IOvOWMsiServer is the public interface to access the HPOM for Windows MSI server. You cannot instantiate it directly. Instead, use the IOvOWMsiLocator to get the interface to the IOvOWMsiServer.
IOvOWMsiLocator is the interface used to retrieve an interface pointer to the HPOM for Windows MSI server. You can instantiate it using one of the following:
class idOvOWMsi.OvOWMsiLocator
prog idCLSID_OvOWServerMessage
class idOvOWMsi.OvOWServerMessage
prog idIOvOWRegisterCondition is an interface that enables you to set specific conditions for messages you want to register for on the HPOM for Windows MSI server. It is used in the IOvOWMsiServer::registerClient(...) call. You can instantiate a Register Condition using one of the following:
class idOvOWMsi.OvOWRegisterCondition
prog id