HP Operations Manager for Windows


IOvOWServerMessage Interface Reference
[MSI Server Interfaces]

Interface to the HPOM message as it is accessible on the management server. More...

import "OvOWMsiClient.idl";

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

HRESULT  Id ([out, retval] BSTR *pVal)
HRESULT  NodeName ([out, retval] BSTR *pVal)
HRESULT  NodeName ([in] BSTR newVal)
HRESULT  AgentId ([out, retval] BSTR *pVal)
HRESULT  AgentId ([in] BSTR newVal)
HRESULT  TimeCreated ([out, retval] long *pVal)
HRESULT  TimeCreated ([in] long newVal)
HRESULT  TimeReceived ([out, retval] long *pVal)
HRESULT  TimeReceived ([in] long newVal)
HRESULT  AgentTimeZoneOffset ([out, retval] long *pVal)
HRESULT  AgentTimeZoneOffset ([in] long newVal)
HRESULT  MessageGroup ([out, retval] BSTR *pVal)
HRESULT  MessageGroup ([in] BSTR newVal)
HRESULT  Object ([out, retval] BSTR *pVal)
HRESULT  Object ([in] BSTR newVal)
HRESULT  Application ([out, retval] BSTR *pVal)
HRESULT  Application ([in] BSTR newVal)
HRESULT  Type ([out, retval] BSTR *pVal)
HRESULT  Type ([in] BSTR newVal)
HRESULT  ServiceId ([out, retval] BSTR *pVal)
HRESULT  ServiceId ([in] BSTR newVal)
HRESULT  Severity ([out, retval] int *pVal)
HRESULT  Severity ([in] int newVal)
HRESULT  get_AutomaticAction ([out] int *pState,[out] BSTR *pNodeName,[out] BSTR *pCall,[out] boolean *pDoAcknowledge,[out] boolean *pCreateAnnotation)
HRESULT  put_AutomaticAction ([in] int state,[in] BSTR nodeName,[in] BSTR call,[in] boolean doAcknowledge,[in] boolean createAnnotation)
HRESULT  get_OperatorAction ([out] int *pState,[out] BSTR *pNodeName,[out] BSTR *pCall,[out] boolean *pDoAcknowledge,[out] boolean *pCreateAnnotation)
HRESULT  put_OperatorAction ([in] int state,[in] BSTR nodeName,[in] BSTR call,[in] boolean doAcknowledge,[in] boolean createAnnotation)
HRESULT  Unmatched ([out, retval] boolean *pVal)
HRESULT  Unmatched ([in] boolean newVal)
HRESULT  LogOnly ([out, retval] boolean *pVal)
HRESULT  LogOnly ([in] boolean newVal)
HRESULT  CreateTroubleTicketInterface ([out, retval] boolean *pVal)
HRESULT  CreateTroubleTicketInterface ([in] boolean newVal)
HRESULT  AcknowledgeAfterTroubleTicket ([out, retval] boolean *pVal)
HRESULT  AcknowledgeAfterTroubleTicket ([in] boolean newVal)
HRESULT  DoNotification ([out, retval] boolean *pVal)
HRESULT  DoNotification ([in] boolean newVal)
HRESULT  Source ([out, retval] BSTR *pVal)
HRESULT  Source ([in] BSTR newVal)
HRESULT  SourceType ([out, retval] int *pVal)
HRESULT  SourceType ([in] int newVal)
HRESULT  Text ([out, retval] BSTR *pVal)
HRESULT  Text ([in] BSTR newVal)
HRESULT  OriginalText ([out, retval] BSTR *pVal)
HRESULT  OriginalText ([in] BSTR newVal)
HRESULT  get_Instruction ([out] BSTR *pId,[out] int *pType,[out] BSTR *pParameters)
HRESULT  put_Instruction ([in] BSTR wszId,[in] int type,[in] BSTR parameters)
HRESULT  OriginalId ([out, retval] BSTR *pVal)
HRESULT  OriginalId ([in] BSTR newVal)
HRESULT  ConditionId ([out, retval] BSTR *pVal)
HRESULT  ConditionId ([in] BSTR newVal)
HRESULT  State ([out, retval] int *pVal)
HRESULT  State ([in] int newVal)
HRESULT  MessageKey ([out, retval] BSTR *pVal)
HRESULT  MessageKey ([in] BSTR newVal)
HRESULT  get_MsgKeyRelation ([out] BSTR *pPattern,[out] boolean *piCase,[out] BSTR *pSeparators)
HRESULT  put_MsgKeyRelation ([in] BSTR pPattern,[in] boolean piCase,[in] BSTR pSeparators)
HRESULT  TimeFirstReceived ([out, retval] long *pVal)
HRESULT  TimeFirstReceived ([in] long newVal)
HRESULT  GenNodeName ([out, retval] BSTR *pVal)
HRESULT  GenNodeName ([in] BSTR newVal)
HRESULT  MsiOutputMode ([out, retval] int *pVal)
HRESULT  MsiOutputMode ([in] int newVal)
HRESULT  get_CMAs ([out] int *s,[out, size_is(,*s)] CMA **pVal)
HRESULT  put_CMAs ([in] int s,[in, size_is(s)] CMA *newVal)
HRESULT  setCMA ([in] CMA cma)
  Adds the specified CMA to the already existing CMAs in this message.
HRESULT  CopyTo ([out, retval] IOvOWServerMessage **ppCopy)
  Copies all contents of this message to the output parameter.
HRESULT  GenerateNewId ()
  Generates a new message ID, and assigns it to the Id field.

Detailed Description

Interface to the HPOM message as it is accessible on the management server.

Use this interface to access the HPOM message fields. If the MSI client that receives this message is connected in read-only mode (OVOW_MSI_CLIENT_READ), any attempts to change the fields of this message return E_ACCESSDENIED.

See also:
MSI Client Connection Modes

Member Function Documentation

HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::AcknowledgeAfterTroubleTicket [in] boolean  newVal  ) 
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::AcknowledgeAfterTroubleTicket [out, retval] boolean *  pVal  ) 
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::AgentId [in] BSTR  newVal  ) 
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::AgentId [out, retval] BSTR *  pVal  ) 
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::AgentTimeZoneOffset [in] long  newVal  ) 
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::AgentTimeZoneOffset [out, retval] long *  pVal  ) 
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::Application [in] BSTR  newVal  ) 
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::Application [out, retval] BSTR *  pVal  ) 
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::ConditionId [in] BSTR  newVal  ) 
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::ConditionId [out, retval] BSTR *  pVal  ) 
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::CopyTo [out, retval] IOvOWServerMessage **  ppCopy  ) 

Copies all contents of this message to the output parameter.

This method instantiates a new message instance on the output parameter. When calling this method, ppCopy should point to an uninstantiated IOvOWServerMessage instance.

ppCopy  pointer to the new message receiving the copy of this.
S_OK if successful. Otherwise, returns a more specific HRESULT error.
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::CreateTroubleTicketInterface [in] boolean  newVal  ) 
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::CreateTroubleTicketInterface [out, retval] boolean *  pVal  ) 
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::DoNotification [in] boolean  newVal  ) 
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::DoNotification [out, retval] boolean *  pVal  ) 
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::GenerateNewId  ) 

Generates a new message ID, and assigns it to the Id field.

S_OK if successful. Otherwise, returns a more specific HRESULT error. If the client calling this method has connected in read-only mode (OVOW_MSI_CLIENT_READ), E_ACCESSDENIED is returned.
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::GenNodeName [in] BSTR  newVal  ) 
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::GenNodeName [out, retval] BSTR *  pVal  ) 
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::get_AutomaticAction [out] int *  pState,
[out] BSTR *  pNodeName,
[out] BSTR *  pCall,
[out] boolean *  pDoAcknowledge,
[out] boolean *  pCreateAnnotation
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::get_CMAs [out] int *  s,
[out, size_is(,*s)] CMA **  pVal
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::get_Instruction [out] BSTR *  pId,
[out] int *  pType,
[out] BSTR *  pParameters
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::get_MsgKeyRelation [out] BSTR *  pPattern,
[out] boolean *  piCase,
[out] BSTR *  pSeparators
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::get_OperatorAction [out] int *  pState,
[out] BSTR *  pNodeName,
[out] BSTR *  pCall,
[out] boolean *  pDoAcknowledge,
[out] boolean *  pCreateAnnotation
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::Id [out, retval] BSTR *  pVal  ) 
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::LogOnly [in] boolean  newVal  ) 
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::LogOnly [out, retval] boolean *  pVal  ) 
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::MessageGroup [in] BSTR  newVal  ) 
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::MessageGroup [out, retval] BSTR *  pVal  ) 
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::MessageKey [in] BSTR  newVal  ) 
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::MessageKey [out, retval] BSTR *  pVal  ) 
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::MsiOutputMode [in] int  newVal  ) 
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::MsiOutputMode [out, retval] int *  pVal  ) 
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::NodeName [in] BSTR  newVal  ) 
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::NodeName [out, retval] BSTR *  pVal  ) 
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::Object [in] BSTR  newVal  ) 
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::Object [out, retval] BSTR *  pVal  ) 
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::OriginalId [in] BSTR  newVal  ) 
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::OriginalId [out, retval] BSTR *  pVal  ) 
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::OriginalText [in] BSTR  newVal  ) 
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::OriginalText [out, retval] BSTR *  pVal  ) 
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::put_AutomaticAction [in] int  state,
[in] BSTR  nodeName,
[in] BSTR  call,
[in] boolean  doAcknowledge,
[in] boolean  createAnnotation
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::put_CMAs [in] int  s,
[in, size_is(s)] CMA newVal
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::put_Instruction [in] BSTR  wszId,
[in] int  type,
[in] BSTR  parameters
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::put_MsgKeyRelation [in] BSTR  pPattern,
[in] boolean  piCase,
[in] BSTR  pSeparators
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::put_OperatorAction [in] int  state,
[in] BSTR  nodeName,
[in] BSTR  call,
[in] boolean  doAcknowledge,
[in] boolean  createAnnotation
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::ServiceId [in] BSTR  newVal  ) 
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::ServiceId [out, retval] BSTR *  pVal  ) 
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::setCMA [in] CMA  cma  ) 

Adds the specified CMA to the already existing CMAs in this message.

If a CMA with the given name exists, it is overwritten by the new value.

S_OK if successful. Otherwise, returns a more specific HRESULT error. If the client calling this method has connected in read-only mode (OVOW_MSI_CLIENT_READ), E_ACCESSDENIED is returned.
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::Severity [in] int  newVal  ) 
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::Severity [out, retval] int *  pVal  ) 
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::Source [in] BSTR  newVal  ) 
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::Source [out, retval] BSTR *  pVal  ) 
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::SourceType [in] int  newVal  ) 
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::SourceType [out, retval] int *  pVal  ) 
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::State [in] int  newVal  ) 
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::State [out, retval] int *  pVal  ) 
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::Text [in] BSTR  newVal  ) 
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::Text [out, retval] BSTR *  pVal  ) 
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::TimeCreated [in] long  newVal  ) 
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::TimeCreated [out, retval] long *  pVal  ) 
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::TimeFirstReceived [in] long  newVal  ) 
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::TimeFirstReceived [out, retval] long *  pVal  ) 
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::TimeReceived [in] long  newVal  ) 
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::TimeReceived [out, retval] long *  pVal  ) 
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::Type [in] BSTR  newVal  ) 
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::Type [out, retval] BSTR *  pVal  ) 
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::Unmatched [in] boolean  newVal  ) 
HRESULT IOvOWServerMessage::Unmatched [out, retval] boolean *  pVal  ) 

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: