

rdist - remote file distribution client program


rdist [-DFn] [-A num] [-a num] [-d var=value]
	[-l local_logopts] [-L remote_logopts] [-f distfile]
	[-M maxproc] [-m host] [-o distopts] [-t timeout]
	[-p rdistd-path] [-P rsh-path] [name ...]

rdist [-DFn] [-c name ...[user@]host[:dest]
rdist -V


The rdist(1) utility is a program you can use to maintain identical copies of files over multiple hosts. It preserves the owner, group, mode, and mtime of files if possible, and can update programs that are executing. The rdist(1) utility reads commands from distfile to direct the updating of files and/or directories. If distfile is '-', the standard input is used. If no -f option is present, the program looks first for 'distfile', then 'Distfile' to use as the input. If no names are specified on the command line, rdist(1) will update all of the files and directories listed in distfile. Otherwise, the argument is taken to be the name of a file to be updated or the label of a command to execute. If label and file names conflict, it is assumed to be a label. These can be used together to update specific files using specific commands.

The -c option forces rdist(1) to interpret the remaining arguments as a small distfile. The equivalent distfile is as follows.

( name ... ) -> [user@]host
	 install   [dest] ;

The rdist(1) utility uses the rcmd(3) function call or the rsh(1) to access each target host.

With the rcmd(3) method, rdist(1) makes the connection to the target host itself and runs the rdistd(1) server program as described in this topic.

On each target host, rdist(1) will attempt to run the command

rdistd -S
"rdistd_path" -S
if the -p option was specified. If no -p option is included, or the rdistd_path is a simple file name, rdistd(1) or rdistd_path must be somewhere in the PATH of the user running rdist(1) on the remote (target) host.


-A num
Set the minimum number of free files (inodes) on a file system that must exist for rdist(1) to update or install a file.
-a num
Set the minimum amount of free space (in bytes) on a file system that must exist for rdist(1) to update or install a file.
Enable copious debugging messages.
-d var=value
Define var to have value. This option defines or overrides variable definitions in the distfile. Value can be the empty string, one name, or a list of names surrounded by parentheses and separated by tabs, spaces, or both.
Do not fork any child rdist(1) processes. All clients are updated sequentially.
-f distfile
Set the name of the distfile to use to be distfile. If distfile is specified as "-" (dash), read from standard input (stdin).
-l logopts
Set local logging options. See the section MESSAGE LOGGING for details on the syntax for logopts.
-L logopts
Set remote logging options. Logopts is the same as for local logging, except the values are passed to the remote server (rdistd(1)). See the section MESSAGE LOGGING for details on the syntax for logopts.
-M num
Set the maximum number of simultaneously running child rdist(1) processes to num. The default is 4.
-m machine
Limit the computers that are to be updated. Multiple -m arguments can be given to limit updates to a subset of the hosts listed in the distfile.
Print the commands without executing them. This option is useful for debugging distfile.
Specify the dist options to enable. Distopts is a comma-separated list of options that are listed below. The valid values for distopts are:
Verify that the files are up to date on all the hosts. Any files that are out of date will be displayed but no files will be changed and no mail will be sent.
Whole mode. The whole file name is appended to the destination directory name. This will preserve the directory structure of the files being copied instead of flattening the directory structure. For example, running rdist(1) for a list of files, such as /dev/fs/C/path/dir1/f1 and /dev/fs/C/path/dir2/f2 to /dev/fs/C/tmp/dir, would create files /dev/fs/C/tmp/dir/path/dir1/f1 and /dev/fs/C/tmp/dir/path/dir2/f2 instead of /dev/fs/C/tmp/dir/dir1/f1 and /dev/fs/C/tmp/dir/dir2/f2. (Usually, only the last component of a name is used when renaming files.)
Automatically exclude executable files that are in a.out format from being checked or updated. Currently not supported on Interix.
Younger mode. Files are normally updated if their mtime and size (see stat(3)) disagree. This option causes rdist(1) not to update files that are younger than the master copy. This can be used to prevent newer copies on other hosts from being replaced. A warning message is printed for files that are newer than the master copy.
Binary comparison. Perform a binary comparison and update files if they differ rather than comparing dates and sizes.
Follow symbolic links. Copy the file that the link points to rather than the link itself. Not supported on Interix because symbolic links are not supported.
Ignore unresolved links. The rdist(1) utility will usually try to maintain the link structure of files being transferred and warn the user if all the links cannot be found.
Do not check or update files on target host that reside on NFS file systems.
Enable check on target host to see if a file resides on a read-only file system. If a file does, then no checking or updating of the file is attempted.
If the target on the remote host is a symbolic link, but is not on the master host, the remote target will be left a symbolic link. This behavior is generally considered a bug in the original version of rdist,(1) but is present to allow compatibility with older versions.
Quiet mode. Files that are being modified are normally printed on standard output. This option suppresses this.
Remove extraneous files. If a directory is being updated, any files that exist on the remote host that do not exist in the master directory are removed. This is useful for maintaining truly identical copies of directories.
Do not check user ownership of files that already exist. The file ownership is only set when the file is updated.
Do not check group ownership of files that already exist. The file ownership is only set when the file is updated.
Do not check file and directory permission modes. The permission mode is only set when the file is updated.
Do not descend into a directory. Normally, rdist(1) will recursively check directories. If this option is enabled, any files listed in the file list in the distfile that are directories are not recursively scanned. Only the existence, ownership, and mode of the directory are checked.
Use the numeric group identifier (GID) to check group ownership instead of the group name. This is useful on Interix when group names might contain white space. This is the recommended default usage. The Interix group ID is essentially the Windows security ID (SID); for groups other than the built-ins, it is unique.
Use the numeric user ID (UID) to check user ownership instead of the user name.
Save files that are updated instead of removing them. Any target file that is updates is first rename from file to file.OLD.
Enable checking for sparse (also known as wholely) files. Some of the most common types of sparse files are those produced by ndbm(). This option adds some additional processing overhead, so it should only be enabled for targets likely to contain sparse files.
-p rdistd-path
Set the path where the rdistd server is searched for on the target host.
-P rsh-path
Set the path to the rsh(1) command. The rsh-path can be a colon-separated list of possible path names. In this case, the first component of the path to exist is used, as in the following example:
-t timeout
Set the time-out period (in seconds) for waiting for responses from the remote rdist(1) server. The default is 900 seconds.
Print version information and exit.


The rdist(1) utility uses a collection of predefined message facilities that each contain a list of message types specifying which types of messages to send to that facility. The local client (rdist(1)) and the remote server (rdistd(1)) each maintain their own copy of which types of messages to log to which facilities.

The -l logopts option to rdist(1) tells rdist(1) which logging options to use locally. The -L logopts option to rdist(1) tells rdist(1) which logging options to pass to the remote rdistd(1) server.

The form of logopts should be of form


The valid facility names are as follows:

Log to a file. To specify the file name, use the format:
For example:
Use the internal rdist(1) notify facility. This facility is used in conjunction with the notify keyword in a distfile to specify which messages are mailed to the notify address.
Messages to standard output.
Use the syslogd(1) facility.

Types should be a comma-separated list of message types. Each message type specified enables that message level. This is unlike the syslog(3) system facility, which uses an ascending order scheme. The following are the valid types:

Things that change. This includes files that are installed or updated in some way.
General information.
General information about things that change. This includes things like making directories that are needed in order to install a specific target, but which are not explicitly specified in the distfile.
Normal errors that are not fatal.
Fatal errors
Warnings about errors that are not as serious as nerror type messages.
Debugging information.
All but debug messages.

The following is a sample command-line option:

-l stdout=all:syslog=change,notice:file=/tmp/rdist.log=all
This entry will set local message logging to have all but debug messages sent to standard output, change and notice messages will be sent to syslog(3), and all messages will be written to the file /tmp/rdist.log.


The distfile contains a sequence of entries that specify the files to be copied, the destination hosts, and which operations to perform to do the updating. Each entry has one of the following formats.

variable_name = name_list
[ label: ] source_list -> destination_list command_list
[ label: ] source_list :: time_stamp_file command_list

The first format is used for defining variables.

The second format is used for distributing files to other hosts.

The third format is used for making lists of files that have been changed since some given date.

Newlines, tabs, and blanks are only used as separators and are otherwise ignored. Comments begin with # and end with a newline.

Variables to be expanded begin with $ followed by one character or a name enclosed in {} (see the examples at the end).

The source and destination lists have the following format:

( zero or more names separated by white space )

These simple lists can be modified by using one level of set addition, subtraction, or intersection, as in the following example:

list '-' list
list '+' list
list '&' list

If additional modifications are needed (for example, "all servers and client computers except for the OSF/1 computers"), the list must be explicitly constructed in steps using "temporary" variables.

The shell meta-characters '[', ']', '{', '}', '*', and '?' are recognized and expanded (on the local host only) in the same way as csh(1). They can be escaped with a '\'. The '~' character is also expanded in the same way as csh(1), but it is expanded separately on the local and destination hosts. When the -owhole option is used with a file name that begins with '~', everything except the home directory is appended to the destination name. File names that do not begin with '/' or '~' use the destination user's home directory as the root directory for the rest of the file name.

The command list consists of zero or more commands of the following format.

The install command is used to copy out of date files, directories, or both. Each source file is copied to each host in the destination list. Directories are recursively copied in the same way. The opt_dest_name parameter is an optional parameter to rename files. If no install command appears in the command list, or the destination name is not specified, the source file name is used. Directories in the path name will be created if they do not exist on the remote host. The -o distopts option (previously specified under OPTIONS) has the same semantics as on the command line, except that they only apply to the files in the source list. The user name used on the destination host is the same as the local host unless the destination name is of the format "user@host".

The notify command is used to mail the list of files updated (and any errors that might have occurred) to the listed names. If no '@' appears in the name, the destination host is appended to the name (for example, name1@host, name2@host, and so on). This command is not currently supported by Interix.

The except command is used to update all of the files in the source list except files listed in name_list. This is usually used to copy everything in a directory except certain files.

The except_pat command is like the except command, except that pattern_list is a list of regular expressions (see regex(1) for details). If one of the patterns matches some string within a file name, that file will be ignored. Because '\' is a quote character, it must be doubled to become part of the regular expression. Variables are expanded in pattern_list, but not shell file pattern matching characters. To include a '$', it must be escaped with '\'.

The special command is used to specify sh(1) commands that are to be executed on the remote host after the file in name_list is updated or installed. If the name_list is omitted, the shell commands will be executed for every file updated or installed. String starts and ends with '"' and can cross multiple lines in distfile. Multiple commands to the shell should be separated by ';'. Commands are executed in the user's home directory on the host being updated. The special command can be used to rebuild private databases and such after a program has been updated. The following environment variables are set for each special command:

The full path name of the local file that was just updated.
The full path name of the remote file that was just updated.
The base name of the remote file that was just updated.

The cmdspecial command is similar to the special command, except that it is executed only when the entire command is completed instead of after each file is updated. The list of files is placed in the environment variable FILES. Each file name in FILES is separated by a ':' (colon).

If a host name ends in a plus sign (+), the '+' is stripped off and NFS checks are disabled. This is equivalent to disabling the -o chknfs option just for this one host.

The following is a small example.

HOSTS = ( matisse root@arpa)

FILES = ( /bin /lib /usr/bin /usr/games /usr/include/{*.h,{stand,sys,vax*,pascal,machine}/*.h} /usr/lib /usr/man/man? /usr/ucb /usr/local/rdist )
EXLIB = ( Mail.rc aliases aliases.dir aliases.pag crontab dshrc sendmail.cf sendmail.fc sendmail.hf sendmail.st uucp vfont )
${FILES} -> ${HOSTS} install -oremove,chknfs,numchkgroup ; except /usr/lib/${EXLIB} ; except /usr/games/lib ; special /usr/lib/sendmail "/usr/lib/sendmail -bz" ;
srcs: /usr/src/bin -> arpa install -onumchkgroup ; except_pat ( \\.o\$ /SCCS\$ ) ;
IMAGEN = (ips dviimp catdvi)
imagen: /usr/local/${IMAGEN} -> arpa install -onumchkgroup /usr/local/lib ; notify ralph ;
${FILES} :: stamp.cory install -onumchkgroup ; notify Administrator ;


The rdist(1) utility makes use of the following environment variables, if set:

Name of temporary directory to use. Default is /tmp.
Name of the default remote shell program to use. Default is /bin/rsh.


Input command file
Temporary file for update lists


If the base name of a file (the last component in the path name) is ".", rdist assumes the remote (destination) name is a directory. Thus, /tmp/. means that /tmp should be a directory on the remote host.

The following options are still recognized for backwards compatibility:

-v -N -O -q -b -r -R -s -w -y -h -i -x


Source files must reside on the local host where rdist(1) is executed.

Group names with spaces in them will cause rdist(1) to fail. The rdist(1) protocol cannot handle spaces in group names. When the source of the file is on Interix, always use the option numchkgroup.

Variable expansion only works for name lists; there should be a general macro facility.

The rdist(1) utility aborts on files that have a negative mtime (before Jan 1, 1970).

If a hard-linked file is listed more than once in the same target, rdist(1) will report missing links. Only one instance of a link should be listed in each target.





