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Microsoft Windows CE 3.0  


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Defines a clip.



Value indicating whether the user can skip forward past the clip. Possible values include the following.
YES User can skip forward past the clip.
NO User cannot skip forward past the clip.

The default value is YES.

Value indicating whether the Microsoft Windows Media Player control should skip this clip when the ENTRYelement is included in a second Advanced Stream Redirector (ASX) file through the use of an ENTRYREFelement. Possible values include the following.
YES The WMP control will ignore this entry, if referenced through an ENTRYREFelement.
NO The WMP control will not ignore this entry.

The default value is NO. See Remarks for more information.

Parent/Child Information


This element is the fundamental construct in an ASX file. The ENTRY element and its associated attributes define meta-information for a single, logical piece of content, called a clip. Child elements within the scope of an ENTRY element define media content for the WMP control to open ( REF), information about the clip that the WMP control will display as text ( AUTHOR, COPYRIGHT, TITLE), and other settings related to the clip.

If the value of the CLIENTSKIP attribute is NO, the user cannot skip forward past the piece of content defined by the ENTRY element.

The SKIPIFREF attribute pertains only to ENTRY elements that are included in a second ASX file through the use of an ENTRYREFelement. The ENTRYREF element references another ASX file for logical inclusion in the current file. If the value of the SKIPIFREF attribute for an ENTRY element from the referenced ASX file is YES, the WMP control ignores this pulled-in entry, and moves on to the next ENTRY element, if any. The next ENTRY element can be the next entry in the original file, or the next entry in the ASX file referenced in the ENTRYREF element.


<ASX VERSION="3.0"> <TITLE>Example
Windows Media Player Show</TITLE> <ENTRY>
<TITLE>Example Clip</TITLE> <REF
HREF="http://example.microsoft.com/media.asf" /> </ENTRY>
<ENTRY> <TITLE>Another Clip</TITLE> <REF
HREF="http://example.microsoft.com/more_media.asf" />