HP Operations Manager for Windows


Methods with modified semantics


HRESULT  IOvPmdPolicyManager::GetPackageList ([out, retval]SAFEARRAY(IDispatch *)*ppPackageList)
HRESULT  IOvPmdPolicyManager::ImportLogicalPolicyFromFile ([in]BSTR sPathName,[in]VARIANT_BOOL bForce,[out, retval]IOvPmdLogicalPolicy **ppPolicy)
HRESULT  IOvPmdPolicyManager2::GetInstrumDirsForNodes ([in]VARIANT vNodeIDs,[in] VARIANT_BOOL bIsIntersection,[out, retval] VARIANT *pvarDirArray)
HRESULT  IOvPmdPackage::Remove ()
HRESULT  IOvPmdPackage::DeployOnNodes ([in]VARIANT vNodeIDs)
HRESULT  IOvPmdPackage::RemoveFromNodes ([in]VARIANT vNodeIDs)
HRESULT  IOvPmdPackage::DeployOnNodeGroup ([in]BSTR nodegroup)

Detailed Description

The semantic of the methods below has been modified at the specified release. The new semantic was introduced in the product version that is specified under the "Semantic modified in:" section.

Function Documentation

HRESULT IOvPmdPackage::DeployOnNodeGroup [in] BSTR  nodegroup  )  [inherited]
Schedules the installation of this package on the specified node group. For every node that is part of the specified node group, a separate deployment job is added to the queue.
The new package version is installed over the old one on the managed nodes. The old package version is not removed from the node before the new one is installed there. If the same or a higher version of the package is already installed on a node, the deployment job does nothing and finishes successfully.
If the specified node is not known, the job queue displays an error.
This is an asynchronous operation. The method does not perform validation before job execution. The method simply adds the job to the queue and returns immediately. The deployment job itself may fail during execution. An error description is available for the failed deployment job (see IOvPmdJobEntry::GetErrorDescription(...) ).
The method fails if it cannot find an implementation for this package version that matches the platform of the specified managed node. If you want to deploy the latest version of the package for which an implementation is available for the platform of the node, you should call IOvPmdPackage80::DeployOnNodes2(...).
nodegroup  - ID of the node group where the package version should be installed.
Possible errors:
Invalid node group name
Implementation not found
Database communication errors
Semantic modified in:
It fails if no implementation for this package version is available that matches the platform of the specified managed node.
HRESULT IOvPmdPackage::DeployOnNodes [in] VARIANT  vNodeIDs  )  [inherited]
Schedules the installation of this package version on the specified nodes. For every node that is specified in the parameter 'vNodeIDs' by its ID, a separate deployment job is added to the queue.
The new package version is installed over the old one on the managed nodes. The old package version is not removed from the node before the new one is installed there. If the same or a higher version of the package is already installed on a node, the deployment job does nothing and finishes with success.
This is an asynchronous operation. The method does not perform validation before job execution. The method simply adds the job to the queue and returns immediately. The deployment job itself may fail during execution. An error description is available for the failed deployment job (see IOvPmdJobEntry::GetErrorDescription(...) ).
If neither this package version nor an older version of this package has an implementation (binaries) for the platform of the specified node, the method fails. For more deployment options, see IOvPmdPackage80::DeployOnNodes2(...).
vNodeIDs  - VARIANT containing a SAFEARRAY with the ID of the nodes on which the package should be installed as elements.
Possible errors:
Invalid variant structure of node IDs
Implementation not found
Database communication errors
Semantic modified in:
If neither this package version nor an older version of this package has an implementation (binaries) for the platform of the specified node, then the method fails.
HRESULT IOvPmdPolicyManager2::GetInstrumDirsForNodes [in] VARIANT  vNodeIDs,
[in] VARIANT_BOOL  bIsIntersection,
[out, retval] VARIANT *  pvarDirArray
First, this method determines the platform of the specified nodes. Second, it searches the instrumentation directory structure for all categories that exist for all specified node platforms. These categories are returned to the caller.
vNodeIDs  - This Variant contains either a BSTR or a SAFEARRAY of Variants, which in turn contain BSTR pointers. If the parameter is a BSTR, a single node ID is assumed. Otherwise, each element of the SAFEARRAY contains the ID of a node. The node IDs specify where the user wants to deploy instrumentation. You are not allowed to pass the ID of node groups to this method!
bIsIntersection  - Ignored. It always calculates the union.
pvarDirArray  - This Variant contains a SAFEARRAY of Variants, which in turn contain BSTR pointers. An element of the array is an instrumentation subdirectory that was found for the platforms of the specified nodes.
Possible errors:
Database communication errors
Semantic modified in:
Because of the changed instrumentation directory layout, the semantic and the implementation of this method has been changed for version 8.00. The method no longer calculates the intersection of the various instrumentation directories as in previous releases because it is difficult and time-consuming with the new multiple-level instrumentation directory structure.
HRESULT IOvPmdPolicyManager::GetPackageList [out, retval] SAFEARRAY(IDispatch *)*  ppPackageList  )  [inherited]
Returns the latest (highest) version of all registered deployment packages that you can deploy to at least one managed node platform (available packages). Package versions with no implementation are not returned by this method.
To access other package versions that are also known by PMAD, check the method IOvPmdPolicyManager80::GetPackageList2(...).
ppPackageList  - SAFEARRAY of IDispatch interface pointers to the package versions. Use the method IOvPmdPolicyManager::CVar(...) to access the elements of the array within a VB script.
Possible errors:
Database communication errors
Semantic modified in:
Before 8.00, this method returned the latest version of all packages that were registered with PMAD for the Windows platform.
HRESULT IOvPmdPolicyManager::ImportLogicalPolicyFromFile [in] BSTR  sPathName,
[in] VARIANT_BOOL  bForce,
[out, retval] IOvPmdLogicalPolicy **  ppPolicy
Import a policy version from a structured storage file. The file must contain a header stream containing the properties of the policy and a data stream containing the content of the policy.
The instance (version) ID of a policy is the unique identifier of the policy. If another policy is added to PMAD with the same instance ID, an error is returned if either name, logical policy ID, version, or stream content is different from the existing policy. If everything is the same, the interface to the existing policy is returned.
If a policy is added with the same logical policy ID and version but a different instance ID as an already registered policy, an asterisk ("*") is added to the end of the policy name to make it unique among all other policies with the same logical ID and version.
sPathName  - Name of the structured storage file within the file system of the system on which PMAD is running. The HP-OVE-Deleg-User account (the one under which PMAD is running) must be able to read this file. This is especially important for shared drives.
bForce  - This flag is not used at the moment.
ppPolicy  - IOvPmdLogicalPolicy interface pointer to the imported policy version. It is NULL, if the operation has failed.
Possible errors
Database communication errors
Cannot read the policy file
Invalid attributes in header stream
Policy with the same instance id but different attributes already exists
Name may not contain '*'
Semantic modified in:
HRESULT IOvPmdPackage::Remove  )  [inherited]
Removes this package version and all its implementations from the management server database. In addition, it removes the binaires of this package version from the package repository (file system directory on the management server system). If the package is still installed on at least one node, the package version is not deleted from the database, and an error is returned.
Possible errors:
File system access problems
There are still nodes where this package is installed
Database communication errors
Semantic modified in:
HRESULT IOvPmdPackage::RemoveFromNodes [in] VARIANT  vNodeIDs  )  [inherited]
Schedules the removal of the package version from all specified nodes. If the node is not known, the job queue displays an error.
If the specified node is not reachable, the deployment job fails.
This is an asynchronous operation. The method does not perform validation before job execution. The method simply adds the job to the queue and returns immediately. The deployment job itself may fail during execution. An error description is available for the failed deployment job (see IOvPmdJobEntry::GetErrorDescription(...) ).
vNodeIDs  - VARIANT of SAFEARRAY containing the ID of the nodes where the package version should be removed from.
Possible errors:
Invalid variant structure of node IDs
Specified node is unknown
Dependent packages are still on the node
The node is not reachable or unknown
Database communication errors
Semantic modified in: