inputUnitsProcessed Property

Returns the total number of input records processed by a query executed with the ExecuteBatch method.

Read-only property.

Script Syntax

value = objLogQuery.inputUnitsProcessed;

Return Value

An integer value containing the total number of input records processed by the last query executed with the ExecuteBatch method.



JScript example:

var oLogQuery = new ActiveXObject("MSUtil.LogQuery");

// Create query text
var strQuery = "SELECT TimeGenerated, EventID INTO C:\\output.csv FROM System";
strQuery +=	" WHERE SourceName = 'Application Popup'";

// Execute query
oLogQuery.ExecuteBatch( strQuery );

// Display total number of input records processed
WScript.Echo( "Input Records Processed: " + oLogQuery.inputUnitsProcessed );

VBScript example:

Dim oLogQuery
Dim strQuery

Set oLogQuery = CreateObject("MSUtil.LogQuery")

' Create query text
strQuery = "SELECT TimeGenerated, EventID INTO C:\output.csv FROM System"
strQuery = strQuery & " WHERE SourceName = 'Application Popup'"

' Execute query
oLogQuery.ExecuteBatch strQuery

' Display total number of input records processed
WScript.Echo "Input Records Processed: " & oLogQuery.inputUnitsProcessed

See also:

LogQuery Object
ExecuteBatch Method
outputUnitsProcessed Property
Log Parser COM API Overview
C# Example

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