HP Operations Manager for Windows


IOvOWRegisterCondition Interface Reference
[MSI Server Interfaces]

The Register Condition interface. More...

import "OvOWMsiClient.idl";

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

HRESULT  init ([in] int messageSeverity,[in] BSTR messageApplication,[in] BSTR messageGroup,[in] BSTR messageType,[in] BSTR messageNodeName,[in] BSTR messageObject)
  Initializes this instance with the given values.
HRESULT  MessageSeverity ([out, retval] int *pVal)
HRESULT  MessageSeverity ([in] int newVal)
  Set the message severity.
HRESULT  MessageApplication ([out, retval] BSTR *pVal)
HRESULT  MessageApplication ([in] BSTR newVal)
HRESULT  MessageGroup ([out, retval] BSTR *pVal)
HRESULT  MessageGroup ([in] BSTR newVal)
HRESULT  MessageType ([out, retval] BSTR *pVal)
HRESULT  MessageType ([in] BSTR newVal)
HRESULT  MessageNodeName ([out, retval] BSTR *pVal)
HRESULT  MessageNodeName ([in] BSTR newVal)
HRESULT  MessageObject ([out, retval] BSTR *pVal)
HRESULT  MessageObject ([in] BSTR newVal)

Detailed Description

The Register Condition interface.

Use a Register Condition to subscribe to specific HPOM messages.

To create an instance of this, use the CoCreateInstance(...) command together with one of the following

A message must match all properties of this RegisterCondition to match the condition. Properties with default values act as wildcards. Default values for properties are NULL for BSTR, and 0 (zero) for int. The default Register Condition contains only default values, and matches every message.

Member Function Documentation

HRESULT IOvOWRegisterCondition::init [in] int  messageSeverity,
[in] BSTR  messageApplication,
[in] BSTR  messageGroup,
[in] BSTR  messageType,
[in] BSTR  messageNodeName,
[in] BSTR  messageObject

Initializes this instance with the given values.

HRESULT IOvOWRegisterCondition::MessageApplication [in] BSTR  newVal  ) 
HRESULT IOvOWRegisterCondition::MessageApplication [out, retval] BSTR *  pVal  ) 
HRESULT IOvOWRegisterCondition::MessageGroup [in] BSTR  newVal  ) 
HRESULT IOvOWRegisterCondition::MessageGroup [out, retval] BSTR *  pVal  ) 
HRESULT IOvOWRegisterCondition::MessageNodeName [in] BSTR  newVal  ) 
HRESULT IOvOWRegisterCondition::MessageNodeName [out, retval] BSTR *  pVal  ) 
HRESULT IOvOWRegisterCondition::MessageObject [in] BSTR  newVal  ) 
HRESULT IOvOWRegisterCondition::MessageObject [out, retval] BSTR *  pVal  ) 
HRESULT IOvOWRegisterCondition::MessageSeverity [in] int  newVal  ) 

Set the message severity.

newVal  one of the HPOM for Windows severity constants
See also:
Definition of Severity Constants
HRESULT IOvOWRegisterCondition::MessageSeverity [out, retval] int *  pVal  ) 
HRESULT IOvOWRegisterCondition::MessageType [in] BSTR  newVal  ) 
HRESULT IOvOWRegisterCondition::MessageType [out, retval] BSTR *  pVal  ) 

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: