HP Operations Manager for Windows


IOvPmdLogicalPolicy80 Interface Reference

Extension of IOvPmdLogicalPolicy4 interface. More...

import "pmad.idl";

Inheritance diagram for IOvPmdLogicalPolicy80:

IOvPmdLogicalPolicy4 IOvPmdLogicalPolicy3 IOvPmdLogicalPolicy2 IOvPmdLogicalPolicy IOvPmdVersion List of all members.

Public Member Functions

HRESULT  SaveAsVersion3 ([in] IOvPmdStream2 *pContents,[in] BSTR sDescription,[in] BSTR sInstanceId,[in] BSTR sUser,[in] long lNewMajorVersion,[in] long lNewMinorVersion,[in] long lMinPolicyTypeVersion,[in] double dCreationDate,[in] BSTR sCategory,[out, retval] IOvPmdLogicalPolicy80 **ppPolicy)
HRESULT  DeployOnNodes2 ([in]VARIANT vNodeIDs,[in, defaultvalue(PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT)] unsigned long ulOptions,[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR sUser,[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR sPwd)
HRESULT  DeployOnNodeGroup2 ([in] BSTR sNodeGroup,[in, defaultvalue(PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT)] unsigned long ulOptions,[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR sUser,[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR sPwd)
HRESULT  RemoveFromNodes3 ([in] VARIANT vNodeIDs,[in] unsigned long ulOptions)
HRESULT  RemoveFromAllNodes3 ([in] unsigned long ulOptions)
HRESULT  RemoveFromNodesForAllVersions2 ([in]VARIANT vNodeIDs,[in] unsigned long ulOptions)
HRESULT  RemoveFromAllNodesForAllVersions2 ([in] unsigned long ulOptions)
HRESULT  Remove2 ([in] unsigned long ulOptions)
HRESULT  GetOwner ([in]IOvPmdNode *pNode,[out, retval]BSTR *sOwner)
HRESULT  GetInstallTime ([in]IOvPmdNode *pNode,[out, retval]double *dTime)
HRESULT  GetInstallationUser ([in]IOvPmdNode *pNode,[out, retval]BSTR *sUser)
HRESULT  IsInstalled ([in, defaultvalue(0)]IOvPmdNode *pNode,[in, defaultvalue(PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT)] unsigned long ulOptions,[out, retval]VARIANT_BOOL *pbInstalled)
HRESULT  GetPolicyGroupList2 ([in, defaultvalue(PMAD_MGMT_NONE_OPT)] unsigned long ulOptions,[out, retval]SAFEARRAY(IDispatch *)*ppGroups)
HRESULT  GetSignedContents ([out, retval]IOvPmdStream **ppStream)
HRESULT  GetOtherVersion2 ([in] long lMajorVersion,[in] long lMinorVersion,[out, retval] IDispatch **ppInstance)
HRESULT  EnableOnNodes2 ([in]VARIANT vNodeIDs,[in, defaultvalue(PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT)] unsigned long ulOptions)
HRESULT  DisableOnNodes2 ([in]VARIANT vNodeIDs,[in, defaultvalue(PMAD_DEPL_NONE_OPT)] unsigned long ulOptions)
HRESULT  GetRequiredTypeVersion ([out]long *lTypeVersion)

Detailed Description

The interface IOvPmdLogicalPolicy80 inherits from the interface IOvPmdLogicalPolicy3, and adds several additional methods.

Member Function Documentation

HRESULT IOvPmdLogicalPolicy80::GetOwner [in] IOvPmdNode pNode,
[out, retval] BSTR *  sOwner
Returns the owner of this policy version on the managed node. That is, it returns a string that identifies the management server that has installed this policy version on the managed node. The method does not query the remote managed node to get the owner of this policy version. Instead, it returns only the value that is currently cached in the sever DB.
Note that the method returns an error if this policy version is not installed on the specified node.
pNode  - The method checks whether the policy is installed on the specified node (this parameter). If so, the owner of this policy version is returned.
sOwner  - Owner of this policy version on the specified node.
Possible errors:
Database communication errors
This policy version is not installed on the specified managed node.