'. The class COleDateTime encapsulates the DATE data type (for more information see MSDN).
If this policy version was installed on the node by another management server, or if it was installed manually on the node, the installation time is unknown. The return value is zero is this case.
Possible errors:
Database communication errors
This policy version is not installed on the specified managed node.
HRESULT IOvPmdLogicalPolicyType80::GetInstanceId [out, retval] BSTR *  sInstanceId  )  [inherited]
Returns the policy type instance ID (or policy type version ID). It uniquely identifies a policy type version.
sInstanceId  - Policy type instance ID (GUID as a string without brackets).
Possible errors:
Database communication errors
HRESULT IOvPmdJobScheduler80::GetJob [in] IOvPmdNode pNode,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] IOvPmdTypeEnum  eJobType,
[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR  sInstanceId,
[out, retval] IOvPmdJobEntry **  ppJobEntry
The deployment job that this method returns is identified by its node, job type, and object instance, which can be either a policy or package version pointer.
pNode  - Pointer to the managed node for which the job is scheduled.
eJobType  - Type of job that should be accessed. This parameter is optional. If not specified or set to 0, the first job (the one with the smallest ID) for the specified node is returned.
sInstanceId  - The instance (version) ID of the policy or package version that is related to this job. This parameter is optional. If not specified or set to an empty string, the first job (the one with the smallest ID) for the specified node and job type is returned.
ppJobEntry  - The pointer to the requested deployment job. It is NULL if the specified job was not found. In this case, the method returns S_FALSE. If more than one job for the specified criteria is found, the job with the smallest ID is returned.
Possible errors:
Database communication errors
HRESULT IOvPmdJobScheduler80::GetJobList [out, retval] SAFEARRAY(IDispatch *)*  ppJobList  )  [inherited]
Returns a list of IDispatch pointers to all job entries that are currently in the job queue.
ppJobList  - SAFEARRAY of IDispatch interface pointers to the deployment job entries. Use the method "IOvPmdPolicyManager::CVar(...)" to access the elements of the array within a VB script.
Possible errors:
Database communication errors
HRESULT IOvPmdPackage80::GetOtherVersion2 [in] long  lMajorVersion,
[in] long  lMinorVersion,
[in] long  lFixVersion,
[out, retval] IDispatch **  ppInstance
Returns the specified version of the package.
lMajorVersion  - Major version of the package to be returned.
lMinorVersion  - Minor version of the package to be returned.
lFixVersion  - Fix version of the package to be returned.
ppInstance  - The IDispatch interface pointer of the returned package version. It is NULL if the specified package version does not exist.
Possible errors:
Database communication errors
HRESULT IOvPmdLogicalPolicy80::GetOtherVersion2 [in] long  lMajorVersion,
[in] long  lMinorVersion,
[out, retval] IDispatch **  ppInstance
Returns the specified version of the policy.
lMajorVersion  - Major version of the policy to be returned.
lMinorVersion  - Minor version of the policy to be returned.
ppInstance  - IDispatch interface pointer of the returned policy version. It is NULL if the specified version does not exist.
Possible errors:
Database communication errors
HRESULT IOvPmdLogicalPolicyType80::GetOtherVersion2 [in] long  lMajorVersion,
[out, retval] IDispatch **  ppInstance
Returns the specified version of the policy type.
lMajorVersion  - Major version of the policy type to be returned.
ppInstance  - IDispatch interface pointer of the returned policy type version. It is NULL if the specified version does not exist.
Possible errors:
Database communication errors
HRESULT IOvPmdPolicyManager80::GetPackageList2 [in] unsigned long  ulOptions,
[out, retval] SAFEARRAY(IDispatch *)*  ppPackageList
This method returns by default (that is, no options are specified) an array containing the latest version of every deployment package that is available on the server.
ulOptions  - Method flags. Allowed values:
  • PMAD_MGMT_NONE_OPT - This flag cannot be combined with other flags. It is the default if no other option is specified.
  • PMAD_MGMT_ALL_VERSIONS_OPT - If set, the method returns all versions of every package that is known by PMAD. If not specified, the method returns only the latest version of every package.
  • PMAD_MGMT_DEPLOYABLE_OPT - If this flag is set, the method returns only those package versions for which at least one implementation is registered with PMAD. This means the package versions, which you can deploy to at least one managed node platform (available packages), are returned. If this flag is not set, the method returns all package versions, regardless of whether an implementation is available.
ppPackageList  - SAFEARRAY of IDispatch interface pointers to the package versions. Use the method IOvPmdPolicyManager::CVar(...) to access the elements of the array within a VB script.
Possible errors:
Database communication errors
HRESULT IOvPmdLogicalPolicy80::GetPolicyGroupList2 [in, defaultvalue(PMAD_MGMT_NONE_OPT)] unsigned long  ulOptions,
[out, retval] SAFEARRAY(IDispatch *)*  ppGroups
Returns a list of all policy groups to which this policy is assigned.
ulOptions  - Method flags. Allowed values:
  • PMAD_MGMT_NONE_OPT - This flag cannot be combined with any other flags. Use this flag when you do not want to pass any other flags.
  • PMAD_MGMT_ALL_VERSIONS_OPT - Instead of returning only the groups to which this policy version is assigned, the method returns also those groups to which another version of this policy is assigned.
ppGroups  - Safearray of IDispatch interface pointers to the policy groups. Use the method "IOvPmdPolicyManager::CVar(...)" to access the elements of the array within a VB script.
Possible errors:
Database communication errors
HRESULT IOvPmdLogicalPolicy80::GetRequiredTypeVersion [out] long *  lTypeVersion  )  [inherited]
Returns the minimal policy type version that is required by this policy version. It is equivalent to the syntax version of the policy. The type version determines the first version of the agent that can understand the syntax of the policy and so it determines also the version of the agent that must be at least installed on the managed node to process this policy version.
lTypeVersion  - The policy type version.
HRESULT IOvPmdLogicalPolicy80::GetSignedContents [out, retval] IOvPmdStream **  ppStream  )  [inherited]
Before the policy data is saved as BLOB within the DB, PMAD calls the policy processor COM component that is registered with the type of the policy (if it exists). This processor can sign certain parts of the policy data (such as action strings), or even perform other custom modifications that require knowledge about the policy syntax. If this policy processor exists for the type of policy, and if it has modified the policy data, PMAD stores both the modified as well as the unmodified policy data as BLOB in the DB. Otherwise, only the unmodified policy data is stored in the DB.
This method returns the modified policy data if it exists. If not, it returns the unmodified policy data, which is also always returned by the method IOvPmdLogicalPolicy::GetContents(...).
ppStream  - Pointer to the processed policy data stream.
Possible errors:
HRESULT IOvPmdNode80::GetSubpackageList [out, retval] SAFEARRAY(IDispatch *)*  ppSubpackages  )  [inherited]
Returns an array of all subpackage versions that are installed on this node. The method does not connect to the remote node to get this data. The information is taken from the DB node inventory.
ppSubpackages  - SAFEARRAY of IDispatch interface pointers to sub-package objects. Use the method IOvPmdPolicyManager::CVar(...) to access the elements of the array within a VB script.
Possible errors:
Database communication errors
HRESULT IOvPmdNode80::IsBootstrapped [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *  pbBootstrapped  )  [inherited]
Checks whether the HP Operations agent is currently installed on the managed node.
The method does not query the remote managed node to check whether the agent is installed on the remote node. Instead, it checks only the node inventory on the management server.
pbBootstrapped  - Returns:
  • VARIANT_TRUE = if the HP Operations agent is currently installed on the node
  • VARIANT_FALSE = if the HP Operations agent is currently not installed on the node
Possible errors:
Database communication errors
WMI errors
HRESULT IOvPmdPackage80::IsInstalled [in, defaultvalue(0)] IOvPmdNode pNode,
[out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *  pbInstalled
This method returns true if this package version is installed on the given node or, if no node is specified at all, on at least one managed node.
This method does not query the remote managed node to check whether this package version is installed on the remote node. Instead, it checks only the node inventory on the management server.
pNode  - The node to be checked whether this package version is installed there. If not specified, then the method checks whether this package version is installed on at least one managed node.
pbInstalled  - Returns true if this package version is installed on the given node or, if no node is specified, on at least one managed node. In all other cases, false is returned.
Possible errors:
Database communication errors
HRESULT IOvPmdLogicalPolicy80::IsInstalled [in, defaultvalue(0)] IOvPmdNode pNode,
[in, defaultvalue(PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT)] unsigned long  ulOptions,
[out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *  pbInstalled
This method returns true if the policy is installed on the given node or, if no node is specified at all, on at least one managed node.
This method does not query the remote managed node to check whether this policy version is installed on the remote node. Instead, it checks only the node inventory on the management server.
pNode  - Node to be checked whether this policy version is installed there. If not specified, the method checks whether this policy version is installed on at least one managed node.
ulOptions  - Method flags. Allowed values:
  • PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT - This flag cannot be combined with any other flags. Use this flag when you do not want to pass any other flags.
  • PMAD_DEPL_IGNORE_VERSION_OPT - If SET, this method checks whether at least one version of the policy is installed on the given nodes. If not SET, this method checks only whether this particular policy version is installed on the given nodes.
pbInstalled  - Returns true if this policy version is installed on the given node or, if no node is specified, on at least one managed node. In all other cases, false is returned.
Possible errors:
Database communication errors
HRESULT IOvPmdLogicalPolicyType80::IsServerType [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *  bIsServerType  )  [inherited]
Returns TRUE if this policy type configures a server component and not the managed node. It is the same for all versions of the same policy type. This means all versions of the same policy type configure either the managed node or server components.
bIsServerType  - TRUE if this policy type configures a server component
Possible errors:
Database communication errors
HRESULT IOvPmdNode80::Redeploy [in, defaultvalue(PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT)] unsigned long  ulOptions,
[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR  sUser,
[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR  sPwd
Depending on the first parameter, this method schedules the reinstallation or update of versions currently in the inventory of the node on the server:
  • Package versions
  • Policy versions
  • Package and policy versions
This method does not uninstall the policies and packages before installing them again. Instead, they are replaced on the node. If both packages and policies are redeployed, the method reads first the policy and package node inventory from the DB on the server. Second, it installs the package versions again. Afterwards, all policy versions are redeployed. The instrumentation categories that are required by these policy versions are also redeployed.
The redeploy operation fails by default if there are policies on the node that are owned by another server. However, this behavior can be changed if the PMAD_DEPL_IGNORE_OWNER_OPT flag of the operation is SET. In this case, all policies belong to the same server after the operation has successfully finished.
This is an asynchronous operation. The method does not perform validation before job execution. The method simply adds the job to the queue and returns immediately. The deployment job itself may fail during execution. An error description is available for the failed deployment job (see IOvPmdJobEntry::GetErrorDescription(...) ).
ulOptions  - Method flags. Allowed values:
  • PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT - This flag cannot be combined with any other flags. Use this flag when you do not want to pass any other flags.
  • PMAD_DEPL_UPDATE_OPT - If this flag is set, all policies and packages are updated to the latest available version.
  • PMAD_DEPL_IGNORE_VERSION_OPT - If this flag is SET, the packages and policies are deployed again to the managed node, even if the same version or a newer version than the one that you want to deploy is currently installed there.
  • PMAD_DEPL_IGNORE_OWNER_OPT - If this flag is NOT SET, the operation fails if some policies are owned by another management server. If this flag is SET, the owner attribute of the policies is ignored.
  • PMAD_DEPL_FORCE_OPT - If this flag is NOT SET, the operation fails whenever at least one policy or package is currently installed on the node for which PMAD does not have the data and implementation, respectively. The operation succeeds in such an scenario if this flag is SET. In this case, the package or policy with no implementation or data are ignored.
  • PMAD_DEPL_SKIP_PACKAGES_OPT - If this flag is SET, only policies and instrumentation files are redeployed.
  • PMAD_DEPL_SKIP_POLICIES_OPT - If this flag is SET, only packages are redeployed.
  • PMAD_DEPL_IMPERSONATE_OPT - If SET, the remote managed node is accessed with the security context of the impersonated user (the user that called this API).
  • PMAD_DEPL_PMADUSER_OPT - If SET, the remote managed node is accessed with the security context of the HP-OVE-Deleg-User account (the one under which PMAD is running).
sUser  - Name of the account used to access the remote node. You can specify the account either as a user principal name (UPN such as UserName@DomainName) or in the down-level log-on name format (DomainName\UserName).
More details on the supported values for sUser and sPwd in combination with the supported options of this method can be found under IOvPmdNode80::Bootstrap(...).
sPwd  - Password of the account used to access the remote node.
Possible errors:
Database communication errors
HRESULT IOvPmdPackage80::Remove2 [in] unsigned long  ulOptions  )  [inherited]
Removes this package version and all its implementations from the management server database. In addition, it removes the implementations of this package version from the package repository (file system directory on the management server system).
If the package is still installed on at least one node, and the force flag (PMAD_DEPL_FORCE_OPT) is not set, the package version is not deleted from the database, and an error is returned.
ulOptions  - Allowed flags of the method:
  • PMAD_MGMT_NONE_OPT - This flag cannot be combined with any other flags. Use this flag if you do not want to pass any other flags.
  • PMAD_MGMT_FORCE_OPT - If this package version is still installed on one managed node, the method returns an error, and nothing is removed if this flag is NOT SET. However, if this flag is SET, the binaries of the package version are removed from the file system of the server. Only the entry for the package version itself is kept in the DB if this package version is still installed on one managed node. It is still required for the package inventory of the node where this package version is still installed.
Possible errors:
File system access problems
There are still nodes where this package is installed
Database communication errors
HRESULT IOvPmdLogicalPolicy80::Remove2 [in] unsigned long  ulOptions  )  [inherited]
Removes this policy version (including the policy data stream) from the management server database. Note that removing a policy version from the server is possible only if it is not installed on a managed node (see also PMAD_DEPL_FORCE_OPT).
ulOptions  - Method flags. Allowed values:
  • PMAD_MGMT_NONE_OPT - This flag cannot be combined with any other flags. Use this flag when you do not want to pass any other flags.
  • PMAD_MGMT_FORCE_OPT - If this policy version is still installed on one managed node, the method returns an error, and nothing is removed if this flag is NOT SET. However, if this flag is SET, the data stream (implementation) of the policy version is removed from the server. Only the entry for the policy version itself is kept in the DB if this policy version is still installed on one managed node. It is still required for the policy inventory of the node where this policy version is still installed.
Possible errors:
There are still nodes where this policy is installed
Database communication errors
HRESULT IOvPmdPolicyGroup80::RemoveFromAllNodes [in] unsigned long  ulOptions  )  [inherited]
This method schedules the uninstallation of all policies that are part of this policy group and its child groups from all managed nodes where they are currently installed. Packages that were installed during installation of the policy version are not uninstalled. This must be done with IOvPmdPackage::RemoveFromNodes(...).
For every policy and node, a separate deployment job is created by this method. The method simply adds all the jobs to the queue, and then returns to the caller. Note that there is no dedicated deployment job type to remove a policy group from the node.
If the 'bForce' flag is set to TRUE, the policy versions is removed from the node inventory on the management server, even if they cannot be uninstalled on the managed node (for example, because the node was down or reinstalled). If this flag is FALSE, however, the deployment job fails if a policy version cannot be uninstalled from the node.
ulOptions  - Method flags. Allowed values:
  • PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT - Cannot be combined with any other flags. Use this flag when you do not want to pass any other flags.
  • PMAD_DEPL_FORCE_OPT - Forces policy removal from the DB node inventory on the management server, even if policy deinstallation from the nodes failed.
Possible errors:
Database communication errors
HRESULT IOvPmdLogicalPolicy80::RemoveFromAllNodes3 [in] unsigned long  ulOptions  )  [inherited]
This method schedules the uninstallation of this policy version from all nodes where it is currently deployed. Packages that have been installed as part of the first policy deployment job are not uninstalled. This has to be performed explicitly with IOvPmdPackage80::RemoveFromNodes2(...).
This is an asynchronous operation. The method does not perform validation before job execution. The method simply adds the job to the queue and returns immediately. The deployment job itself may fail during execution. An error description is available for the failed deployment job (see IOvPmdJobEntry::GetErrorDescription(...) ).
ulOptions  - Method flags. Allowed values:
  • PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT - This flag cannot be combined with any other flags. Use this flag when you do not want to pass any other flags.
  • PMAD_DEPL_IGNORE_OWNER_OPT - If this flag is SET, this policy version is uninstalled from the node even if it owned by another management server. The deployment job fails if this flag is NOT SET and another server owns the policy on the node.
  • PMAD_DEPL_FORCE_OPT - A flag to force policy removal from the DB node inventory on the management server, even if policy uninstallation from the node fails (for example, because the node is down or was reimaged).
Possible errors:
Database communication errors
HRESULT IOvPmdLogicalPolicy80::RemoveFromAllNodesForAllVersions2 [in] unsigned long  ulOptions  )  [inherited]
This method schedules the uninstallation of all versions of this policy on all nodes on which it had been deployed. Packages that have been installed during installation of the policy are not uninstalled. This has to be done with IOvPmdPackage::RemoveFromNodes(...).
This is an asynchronous operation. The method does not perform validation before job execution. The method just adds the job to the queue and returns immediately. The deployment job itself may fail during execution. An error description is available for the failed deployment job (see IOvPmdJobEntry::GetErrorDescription(...) ).
If the PMAD_DEPL_FORCE_OPT flag is SET, the policy is removed from the DB node inventory on the management server, even if actual policy uninstallation on the managed node failed (for example, because the node was down or reinstalled).
ulOptions  - Method flags. Allowed values:
  • PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT - This flag cannot be combined with any other flags. Use this flag when you do not want to pass any other flags.
  • PMAD_DEPL_IGNORE_OWNER_OPT - If SET, this policy version is uninstalled from the node, even if it owned by another management server. The deployment job fails if this flag is NOT SET and another server owns the policy on the node.
  • PMAD_DEPL_FORCE_OPT - A flag to force policy removal from the DB node inventory on the management server, even if policy uninstallation from the node failed.
Possible errors:
Invalid variant structure of node IDs
Database communication errors
HRESULT IOvPmdPolicyGroup80::RemoveFromNodes [in] VARIANT  varNodeNameArray,
[in] unsigned long  ulOptions
This method schedules the uninstallation of all policies that are part of this policy group and its child groups on all nodes that are part of the specified node group. Packages that have been installed during the installation of these policies are not uninstalled. This must be performed explicitly with IOvPmdPackage::RemoveFromNodes(...).
For every policy and node, a separate deployment job is created by this method. The method simply adds all the jobs to the queue, and then returns to the caller. Note that there is no dedicated deployment job type to remove a policy group from the node.
If the 'bForce' flag is set to TRUE, the policy versions is removed from the node inventory on the management server, even if they cannot be uninstalled from the managed node (for example, because the node was down or reinstalled). If this flag is FALSE, however, the deployment job fails if a policy version cannot be uninstalled from the node.
varNodeNameArray  - Array of node IDs from which the policies of this group and its subgroups should be uninstalled.
ulOptions  - Method flags. Allowed values:
  • PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT - Cannot be combined with any other flags. Use this flag when you do not want to pass any other flags.
  • PMAD_DEPL_FORCE_OPT - Forces policy removal from the node inventory on the management server, even if policy deinstallation from the node failed.
Possible errors -
Invalid variant structure of node IDs
Database communication errors
HRESULT IOvPmdPackage80::RemoveFromNodes2 [in] VARIANT  vNodeIDs,
[in, defaultvalue(PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT)] unsigned long  ulOptions,
[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR  sUser,
[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR  sPwd
Schedules the removal of the package version from all specified nodes. There is no check performed if the node is already known to PMAD. If the node is unknown, the job queue displays an error.
This is an asynchronous operation. The method does not perform validation before job execution. The method simply adds the job to the queue and returns immediately. The deployment job itself may fail during execution. An error description is available for the failed deployment job (see IOvPmdJobEntry::GetErrorDescription(...) ).
vNodeIDs  - VARIANT of SAFEARRAY containing the ID of the nodes from where the policies should be removed.
ulOptions  - Method flags. Allowed values:
  • PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT - This flag cannot be combined with any other flags. Use this flag when you do not want to pass any other flags.
  • PMAD_DEPL_FORCE_OPT - If the node is not reachable, the package is still removed from the node inventory on the server, and a warning is written to the Windows Event Log if PMAD_DEPL_FORCE_OPT is SET. Otherwise, the deployment job fails.
  • PMAD_DEPL_IMPERSONATE_OPT - If SET, the remote managed node is accessed with the security context of the impersonated user (the user that called this API).
  • PMAD_DEPL_PMADUSER_OPT - If SET, the remote managed node is accessed with the security context of the HP-OVE-Deleg-User account (the one under which PMAD is running).
sUser  - The name of the account used to access the remote node. You can specify the account either as a user principal name (UPN such as UserName@DomainName) or in the down-level log-on name format (DomainName\UserName).
More details on the supported values for sUser and sPwd in combination with the supported options of this method can be found under IOvPmdNode80::Bootstrap(...).
sPwd  - Password of the account used to access the remote node.
Possible errors:
Invalid variant structure of node IDs
Specified node is unknown
Dependent packages are still on the node
The node is not reachable
Database communication errors
HRESULT IOvPmdLogicalPolicy80::RemoveFromNodes3 [in] VARIANT  vNodeIDs,
[in] unsigned long  ulOptions
This method schedules the uninstallation of this policy version on all nodes specified in the list of node IDs (parameter "vNodeIDs"). Packages that have been installed as part of the first policy deployment job are not uninstalled. This has to be performed explicitly with IOvPmdPackage80::RemoveFromNodes2(...).
This is an asynchronous operation. The method does not perform validation before job execution. The method simply adds the job to the queue and returns immediately. The deployment job itself may fail during execution. An error description is available for the failed deployment job (see IOvPmdJobEntry::GetErrorDescription(...) ).
vNodeIDs  - VARIANT that contains a SAFEARRAY containing the ID of the nodes where the policy should be uninstalled.
ulOptions  - Method flags. Allowed values:
  • PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT - This flag cannot be combined with any other flags. Use this flag when you do not want to pass any other flags.
  • PMAD_DEPL_IGNORE_OWNER_OPT - If this flag is SET, this policy version is uninstalled from the node even if it is owned by another management server. The deployment job fails if this flag is NOT SET and another server owns the policy on the node.
  • PMAD_DEPL_FORCE_OPT - A flag to force policy removal from the DB node inventory on the management server, even if policy uninstallation from the node fails (for example, the node is down or reimaged).
Possible errors -
Invalid variant structure of node IDs
Database communication errors
HRESULT IOvPmdPackage80::RemoveFromNodesForAllVersions2 [in] VARIANT  vNodeIDs,
[in, defaultvalue(PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT)] unsigned long  ulOptions,
[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR  sUser,
[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR  sPwd
Schedules the removal of all versions of the package from all specified nodes. If a specified node is not known, it displays an error in the job queue.
This is an asynchronous operation. The method does not perform validation before job execution. The method simply adds the job to the queue and returns immediately. The deployment job itself may fail during execution. An error description is available for the failed deployment job (see IOvPmdJobEntry::GetErrorDescription(...) ).
vNodeIDs  - VARIANT that contains a SAFEARRAY containing the ID of the nodes from where the policies should be removed.
ulOptions  - Method flags. Allowed values:
  • PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT - This flag cannot be combined with any other flags. Use this flag when you do not want to pass any other flags.
  • PMAD_DEPL_FORCE_OPT - If the node is not reachable, the package is still removed from the DB inventory, and a warning is written to the Windows Event Log if PMAD_DEPL_FORCE_OPT is SET. Otherwise, the deployment job fails.
  • PMAD_DEPL_IMPERSONATE_OPT - If SET, the remote managed node is accessed with the security context of the impersonated user (the user that called this API).
  • PMAD_DEPL_PMADUSER_OPT - If SET, the remote managed node is accessed with the security context of the HP-OVE-Deleg-User account (the one under which PMAD is running).
sUser  - Name of the account used to access the remote node. You can specify the account either as a user principal name (UPN such as UserName@DomainName) or in the down-level log-on name format (DomainName\UserName).
More details on the supported values for sUser and sPwd in combination with the supported options of this method can be found under IOvPmdNode80::Bootstrap(...).
sPwd  - Password of the account used to access the remote node.
Possible errors:
Invalid variant structure of node IDs
Specified node is unknown
Dependent packages are still on the node
The node is not reachable
Database communication errors
HRESULT IOvPmdLogicalPolicy80::RemoveFromNodesForAllVersions2 [in] VARIANT  vNodeIDs,
[in] unsigned long  ulOptions
This method schedules the uninstallation of all versions of this policy on all nodes specified in the list of node IDs (parameter "vNodeIDs"). Packages that have been installed during installation of the policy are not uninstalled. This has to be done with IOvPmdPackage::RemoveFromNodes(...).
This is an asynchronous operation. The method does not perform validation before job execution. The method simply adds the job to the queue and returns immediately. The deployment job itself may fail during execution. An error description is available for the failed deployment job (see IOvPmdJobEntry::GetErrorDescription(...) ).
If the flag PMAD_DEPL_FORCE_OPT is SET, the policy is removed from the DB node inventory on the management server, even if the actual policy uninstallation on the managed node failed (for example, because the node was down or reinstalled).
vNodeIDs  - VARIANT that contains a SAFEARRAY containing the ID of the nodes where the policy should be deinstalled.
ulOptions  - Method flags. Allowed values:
  • PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT - This flag cannot be combined with any other flags. Use this flag when you do not want to pass any other flags.
  • PMAD_DEPL_IGNORE_OWNER_OPT - If this flag is SET, this policy version is deinstalled from the node, even if it owned by another management server. The deployment job fails if this this flag is NOT SET and another server owns the policy on the node.
  • PMAD_DEPL_FORCE_OPT - A flag to force policy removal from the DB node inventory on the management server, even if policy uninstallation from the node failed.
Possible errors:
Invalid variant structure of node IDs
Database communication errors
HRESULT IOvPmdPackage80::RemoveImplementation [in] BSTR  sPackageDescriptor,
[in, defaultvalue(PMAD_MGMT_NONE_OPT)] unsigned long  ulOptions
Removes the specified package implementation from the database and the package repository (file system).
sPackageDescriptor  - Path name to the package descriptor file containing all information about the package implementation to be removed.
ulOptions  - Allowed flags of this method: No flags are supported at the moment. You must always specify PMAD_MGMT_NONE_OPT as value for this parameter.
Possible Errors:
Database communication errors
Package descriptor file not found
Syntax error in the package descriptor
File system permission and access denied error
HRESULT IOvPmdNode80::RescheduleJobs2 [in, defaultvalue(PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT)] unsigned long  ulOptions,
[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR  sUser,
[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR  sPwd
Jobs scheduled for this node and currently in state suspended or error are rescheduled. The first job for this node in the queue gets active, and all other jobs are moved into state pending.
ulOptions  - Method flags. Allowed values:
  • PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT - This flag cannot be combined with any other flags. Use this flag when you do not want to pass any other flags.
  • PMAD_DEPL_IMPERSONATE_OPT - If SET, the remote managed node is accessed with the security context of the impersonated user (the user that called this API).
  • PMAD_DEPL_PMADUSER_OPT - If SET, the remote managed node is accessed with the security context of the HP-OVE-Deleg-User account (the one under which PMAD is running).
sUser  - The name of the account used to access the remote node. You can specify the account either as a user principal name (UPN such as UserName@DomainName) or in the down-level log-on name format (DomainName\UserName).
More details on the supported values for sUser and sPwd in combination with the supported options of this method can be found under IOvPmdNode80::Bootstrap(...).
sPwd  - Password of the account used to access the remote node.
Possible errors:
Database communication errors
HRESULT IOvPmdJobScheduler80::RestartAllJobs2 [in] unsigned long  ulOptions,
[in] BSTR  sUser,
[in] BSTR  sPwd
Restarts all jobs in the state 'error'. They are in the state 'active' afterwards. All suspended jobs are moved to the state 'pending' by this method.
You can specify the user account to be used for accessing the remote node in the three parameters of this method. The same user account is also taken for pending jobs which are executed after the 'active' jobs have finished successfully.
ulOptions  - Method flags. Allowed values:
  • PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT - This flag cannot be combined with any other flags. Use this flag when you do not want to pass any other flags.
  • PMAD_DEPL_IMPERSONATE_OPT - If SET, the remote managed node is accessed with the security context of the impersonated user (the user that called this API).
  • PMAD_DEPL_PMADUSER_OPT - If SET, the remote managed node is accessed with the security context of the HP-OVE-Deleg-User account (the one under which PMAD is running).
sUser  - The name of the account used to access the remote node. You can specify the account either as a user principal name (UPN such as UserName@DomainName) or in the down-level log-on name format (DomainName\UserName).
More details on the supported values for sUser and sPwd in combination with the supported options of this method can be found under IOvPmdNode80::Bootstrap(...).
sPwd  - Password of the account used to access the remote node.
Possible errors:
Database communication errors
HRESULT IOvPmdJobScheduler80::RestartJob3 [in] BSTR  sJobId,
[in] unsigned long  ulOptions,
[in] BSTR  sUser,
[in] BSTR  sPwd
Restarts the deployment job that is specified by its ID. Its state is 'active' after calling this method. All suspended jobs for the same node are moved to state 'pending' by this method.
You can specify the user account to be used for accessing the remote node in the last three parameters of this method. The same user account is also taken for pending jobs of the same node. They are executed after the job that is specified with its ID in this method has finished successfully.
sJobId  - Unique job identifier.
sUser  - Name of the account used to access the remote node. You can specify the account either as a user principal name (UPN such as UserName@DomainName) or in the down-level log-on name format (DomainName\UserName).
More details on the supported values for sUser and sPwd in combination with the supported options of this method can be found under IOvPmdNode80::Bootstrap(...).
sPwd  - Password of the account used to access the remote node.
ulOptions  - Method flags. Allowed values:
  • PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT - This flag cannot be combined with any other flags. Use this flag when you do not want to pass any other flags.
  • PMAD_DEPL_SKIP_NODECHECK_OPT - If this flag is SET, the restarted job skips the node prerequisite check.
  • PMAD_DEPL_IMPERSONATE_OPT - If SET, the remote managed node is accessed with the security context of the impersonated user (the user that called this API).
  • PMAD_DEPL_PMADUSER_OPT - If SET, the remote managed node is accessed with the security context of the HP-OVE-Deleg-User account (the one under which PMAD is running).
Possible errors:
Database communication errors
HRESULT IOvPmdLogicalPolicy80::SaveAsVersion3 [in] IOvPmdStream2 pContents,
[in] BSTR  sDescription,
[in] BSTR  sInstanceId,
[in] BSTR  sUser,
[in] long  lNewMajorVersion,
[in] long  lNewMinorVersion,
[in] long  lMinPolicyTypeVersion,
[in] double  dCreationDate,
[in] BSTR  sCategory,
[out, retval] IOvPmdLogicalPolicy80 **  ppPolicy
Saves the specified data stream as a new policy version with the same logical ID as this policy version. Any trailing '*' characters are removed from the name of the new policy version.
pContents  - Data contents of the policy version.
sDescription  - Description string of the new policy version. The maximal length is 256 characters.
sInstanceId  - Unique identifier (GUID as string without brackets) for the new policy version. If null or empty, PMAD automatically generates an new instance ID.
sUser  - Name of the user that creates the new policy version. The name can be any kind of string. The maximal length is 64 characters.
lNewMajorVersion  - Major version of the new policy version.
lNewMinorVersion  - Minor version of the new policy version.
lMinPolicyTypeVersion  - The policy type version that the policy requires at least. This means the minimal required package version of the specified policy type version must be installed on the node before the new policy version is deployed. PMAD automatically updates the package on the node if this is not the case.
In other words, the required type version of the policy determines the minimal required version of the package that:
  • Belongs to this policy type
  • Contains the sub-agent version that is able to process the syntax of the policy

The policy type version that is passed to this parameter corresponds to the syntax version of the policy.
dCreationDate  - Creation time and date of the new policy version as a COleDateTime value.
sCategory  - Comma-separated list of all categories to which the new policy version belongs. The maximal length of every category is 64 characters.
ppPolicy  - IOvPmdLogicalPolicy interface of the new policy. It is NULL, if the operation has failed.
Possible errors:
The instance ID is already used by another policy
The version of the policy already exists
Disk space problems while saving the policy
Database communication errors
HRESULT IOvPmdNode80::Synchronize [in, defaultvalue(PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT)] unsigned long  ulOptions  )  [inherited]
This method performs a node-to-server (or upward) synchronization. This means the node is considered more up-to-date than the server (with regards to installed policies and packages). As a result, the server inventory for the node is deleted, and filled with the policies and packages that are returned by the node inventory.
If the node inventory contains a policy whose type is not known on the server, it is ignored during synchronization, but an error is written to the Windows event log. If a package or policy version that is installed on the node is not known on the server (no registered), PMAD automatically creates an entry for it in the DB. However, to make it clear, the implementation of the package or policy version (the package binaries and policy data) is not automatically copied from node to the server, and then added to the DB. This means the package or policy version is not available for deployment to other nodes after synchronization. Only their main properties (for example, name, version, or description) are known on the server.
Besides that instrumentation is also not synchronized because neither the DCE nor the HTTPS-based agent can return the list of installed instrumentation categories. However, the category on node relationship in the PMAD DB is updated during policy synchronization. An instrumentation category is removed from the category on node relationship during policy synchronization if there is no policy with this category discovered on a managed node.
Dependencies between policies and packages that are managed by PMAD on the management server system (for example, "policy-to-policy", "package-to-package", or "policy-to-package") are not known on the managed node. Even if they were available on the node, it is not clear how to proceed during synchronization if the dependencies that are returned by the managed node differ from the dependencies that are stored within PMAD. Therefore, dependencies are not synchronized. However, during synchronization, PMAD uses the policy and package dependency information that are stored in the server DB to check whether some prerequisites of the installed policies and packages are missing on the managed node. If so, it sends a warning message to the Windows Event Log, which describes the missing prerequisites and the policies and packages that require them.
For managed nodes running the DCE-based agent, policy synchronization is ignored. The package synchronization is supported for both DCE and HTTPS nodes. However, in contrast to HTTPS nodes, the package must be known on the server (registered) when synchronizing with a DCE node. PMAD cannot automatically insert the properties of the discovered package to the DB (for example, name, version, description, and so on) because the DCE agent returns only the ID and version string of the package. For that reason, the synchronization is successful only if at least another version of the same package is already registered with PMAD. If not, the operation fails with an appropriate error message.
This is an asynchronous operation. The method does not perform validation before job execution. The method simply adds the job to the queue and returns immediately. The deployment job itself may fail during execution. An error description is available for the failed deployment job (see IOvPmdJobEntry::GetErrorDescription(...) ).
ulOptions  - Method flags. Allowed values:
Possible errors:
Database communication errors
Policies cannot be synchronized for DCE nodes
The package that is installed on the DCE node is not registered with PMAD
HRESULT IOvPmdNode80::Uninstall [in, defaultvalue(PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT)] unsigned long  ulOptions,
[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR  sUser,
[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR  sPwd
Schedules a job that uninstalls all installed policies and packages from the managed node. Tthe operation requires administrative rights on the remote managed node.
This is an asynchronous operation. The method does not perform validation before job execution. The method simply adds the job to the queue and returns immediately. The deployment job itself may fail during execution. An error description is available for the failed deployment job (see IOvPmdJobEntry::GetErrorDescription(...) ).
ulOptions  - Method flags. Allowed values:
  • PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT - This flag cannot be combined with any other flags. Use this flag when you do not want to pass any other flags.
  • PMAD_DEPL_IGNORE_OWNER_OPT - If this flag is NOT SET, the operation fails if some policies on the managed node are owned by another management server. If this flag if SET, the owner attribute of the policies is ignored.
  • PMAD_DEPL_IMPERSONATE_OPT - If SET, the remote managed node is accessed with the security context of the impersonated user (the user that called this API).
  • PMAD_DEPL_PMADUSER_OPT - If SET, the remote managed node is accessed with the security context of the HP-OVE-Deleg-User account (the one under which PMAD is running).
sUser  - The name of the account used to access the remote node. You can specify the account either as a user principal name (UPN such as UserName@DomainName) or in the down-level log-on name format (DomainName\UserName).
More details on the supported values for sUser and sPwd in combination with the supported options of this method can be found under IOvPmdNode80::Bootstrap(...).
sPwd  - Password of the account used to access the remote node.
Possible errors:
Network communication errors
Database communication errors