Execute Method

Executes a query and returns a LogRecordSet object that can be used to navigate through the query output records.

Script Syntax

objRecordSet = objLogQuery.Execute(strQuery [, objInputFormat ]);


A string containing the text of the SQL-Like query to be executed.
Either an Input Format object or a Custom Input Format Plugin object.
If this parameter is not specified, or is null, Log Parser will attempt to select automatically an input format upon inspection of the <from-entity> in the FROM clause of the specified query.

Return Value

A LogRecordSet object, which can be used to navigate through the query output records.



JScript example:

var oLogQuery = new ActiveXObject("MSUtil.LogQuery");

// Create Input Format object
var oIISW3CInputFormat = new ActiveXObject("MSUtil.LogQuery.IISW3CInputFormat");

// Create query text
var strQuery = "SELECT c-ip FROM <1> WHERE cs-uri-stem LIKE '%hitcount.asp'";

// Execute query and receive a LogRecordSet
var oRecordSet = oLogQuery.Execute( strQuery, oIISW3CInputFormat );

// Visit all records
while( !oRecordSet.atEnd() )
		// Get a record
		var oRecord = oRecordSet.getRecord();

		// Get first field value
		var strClientIp = oRecord.getValue( 0 );

		// Print field value
		WScript.Echo( "Client IP Address: " + strClientIp );

		// Advance LogRecordSet to next record

// Close LogRecordSet

VBScript example:

Dim oLogQuery
Dim oIISW3CInputFormat
Dim strQuery
Dim oRecordSet
Dim oRecord
Dim strClientIp

Set oLogQuery = CreateObject("MSUtil.LogQuery")

' Create Input Format object
Set oIISW3CInputFormat = CreateObject("MSUtil.LogQuery.IISW3CInputFormat")

' Create query text
strQuery = "SELECT c-ip FROM <1> WHERE cs-uri-stem LIKE '%hitcount.asp'"

' Execute query and receive a LogRecordSet
Set oRecordSet = oLogQuery.Execute ( strQuery, oIISW3CInputFormat )

' Visit all records
DO WHILE NOT oRecordSet.atEnd

		' Get a record
		Set oRecord = oRecordSet.getRecord

		' Get first field value
		strClientIp = oRecord.getValue ( 0 )

		' Print field value
		WScript.Echo "Client IP Address: " & strClientIp

		' Advance LogRecordSet to next record


' Close RecordSet

See also:

LogQuery Object
ExecuteBatch Method
LogRecordSet Object
Input Format Objects
Log Parser COM API Overview
C# Example

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