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Microsoft Windows CE 3.0  


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Defines a custom parameter associated with a clip or show.

NAME="parameter name" 
VALUE="parameter value" />


Name used to access the parameter value. The name can be any valid string.
Value associated with this parameter. It can be either a numeric or string value.

Child/Parent Information

Parent elements ASX, ENTRY
Child elements None


This element allows users to place additional information about each clip inside the ENTRY element that contains it. The GetMediaParametermethod retrieves the value of the VALUE attribute, given the name of the parameter and an index number for the entry.

A parameter can also be associated with the show rather than an individual clip, by placing this element directly after the ASX tag. These items are referenced by their names and an index value of zero.


<ASX VERSION="3.0"> <TITLE>Example
Media Player Show</TITLE> <PARAM NAME="Director"
VALUE="Jane D." /> <ENTRY> <TITLE>Example
HREF="http://samples.microsoft.com/media.asf" /> <PARAM
NAME="Location" VALUE="North America" /> <PARAM NAME="Release
Date" VALUE="March 1998" /> </ENTRY> <ENTRY>
<TITLE>Another Clip</TITLE> <REF
HREF="http://samples.microsoft.com/more_media.asf" /> <PARAM
NAME="Location" VALUE="Japan"> <PARAM NAME="Release Date"
VALUE="December 1996" /> </ENTRY> </ASX>