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The following messages are used with Extended TAPI. Upon receiving a line message from the telephony service provider, your application should check the message parameters. Check dwParam1to determine the type of message being received. Then check dwParam2and dwParam3to determine the specific details for that message type.

Message Description


Sent to the application every time the current line changes.


Sent to the application every time the current system changes.


Sent to the application every time the equipment state changes.


Sent to the application every time the General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) class changes. Not implemented for CDMA.


Sent to the application every time the registration state changes. Not implemented for CDMA.


Sent to the application every time the radio is inserted or removed.


Sent to the application every time the registration state changes.


Sent to the application every time the application receives a notification response to an Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD) command. Not implemented for CDMA.

See Also

Other Resources

Extended TAPI