Microsoft Windows CE 3.0  

Write a Transform Filter in C/C++

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A transform filter takes media input and alters it in some way. When you design a transform filter, your filter class derives from one of the transform base classes, CTransformFilter, CTransInPlaceFilter, or CVideoTransformFilter, or from the more generic CBaseFilterclass. Which base class you choose depends on whether your filter must copy media samples or can transform them in place. See Determine Which Base Classes to Usefor more information.

The filter graph manager can use the functions of the base classes your filter derives from to fit your filter into the filter graph and automatically create the connections between your filters. The filter mapper uses your filter's registry information to configure the filter graph.

For the simplest transform filter (for example, one that has only one input pin and one output pin), you can derive your filter class from CTransformFilterand override only the Transformand CheckInputTypefunctions. If you need custom features, you can override additional functions to create your own connections, pins, and other filter features and capabilities. See Override the Base Class Member Functionsfor more information. You can also derive your filter class from CBaseFilterand override its methods.

This section discusses how to: