Microsoft Windows CE 3.0  

CVideoTransformFilter Class

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The CVideoTransformFilterclass is designed primarily as a base class for AVI decompressor filters. It is based on a "copying" transform class and assumes that the output buffer will likely be a video buffer or Microsoft DirectDraw buffer, although this could be used as a base class for other types of transform filters. The main feature of this class is that it enables quality-control management in a transform filter. This means that it decides to drop frames based on receiving a quality notification from the renderer, and taking into account other factors about the media stream it is processing and the filter's own behavior.

Every time the CVideoTransformFilter::Receivemember function is called, it calls CVideoTransformFilter::ShouldSkipFrameto determine whether to start, continue, or stop skipping frames. This member function starts skipping samples only if all the following conditions are true.