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This language reference section contains descriptions of RIL Notifications. For more information, see the individual RIL Notification topics listed in following table.

Programming Element Description

Notification Call Control Constants

Call control notifications (RIL_NCLASS_CALLCTRL).

Notification Class Constants

Lists and describes the notification classes.

Notification Messaging Constants

Messaging notifications (RIL_NCLASS_MESSAGE).

Notification Miscellaneous Constants

Miscellaneous notifications (RIL_NCLASS_MISC).

Notification Network Constants

Network-related notifications (RIL_NCLASS_NETWORK).

Notification Phonebook Constants

Phonebook notifications (RIL_NCLASS_PHONEBOOK).

Notification Radio State Change Constants

Radio state change notifications (RIL_NCLASS_RADIOSTATE).

Notification Supplementary Service Constants

Supplementary service notifications (RIL_NCLASS_SUPSERVICE).

Notification Toolkit Constants

SIM Toolkit notifications (RIL_NCLASS_SIMTOOLKIT).

Notification VGC and VBC Constant

VGC and/or VBC related notifications (RIL_NCLASS_VGCVBC)

See Also


RIL Reference