The LogRecord object represents a single query output
record, and it exposes methods that can be used to retrieve
individual field values from the output record.
The LogRecord object is returned by the getRecord method of the
LogRecordSet object.
The interface name of the .NET COM wrapper for this object is "Interop.MSUtil.ILogRecord".
getValue Returns the value of a field in the output record. getValueEx Returns the value of a field in the output record. isNull Returns a Boolean value indicating if an output record field is NULL. toNativeString Returns a field or the whole output record as a string value.
JScript example:
var oLogQuery = new ActiveXObject("MSUtil.LogQuery"); // Create Input Format object var oIISW3CInputFormat = new ActiveXObject("MSUtil.LogQuery.IISW3CInputFormat"); // Create query text var strQuery = "SELECT c-ip FROM <1> WHERE cs-uri-stem LIKE '%hitcount.asp'"; // Execute query and receive a LogRecordSet var oRecordSet = oLogQuery.Execute( strQuery, oIISW3CInputFormat ); // Visit all records while( !oRecordSet.atEnd() ) { // Get a record var oRecord = oRecordSet.getRecord(); // Get first field value var strClientIp = oRecord.getValue( 0 ); // Print field value WScript.Echo( "Client IP Address: " + strClientIp ); // Advance LogRecordSet to next record oRecordSet.moveNext(); } // Close LogRecordSet oRecordSet.close();VBScript example:
Dim oLogQuery Dim oIISW3CInputFormat Dim strQuery Dim oRecordSet Dim oRecord Dim strClientIp Set oLogQuery = CreateObject("MSUtil.LogQuery") ' Create Input Format object Set oIISW3CInputFormat = CreateObject("MSUtil.LogQuery.IISW3CInputFormat") ' Create query text strQuery = "SELECT c-ip FROM <1> WHERE cs-uri-stem LIKE '%hitcount.asp'" ' Execute query and receive a LogRecordSet Set oRecordSet = oLogQuery.Execute ( strQuery, oIISW3CInputFormat ) ' Visit all records DO WHILE NOT oRecordSet.atEnd ' Get a record Set oRecord = oRecordSet.getRecord ' Get first field value strClientIp = oRecord.getValue ( 0 ) ' Print field value WScript.Echo "Client IP Address: " & strClientIp ' Advance LogRecordSet to next record oRecordSet.moveNext LOOP ' Close RecordSet oRecordSet.close
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