When you are creating a scheduled collection, you select the computer where you want to deploy the RDC. The RDC is then automatically copied to that selected computer. By default, there is an RDC on the computer where Quest Reporter is installed.
If you are deploying to a Windows 2000 computer and want to use Compressed Data mode, ensure MSMQ is installed on that computer prior to deployment.After an RDC is copied to a computer, you can select this RDC when setting up additional scheduled collections. The RDC can be shared by any administrators setting up a scheduled collection. There can be only one RDC on a computer.
1. Expand Reporting | Collections.
3. Click Next.Click Add to send the scheduled collection to another computer, then select an install location for the RDC.If there is an RDC installed on the computer, you cannot change the location. The installation directory box is only available if an RDC is not installed on the computer.
5. If you select Windows Authentication, the account provides the security credentials for collecting the data and storing the data to your database. The user name and password are entered in step 21.
6. Click Next.
The Compressed Data transport mode is not available when you deploy a scheduled collection to the computer that is hosting the Reporter console.
8. If you selected Compressed Data, enter the credentials that are required to run the services, and click Next.This account requires the right Log on as a service. This right is assigned automatically to the account if it is not already assigned.
The credentials you enter must have the appropriate permissions to run the services, and you must enter the credentials correctly. If they do not have the appropriate permissions or are incorrect, the service will not start and no data will be collected. For more information, refer to your Quest Reporter Installation and Deployment Guide.
10. Select one or more of the following sources to use as the basis for the scheduled collection:
Any global options that are applied to Configuration Baselining templates will also be applied to report templates. Therefore, scheduled collections should not contain both report templates and Configuration Baselining templates. It is recommended that you create a separate collection for Configuration Baselining.
11. Click Next and proceed as follows:
1. You can filter the available report templates based on report template type, or you can select the Browse by Report Category check box to list the report templates in the same hierarchy as that shown in the console treeview.
2. Select Use linked data from the database if you do not want to do a fresh collection on linked objects.There may be instances when a fresh linked collection is not necessary. For example, if you do a collection on groups and decide to also link in users, you may not need to collect linked users if you have just done a collection on all the Domain users.
3. Select Collect nested groups if you want to collect nested group membership when doing group collections.You can select a nesting level between 2-99. (By default, nesting is turned on and set to nest 10 levels deep.)Clearing this option disables the nesting levels and reports only the first-level groups.By default, members of the Domain Users group are not collected. You can configure an RDC so that it collects this information. Expand Reporting | Collections | Scheduled Collections, then right-click the desired computer and select Configuration. On the Reporter Collections tab, select Collect Members of Domain Users in Nested Group Collections. Configuration Baselining Templates
• Select one or more groupings of Configuration Baselining templates to collect from.When you select a grouping, all the templates within that grouping are automatically included.You can also select specific templates within a grouping. Clickin the Filter box and select from the list shown. The templates specific to that grouping will appear in the main pane. You can then select the individual templates you want from this list.
When you specify individual templates with a category, the check box for that category shows an X against a gray background.Note: For more information on selecting Configuration Baselining templates, refer to the Configuration Baselining User Guide. Configuration Baselining Categories When you select a category, all the templates in that category are automatically included.You can also select specific templates within a category. Clickin the Filter box and select one of the categories from the list. The templates specific to that category will appear in the main pane. You can then select the individual templates you want from this list.
When you specify individual templates with a category, the check box for that category shows an X against a gray background.Note: For more information on Configuration Baselining categories, refer to the Configuration Baselining User Guide.
12. Click Next.
13. Click Add to open the Object Picker dialog box.
14. Select the objects and object sets on which the scheduled collection will run and drag them to the lower pane.
15. If you have included container objects and want to change the default options, select each container object and click Options to set local options for that container object.
16. If you want to change the default local options for any container objects you have included, select the container and click Options.
18. If you have included any offline object sets and want to ensure they are current, right-click each one and select Synchronize while reporting.
This will configure the offline object set to be synchronized each time a scheduled collection occurs. Offline object sets should be synchronized with the environment to ensure the contents are accurate.
19. Click OK to return to the Scheduled Collection Wizard.
20. Click Next.
If you are creating a Novell collection, you will be prompted to select an NDS tree and to enter your NDS credentials. For more information, refer to your Quest Reporter for Novell User Guide.The credentials provided here are used to run the scheduled collection. This account is also used if you selected Windows authentication for the database connections in step 5.For more information, refer to your Quest Reporter Installation and Deployment Guide.
22. Set the scheduling information on when you want the collection to run, then click Next.
23. Select the Send confirmation email after scheduled collection completes check box, then enter email addresses.You can also enter subject and body information in the email. The email addresses receive a confirmation message each time a scheduled collection is completed.You must configure SMTP settings before you can set the email address here. For more information, see Setting up a Server for Email Notifications.
24. Click Next.
25. Review the settings, then click Finish.The scheduled collection is created and will run on the selected computer at scheduled time.