The LogRecordSet object is returned by the Execute method of the LogQuery object, and it exposes
methods that can be used to navigate through the output records of
a query.
The LogRecordSet object is an enumerator of LogRecord objects.
The interface name of the .NET COM wrapper for this object is "Interop.MSUtil.ILogRecordset".
atEnd Returns a Boolean value indicating if the enumerator is at the end of the collection. close Releases the enumeration and all the associated resources. getColumnCount Returns the number of fields in the query output records. getColumnName Returns the name of a field in the query output records. getColumnType Returns the data type of a field in the query output records. getRecord Returns the current LogRecord object in the enumeration. moveNext Advances the enumerator to the next LogRecord in the enumeration.
errorMessages Returns a collection of the error, parse error, and warning messages that occurred during the last invocation of the moveNext method. inputUnitsProcessed Returns the total number of input records processed during the execution of a query. lastError Returns -1 if errors, parse errors, or warnings occurred during the last invocation of the moveNext method; 0 otherwise. INTEGER_TYPE Returns the value of the constant representing the INTEGER data type. NULL_TYPE Returns the value of the constant representing the NULL data type. REAL_TYPE Returns the value of the constant representing the REAL data type. STRING_TYPE Returns the value of the constant representing the STRING data type. TIMESTAMP_TYPE Returns the value of the constant representing the TIMESTAMP data type.
JScript example:
var oLogQuery = new ActiveXObject("MSUtil.LogQuery"); var oLogRecordSet = oLogQuery.Execute( "SELECT * FROM System" );VBScript example:
Dim oLogQuery Dim oLogRecordSet Set oLogQuery = CreateObject("MSUtil.LogQuery") Set oLogRecordSet = oLogQuery.Execute( "SELECT * FROM System" )
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